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Homeroom Teacher in a Multiverse Anime World? Homeroom Teacher in a Multiverse Anime World? original

Homeroom Teacher in a Multiverse Anime World?

Author: Robot9001

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Uzumaki Natsumi

Within a nearly empty classroom stood two figures, one distinctly male while the other female, about half a meter apart. When viewed from outside the classroom through the clean and dustless windows, it might even be considered 'gossip' material with the female having one hand behind her neck, fiddling with one of her blonde twin tails while her face turned slightly away, a bit red.

One might ask, "Why is she a bit red? Did she just confess her undying love for her senior?"

However, one might also ask, "What happened to her right arm? Why is it missing?"

Standing next to her was a tall man in black casual wear, about a head taller than she was. Contrasting the girl's cerulean blue eyes that seem to be reminiscent to that of the ocean itself, the man's eyes were distinctly amber as if it captured the very essence of the nostalgic fall season with yellow pupils within. With black hair that fades to amber brown near the tip and pulled into a long ponytail that reached his waist, the man appears to be the perfect blend of both young and mature at the same time.

"Miss Uzumaki," His amber eyes drifted to the paper within his hands before turning towards her, "W—"

"I-I can explain!" The girl interrupted hastily, motioning her lone hand all over the place in panic, "I know my grades are… questionable at best, but give me a chance! One last chanc—"

Placing his index finger on his lips, motioning at the panic-stricken student to quiet down.

The girl started to lose color on her bright face, her whisker-like marks seemingly turned down like a sad fox, as if accepting that the worst-case scenario had happened.

She had been struggling ever since she came into this new world. Starting with the fight against her best friend that had left her with a stump that is a right arm…

Which is fine though because they've finally made up—but why had her bestie, someone she considers her sister, focus only on beating her face? What happened to never hit a lady's face?!

And then when she was supposed to move onto the afterlife and live with her parents, she… woke up in a new world? To make it worst, she has no idea when the stupid fox would wake up!

Luckily, there was still an ample amount of chakra in this world like in the Elemental Nations, so it only took her a day or two to fully recuperate but adapting to this new world is a different story.

Background? None...

Education? Haha…

She was caught using her powers saving a group of people near the perimeter, which is why she was 'formally' allowed inside the Federations cities through the people's request. However, considering how much the Federation had gone through, there were still a fair bit of doubts about her, 'Is she playing the long game? Is she a monster?'

It… stings. Every week the government would send Heroes to 'secretly' watch her. She had gone through so much back in her previous world to change people's views on her but now it's like back to step one…

But she wasn't going to let it get her down!

She's Uzumaki Natsumi after all!

Based on the Federation's conditions, if she can graduate from High School, she will be granted citizenship and even be placed into governmental positions such as the Pro Heroes! Either that or the mandatory three years of service in exploring and colonizing unknown land.

The easy method would be the three years of service but…

'How nice it would be to live a normal life, even if it's shortly dattebane!'

Natsumi had hated school back then, but back then, the environment was different. She had to become a Hokage as soon as possible and schooling was an obstacle to that.

But now?

She wanted to try it out...

Of course, she could get citizenship through… dubious means, she is a shinobi after all. But thinking long term, would she be able to live contently in this new world if she's always weaving a web of lies behind lies?

High School is very tough. They placed her in the Federations top public (formerly private) school called Akademia Kuoh and into the 2nd year. Considering that her education is nonexistent, this was unfair of the Federation to do so, however, they can't let her start from middle school or elementary because that would put children into potential danger, and it would cost resources to do a private personal education.

It was either sink or swim.

'So far I've been sinking haha…'

She did have to cheat during the Chunin exams after all…

What the heck is 'Calculus 3' and 'Electromagnetism'? She didn't even pay attention to Algebra back in Konoha!

'I guess this is it. To the front lines, we go...' Why else would her old and decrepit homeroom teacher shake his head in disappointment before giving her the transcript filled with F's and D's and instruct her to come here? Isn't it the same as sending someone away?

Natsumi took a deep breath, preparing to give a fake smile.

Only to be met with a genuine one instead.

A small smile, but an authentic one.

Natsumi Uzumaki stopped in place.

When was the last time in this environment that she had seen a genuine smile—directed at her?

"Welcome to my class, Miss Uzumaki. You won't be going anywhere with me here so don't worry, I'll be your new homeroom for the next two years of your academic life, you can call me Lin Fan."

Chotto matte.



Natsumi took another glance at the person standing before her.

Just maybe…

This person called Lin Fan…

Could help her get the life she had always want to experience…

One where she isn't the child of prophecy…

But a happy teenager…

Robot9001 Robot9001

This is my new main passion project that combines a lot of ideas used in my other fanfictions into a single work.

I'll be trying my best to upload regularly since this is a passion project, it will take time (since I'm a college student with a load of personal issues and its nearing finals week) but I'll try my best.

With webnovels new comment feature allowing images, I'll be trying to upload how characters look like.

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