/ Others / Heart theft

Heart theft Original

Heart theft

Others 13 Chapters 2.0K Views

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Introducing Raphael Lancaster, the esteemed CEO of Lancaster Group and a prominent business mogul. Widely known as the "ICE CEO" due to his aloof and detached demeanor, Raphael exudes an air of cool confidence and unflappable composure. Despite his quest for a new personal assistant, Raphael seeks a candidate who is not only enthusiastic and driven but also possesses the rare ability to penetrate his stoic exterior and reach the depths of his heart. During this search, he encounters Nathalie Hammers, a recent college graduate who has faced numerous obstacles and challenges in her young life.

As Nathalie applies for the coveted position at Lancaster Group, she finds herself drawn to Raphael's enigmatic personality and determined to prove her worth. Will she be able to break through the walls surrounding Raphael's heart and awaken his hidden warmth and compassion? Discover the answer to this intriguing question in "HEART THEFT," a captivating tale of love, ambition, and personal growth.

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