/ Fantasy / Fairytales doesn't exist

Fairytales doesn't exist Original

Fairytales doesn't exist

Fantasy 6 Chapters 5.2K Views
Author: PureLmnde

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Leah is a normal high school student that have an obssessive tendencies with reading romance novel, One day one of her favorite novels- "Facade" uploaded the last chapter of the story and guess what?! Her favorite character dies! At first she tried to shake it off and go on with her day but she saw a mysterious man that looks like her favorite character! This leads to her death but she eventually wake up as Duke Ansley's daughter!

"...Duke Ansley? Isn't that the crazy duke in novel "Facade"?! I thought he doesn't have any children?! But what is this?!"

"...This is just a dream"

"This is..."


"This is not a dream?!"

Leah really became the Duke's daughter.

That's when she decided, She will escape from the Duke, Survive and meet Cain- the villain of the story.

"I might not be useful for him but having an background and unknown character by his side might change this in the story and might as well his fate...I will save him!"


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Author PureLmnde