/ Urban / Determination of the Unevolved

Determination of the Unevolved Original

Determination of the Unevolved

Urban 1 Chapters 170 Views
Author: Definition_2

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On 20## a German Scientist, Dr. Harber Wenzel created the first beast-human which was created by breeding a human to a genetically modified animal. The first beast-human was a mix of a ******* and a human. It had similar traits and looks to a ******* such as, longer arms and shorter legs and increased muscle strength. Dr. Harber Wenzel's invention shocked the world. These Beast-Humans were named, "Vheumans". Slowly through the year 20## to 2106 the number of Vheumans increased and the number of Humans slowly dropped drastically due to the different abilities the Vheumans had.

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Author Definition_2