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Chapter 10: Chapter 9

The atmosphere in the arena is tense, with the last battles being nothing but incredible, the examiners and past contestants are left to wonder what kind of battle will happen next. The two examinee's seem fairly confident, with Lorenzo almost looking bored.

" Mi amor, I'd rather not have to hit such a little lady as yourself, so why don't you just quit?" Lorenzo says to her

" Hmph, well if you think like that, then get prepared to lose to this 'little lady'" Amaya responds, and walks away, towards the other side of the arena

As Adir and Otto finish their conversation, Mr. Otto approaches the middle of the room, and everyone who was murmuring before became dead silent, almost as if they were instructed to do so. He clears his throat and begins to speak.

" Everyone! The final fight of the exam will now begin, with the last contestants Amaya and Lorenzo fighting in a one on one battle! The examinees may now enter the arena!" Otto announces

Amaya and Lorenzo approach and enter the arena, and get in their stances, and prepare to fight. Meanwhile, Alex leaves the hospital room and heads over to Adir. The two friends give each other a silent greeting and Adir starts to talk.

" I'm proud of you Alex, you not only passed the exam, but you also kept up with Harry, how did you even beat him?"

" That doesn't really matter, but you surpassed us all back there.. I don't know what Butch did, but he pushed you so far that you became stronger then before! We might actually get Nadia back if we keep this up!" Alex responds

Before Adir says anything more, Mr. Otto starts the countdown for the last fight.

" In three.. two.. One.. BEGIN!"

Amaya rushes at Lorenzo, at a speed faster than the examiners had seen previously, and she strikes at him, but he catches her arm.

" You're quite rapido, but not enough!"

When he says this, the hand that's holding her emanates fire and it burns her arm, with her barely able to pull away. The examiners are surprised, by both contestants, and come to the conclusion that Amaya is a basic speed enhancer, and that Lorenzo is a basic fire elementalist. Amaya's right arm seems to be unusable after that burn, but she rushes at him again.

" Really? The same tactics won't work on me!" Lorenzo says

They both charge at each other, but to everyone's surprise, she catches his left hand with the arm that he burned, but it has no burn marks on it. She takes this chance, and knocks him back, limiting his movement. Adir saw this and talks to Alex

" That girl.. She must have two abilities.. Speed enhancement and healing.. If I'm being honest, she is this guy's worst kind of opponent in a one on one situation."

Lorenzo gets up, with a different expression than before, almost showing that he's fully accepted her as an opponent.

" This will be it.. Mi final attack.." Lorenzo announces

Both of his arms erupt with fire, and they form a snake above him. Amaya pulls the rest of her energy together, and they both prepare for what they know will be the last confrontation of the battle. They rush at each other and almost announce their moves.



The final part of the last battle left everyone on the edge of their seats, and the ones standing leaning over the railing. With the last two contestants colliding, the smoke from the aftermath

finally clears and everyone finally gets a glimpse of the result. The two of them are laying on the ground on other sides of the arena, leaving the final battle as a draw. Amaya and Lorenzo are taken to the hospital room and the Agent exam is finally over…


The examinees were gathered in a room outside of the warehouse that looked similar to a classroom, and the examiners were standing in the front.

" Out of the 200 original contestants, you seven have passed the Agent exam." Otto says

Spark holds seven cards and goes around the room, passing them to Adir, Alex, Harry, Jake, Laura, Butch, Lorenzo, and Amaya.

" The card that Mr. Spark is handing out to you will be your lifeline as an Agent. If you lose this card, we cannot give you another one back, and you'll have to take the exam again in order to get one. There are many benefits to this card, not only will the government fund you on your travels, but if you call the special nine digit code on the front of your card, you can receive special government jobs and get high rewards. Most of you who have jobs or are in school will receive leaves and not be penalized for them now that you're registered as an Agent." Otto tells them

Adir looks at his card and it lists his own information, and he looks at the code. It reads, 319-209-741. The card is laced with a red outline and has a black and white pattern, and even without knowing what an agent was, someone would be able to tell that it was important.

" If you have any more questions, ask now, or you can contact us with code on your card." HE concludes

No one seems to have many questions, and everyone is dismissed, with Alex, Adir, and Harry meeting each other outside the warehouse.

" Mr. Otto told me of your request Adir, and I will join you. I don't know why, but I feel like we could all be really good friends." Harry says with a honest smile

Adir and Alex look at each other in relief, and Adir looks at Harry.

" Yeah I think we could all be friends too, it'll be nice to have you with us Harry." Adir responds with a smile in agreement with Harry's

And with the Agent exam now over, what will await for Adir and his two friends? Will things get easier, or has the real trouble yet to be presented..


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