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Chapter 19: Small Plans Part 2 Alchemy Association

Elsewhere that Day-


The Alchemy president Gu Yan was currently walking with Ye Hong. Overall, he was not someone truly important to the Snow Windy Families' early movements but that was starting to change.

The Snow Wind Family was not above using their power to get what they needed. Using some pull and scheming to get a meeting with a few people in the inner group for business was a must. Ye Hong had some of the pills that Shen Yue refined for them. As well as the letters from the mystery person Liang Yu.

'I hope they are right with this gamble.' Ye Hong unlike the older generation was aware of a lot changing in the city. The elders so intent on worrying about the going on of the upper management in clans and shops, they failed to notice what the children were doing. Unknown to them, the young man had another letter from Liang Yu. 'Ye Han is a threat to the safety of Glory City if not handled carefully. I did not think the training he received and his desire to be important would twist his mind like this. But the symptoms are there once it was pointed out. But they won't believe me just yet. Need more standing.'

Gu Yan was suprised in the demeanor of Ye Hong, not once while they walked did he try to gain favors or try to impress him. He was, after all, one of the best Alchemists in the city. People made appointments just to talk with him in the future.

The old man would have lost it if he knew the young man with him today knew more about the person they were looking for.

As the two made it to the room, Gu Yan hoped things would not be to difficult. But the person they came to talk to was quite a handful. For good reason anyway.

"Hmm?" A young woman looked over papers grading the few tests of a few Alchemists. Despite all she achieved, she was quite lonely. It grew more and more as time passed without much to strive for. Her eyes looked over to a letter on the desk that she did not read or touch yet. After all, it came in out of the blue. "Haaa, the Alchemist Association is getting worse by the day."

This woman was Yang Xin. In the prime of a regular life and a-ok Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist, one would think she was really happy with life. With all she has to do to help keep the Alchemy Association thriving as its Director, especially with the backslash she receives at times, her social life suffered a lot.

*Knock knock!* Gu Yan knocked gently. Happy for the distraction, Yang Xin beckoned them in.

"Greetings Director," Gu Yan gave a polite greeting as Ye Hong gave a salute of respect. ".. this young man of the Snow Wind Family has something urgent to talk with you about. It will do well for you to hear it."

"What could he possibly have?" Yang Xin leaned back slightly in her chair. Her eyes locked on Ye Hong. To his credit, he did not flinch at all. "Time is short."

"Right." Ye Hong passed over the bottle and spotted the letter on her desk. He was not subtle enough for her not to notice the look before looking away. 'She received a letter from him as well, but it does not look like she opened it. Should I be careful to not ruin the plan?'

"What a fragrant pill pottle?!" Yang Xin lost her decorum for a bit. She was no longer bored for one thing! Abruptly standing up caused the two others to move back. Gu Yan could smell the medicinal properties and felt his body change a little. "Who made this?!"

"A young Alchemist by the name Shen Yue of the Drak Moon Family." Ye Hong answered honestly. "An elder of my family wanted to test him and thought it best to get another set of eyes to check it all over. Not to mention another matter."

A small thin glass was sat on the desk. It was attached to the letter given to the Snow Wind Family the second time around. Instead of using it like instructed they wanted to see if anyone in the Alchemy Association came across it before.

"Hmm?" Yang Xin observed the thin glass to the light. "Where did this come from exactly?" She only received silence from her question. "Tch, keep a tight lip then. The pills were done by an Alchemist you said? Named who?"

"Shen Yue of the Dark Moon Family." Gu Yan answered this time. "He just took the Alchemy test not to long ago. As well as start his own Family a few days ago. Formerly part of the Sacred Family but left due to infighting."

"Sacred Family, humph!" The mere thought of them ticked her off. Remembering how she got into it with Shen Xiu overpricing, of some material ticked her off. Then a small idea came to mind. "This glass is not as violent as the glass Shen Xiu sold to us before."

Holding the thin glass and the more refined looking glass to the light, she tried to see anything the could be the same between them. But the thin glass was calm and seemed to move in a pattern. The other was violent and looked to be living lighting.

"Tch! They do not even feel the same!" Yang Xin hoped that was not the case. She looked to Gu Yan who took one of the pills out. Setting the thing glass and the other down on her desk, she picked the bottle up. Not paying attention to the movement of the thin glass. "Have you figured something out?"

"No, but only one thing else to check." Gu Yan was a little mischievous. He tossed the pill in his mouth and swallowed. Usually, a Senior Alchemist would hold it in their mouth to figure some things out, but the fragrance pull was to strong. "Oh my!"

Gu Yan sat and started to cultivate. The pill request made by the Snow Wind Family was that of healing. The problem was that it healed a little to well considering Shen Yue used his Flame Martial Arts and Star Martial Artists when he made the pills.

Slowly the old man's cultivation dropped but his body turned healthier and more robust. His organs infused with the energy started to heal from years of damage to him. The loss in Cultivation Rank was nothing compared to de-aging a good bit.

"No way!" Ye Hong's eyes almost bugged out of his head. He was not privy fully to what the pill was supposed to do but if the effect of one was anything to go by then it would be something that needed to the most strict guard. "Hmm?"

