/ LGBT+ / Gary's Choice

Gary's Choice Original

Gary's Choice

LGBT+ 64 Chapters 22.0K Views
Author: A.C. Katt

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Can someone who suffered when he came out go back in the closet for love? Should he have to?<br><br>Danny, a house sub at Indiscreet, loves Gary, a former major league pitcher. Gary wants a contract but he's still bound by his agreement with his manager, which forbids him from coming out.<br><br>Danny and Gary, with the help of their friends at Indiscreet, find a middle ground and sign a contract. But will it be enough?


  1. Kim_Spillett
    Kim_Spillett Contributed 489
  2. NunyaBizn35
    NunyaBizn35 Contributed 489
  3. Randy_Jennings
    Randy_Jennings Contributed 489


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    Author A.C. Katt