/ LGBT+ / Home Before Sundown

Home Before Sundown Original

Home Before Sundown

LGBT+ 120 Chapters 3.2K Views
Author: Tinnean

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George Pettigrew and his papa must leave the California rancho they'd lived on since his birth. They end up in New York City, where Papa marries and George gets a new beloved mama. George also meets Frank and Bart who become fast friends, and in Bart's case, even more.<br><br>The start of the Civil War leaves George the man of the family, but although he’s found a job, it’s difficult to pay the ever-increasing rent. Then Papa dies at Appomattox and Mama falls ill.<br><br>After Mama dies, her father takes George’s siblings. When George learns his younger sister is being abused, he rescues the three children. But will dressing his sisters as boys and himself as a woman be enough of a disguise to keep them safe until they can reach the valley he’s dreamed of? Will Bart leave behind his own family and go with the man he loves?


  1. _Man_Yv21
    _Man_Yv21 Contributed 848
  2. Daoist1QnnsR
    Daoist1QnnsR Contributed 203
  3. Mollyballsoup
    Mollyballsoup Contributed 9


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    Author Tinnean