*Warble!* On the director's desk, the thin glass moved around. It moved to the letter almost as if it was magnetized. The letter started to shine with spirit energy. There was another thin glass piece that appeared from it.

"What is going on with this glass?" Yang Xin wanted to watch Gu Yan but the glass was too mysterious. The two pieces combined becoming much bigger and turning more potent in energy. Inside a runic pattern was visible. "Where did you get this?!"

"Well..." Ye Hong was worried more about what the Snow Wind elders would say about the pill effects and the glass disappearing than keeping his personal letter a secret for now. "... the answers will cost you. Not necessarily the Alchemist Association."

Her brow furrowed at that. The look was not lecherous but she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. Then there was the letter that had words lit up.


Back in the Library-


"Is that all?" Shen Yue arched a brow at him.

"No. I want you to join.." Lianjian wanted say become his follower but that was completed thrown out the door. Especially considering that Shen Yue was already an Alchemist and a touchy subject among the families due to his status. ".. the expedition I am planning."

"Sounds like fun." Shen Yue just needed an in to go along without an issue. Otherwise, he would have to snatch the map, tail them when they go, or by other means. All which he was ok with. 'So many treasures will be mine once I arrive. Best way to increase my strength even faster at that. Besides the treasures.. the buildings will be perfect to snatch up!'

"Good." Lianjian recovered enough to regain his full composure. He still needed to get others to join the expedition. Pulling a bag out, he smiled. "This is 6 stalks of 5-year-old Holy Dark Grass, which only my family has. You are an Alchemist... created something wonderful for me. Best way to stop any naysayers from when they find out."

"Sure, just try not to die when you come and pick up the product later." Shen Yue walked off to head back home. 'Hmm, this grass is pretty good. I should be able to find some different uses with it. Need to experiment more with this stuff anyway. I wonder if that blasted Flaming Snake has gotten bored in the forest yet?'

The Flaming Snake was not bored at all actually. It was able to find a few of it's kin and convinced them to follow it. Quite a few of the demon beasts were happy to escape from the larger and more powerful beasts that roamed the area lately.

The meet-up with Shen Yue would be eventful, to say the least.

Thanks to Astral Sense and the Connection he shared with the Flaming Snake, Shen Yue could tell a few creatures were with it. Nothing powerful but he was aware of them when checking over things.


Encounter in the Woods-


Shen Yue was out in the woods having searched the area and not finding much else. He placed a few runes below the surface while the Flaming Snakes cultivated nearby. It was the same s with Popeye, the Fire Bird in the last Dimension. It gathered its own followers to fall under it.

The best way to catch what people were up to was by monitoring them. The runes would record bits and pieces of those that passed within 30 feet of them. And the snakes would periodically give information as their mental faculties developed more. For now, only small bits were of any use.

*Thum!* The runes sent a small vibration in the area. Each one acting like a small relay carrying it on. All the way until it reached Shen Yue and was absorbed by the Metal Seed. The images were out of focus but that was to be expected due to the range.

The range would have been further but required him to dig up the soil and use carvings that were very noticeable to do so on the surface. This method allowed him to develop the Metal Seed faster for this bit of it anyway. Just in case he goes blind again or the area he was in disrupted the senses.

The spirit energy in the air was showing signs of recovering like before. It wouldn't be much longer at this rate that he can check for new plans to make use of. Or boost his cultivation.

*Woosh!* With a wave of his hand, the Flaming Snakes were placed into his Internal Space. A few animal carcasses inside for them to eat and cultivate in relative safety.

Heading back, he felt the presence of Xiao Ninger not to far away. She was actually heading towards him supringsly. His guard was not on high alert but it still should have been difficult for someone to detect him.

"Hello there." Shen Yue gave a simple greeting to her. "I see you have used what I gave you to a good extent. Are you still receiving treatment by chance from him?" The slight blush in her cheek gave the answer. But the look bordered on amorous. "You ok there?"

"I am fine, and yes I am still receiving treatment." Xiao Ninger shook her head to hide her shame. Her thoughts had kicked up a little with her actually thinking about her Nie Lie from the far future and what they did togethor. She played an embarrassed girl easily. It was quite scary. "Nie Lie should be here soon to help finish things up."

"I see. As long as Ye Ziyun does not hold him up to much." Shen Yue shrugged and waved goodbye. "Your health will be fine soon. Best of luck on your cultivation in the future."

"Wait!" Xiao Ninger shouted in a hurry. "Why not sit and talk until he arrives? I am sure we can find something to discuss." Something about Shen Yue compelled her to speak. 'He is different like myself and Nie Lie but their has to be a reason why this is the case? Right?' He gave a simple nod and turned back to her.

The two talked for a few minutes. Up until Nie Lie arrived that is.

Magmatide Magmatide

Status: Shen Yue Health 1200 Spirit Energy: 70,500

Power: 29 Defense: 23

Willpower: 30 Intellect: 30

Connection: 5


Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Gold Rank 2

Flame Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Star Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Dragon Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Metal Seed: 4th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

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