/ Urban / Discovering life

Discovering life Original

Discovering life

Urban 21 Chapters 5.7K Views
Author: Déda Oliver

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Romao and Alexia are two young people from different worlds. He's a cowboy who loves country life, she's a rich girl who loves city life.
After their parents' accident, they are forced to take over the company together and both will know the universe that surrounds each other's lives.
He will learn about the business world, clubbing and city pleasures, she will learn about country life, forró pé de serra and how to be humble.
Both have a lot to learn from each other. But what they don't imagine is that a passion will be born, as a way of learning for both of them.


  1. WEMU1
    WEMU1 Contributed 27
  2. DedaOliver
    DedaOliver Contributed 2
  3. JAlmodovar
    JAlmodovar Contributed 2


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    Author Déda Oliver