/ LGBT+ / Dazzle Me

Dazzle Me Original

Dazzle Me

LGBT+ 11 Chapters 2.6K Views
Author: Ofelia Gr?nd

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Tom and Santino’s anniversary is coming up, and Tom has a plan. He’s going to show Santino how much he means to him. The night will be magical.<br><br>Tom’s plan did not include a trip to Thailand. He doesn't do aeroplanes, doesn't do tropical climate, and he doesn’t do spas. Yet he finds himself without a stitch of clothing on a spa table, with a man he's never met before while Santino is away on a business meeting.<br><br>This was not how it was supposed to go. Tom will do his best to live through the day so they can celebrate their anniversary when they get back to the hotel, but If Santino wanted him smooth and sparkly, couldn’t he have told him instead of booking him an appointment?


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    Author Ofelia Gr?nd