/ Urban / Fleeing The Scene

Fleeing The Scene Original

Fleeing The Scene

Urban 40 Chapters 858 Views
Author: Beth Venning

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They say houses can hold a lot of secrets, the only way those secrets get revealed is if you're brave enough to open the door.
Paige and her group of friends decide to buy a house together, they settle on an older looking home that would need a lot of work. They were living the dream, until that dream turned into a nightmare.
Enter to the stage, John Rickman. A huge drug lord who had been hiding his money in the older looking home, who doesn't take too kindly to discover all his money missing.
The group have to go on the run to save their lives, but trouble somehow always follows. They settle down in an off the grid type of village, where they were about to learn why it was so off the grid.
Lies, murder and pain consume the village they thought would be safe. Forcing the friends to make decisions they would regret for the rest of their lives.
They wanted a fresh start, but it was far from the start they were expecting.

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    Author Beth Venning