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64.44% Into the Anime World- Dragon Ball / Chapter 58: Chapter 58: No.1

Chapter 58: Chapter 58: No.1


I thought that there is no such thing as qunitillion, but i was wrong

This means that the power level has been a mess for MC when he goes all and neither do i want to do all the maths to one more time calculate old power level as not much has changed yet.

Beerus will have the same power level so there has not much changed yet except the power levbel of Mc in his SSJ Majestic form

Its now 600 Septillion


Vados and Champa are moving back to their home and while they were going back, Vados noticed a worried expression on Champa's face.

"Something wrong Lord Champa?"

"I am thinking about that guy, Vegeta"


"That guy had a tremendous amount of power, to the point that even it made me worried *cough* i mean i was worried for my team"

"Hehehe certainly, he is the strongest of his universe so this much is expected."

"But then also, just how can someone be so strong that they could have the power to go against us destroyers?

If only we had such a strong person on our side, then we would have won the tournament.

Oye Vados, do you think we can have someone as strong as him in our universe if you train him?"

Vados took her time to think about it and then she answered

"To be honest with you Lord Champa, even if we do find someone with huge potential in our universe and even if we do train him, then also we cant make him as strong as the Prince of Saiyan as he is different from everyone.

You have noticed it didn't you?

The power he had shown to Hit and also his instinct when he first saw Zeno's sama."

"aah, that… even I was surprised to notice that.

Ah whatever, we will find our own strong people

Lets go!"

"Yes, Lord Champa"


Vados gets a signal from her staff, she notices that the alternate earth of their universe has been restored and it's done by his Twin Brother.

At Whis and Beerus side-

Whis is ready to leave for the earth to attend the Victory Party, but he noticed Beerus thinking something deep.

"Something wrong Lord Beerus?"


"Hmmm….. are you thinking about Prince Vegeta San?"

Beerus remained silent for a few seconds and then he nods to him.

"That guy is becoming stronger and stronger with each passing day, it seems like the time for our battle will come faster than I expected…"

"Certainly, but are you worried about it or excited?"

Whis knows Beerus better than anyone else, he knows that Beerus is not the type of person who would be scared of someone.

If he was really that type of person, then how could he be called the God of Destruction?

At his question, Beerus gave a big evil smile

"Of course, I would be excited as finally, I would have a chance to go all out against someone HAAAHAHA"

Whis smiled and then he points out the moment when Zeno came to meet them and also the reaction Vegeta gave when he first saw Zeno

"He is becoming more and more interesting…

Even I, the destroyer of everything, had failed to sense the energy of Zeno Sama, the exact power level he holds, but Vegeta was able to sense it.


During the time when Zeno's arrived at the scene and everyone was bowing in front of Zeno's, Vegeta was staying back on the viewing platform.

At first, Beerus and Whis thought that Vegeta had no interest in Zeno's but they were wrong as they saw him trembling on his spot.

They did think that Vegeta is being a coward, but soon they understood that something else is going on as Vegeta's body is trembling but his expression were filled with rage as he looked at his trembling body.

It was clear that Vegeta's body had sensed the danger Zeno's hold and even if his mind is strong, his body is reacting to the presence of Zeno's and this shocked the two deities and also the two angels.

Being a destroyer and angels, they stand at the epitome of power, but still… they also fail in comparison with the power level Zeno's holds as he can just remove a whole universe with one snap of his finger.

No one knows the exact amount of strength he holds and neither has he ever shown any type of pressure on anyone so no one knows how exactly powerful he is but

Vegeta… who saw Zeno's for the first time could sense the power of Zeno's.


How can a mortal achieve what even Deities couldn't?

And to answer this question, Whis told his lord

"the answer, maybe, is in the absorption of Great Ape form that prince Vegeta did during his training"

"HM? Great Ape form?"


Saiyans actually have a tail and that tail allows them to transform into giant ape that holds a power that is 10 times higher than their base form.

Prince Vegeta thought about absorbing this Great Ape's power in his base form, thus he won't ever have to worry about changing into a giant ape accidentally and his powers have also drastically improved."

"And how is that related to his action when Zeno's Sama appeared?"

"It is... as Prince Vegeta not only absorbed the power of the animal inside him, but he also absorbed the instincts and the nature of that animal.

Thus, he holds an instinct of an animal that helps him assess the power of his opponent even if he doesn't want to as it will happen naturally, but-

because Prince Vegeta is a human, he tried to fight back that instinct and that is the reason why his body and his face had a different expression"

"And how do you know all this?"

"Simple, I asked Prince Vegeta why Goku can't attain SSJ 4 form and Goku San agreed with the reasons provided by Vegeta San

Goku San also had a tail like Prince Vegeta but it got cut so he can no longer attain that form and that is also the reason why Prince Vegeta looks so different as compared to every other Saiyan."

Beerus nods and then they leave for planet earth.

After the party-

Vegeta enjoyed the party and ate a big amount of food.

Monako was being dragged by Goku to test his strength, but Vegeta got no interest in such things so he let the drama continue and things went in the same direction

Vegeta took a stroll around the property and stopped near a fish pond, he looked at one of the Koi Fish and raised his index finger upwards


A big drop of water is being created by Vegeta's movement and inside the drop of water is a fish.

Vegeta crossed his arm and stood in silence as he stares at the fish who is swimming here and there inside the water drop.

"Hooo, I didn't know that you can do this also

It's quite an interesting skill, is it the same as the one you used to throw a moon at Lord Beerus, right?"

Whis asks as he came from the side

Vegeta looks at his direction and replies "yes, it's the same skill

We call it telekinesis, as for you- I don't know.

So, your reason to meet me?"

"Nothing, I just saw you walking alone so I thought of tagging along"

"Do you really think that I would believe in that reply?"

"HOOOhoohoho, certainly not

But I do believe that if it would have been my Big Sister Vados who said that, you would have believed her words- right?"

"What the!"


Just joking…

My main reason to be here is because I would like to know what goal you hold.

What do you want to achieve Prince Vegeta?"

Silence filled the whole place as Vegeta looked at Whis and Whis looked back at Vegeta, both of them looked at each other without even blinking for a long time, and then finally the silence breaks


The fish falls down in the pond as Vegeta let the drop of water go away, he replies


"No.1... hmmm

Arent you no.1 already? After all, i beleive that if a battle between you and Lord Beerus do take place, then you will have a strong chance to win.

The only way to win against you is by bursting you down in a very short amount of time but if the battle is dragged, then for sure you will win

So, what exactly is this no.1 that you are aiming for Prince Vegeta?"

Whis asks Vegeta to explain what is this No.1 exactly, as Vegeta has already become the strongest mortal to live.

and thansk to his never ending stamina and his absurd healing ability, Vegeta can win just any battle if it goes for a long time.

He is indirectly stronger than Beerus already, so what does he now wants?

Vegeta explains him

"If you look at the night sky, you will see thousands… million… billions of stars twinkling across the whole universe.

I do have the power to destroy these stars but can I destroy them all at once?"


"No… I cant

And after seeing that person Zeno's… after sensing his power-

I want to achieve that power… no, not achieve but rather surpass that power.

I want to be the no.1 in all universe

It took me years of waiting to understand my mistakes and finally stand at the place where I am today but it is still not enough as there are many new faces who are stronger than me and I am back to my struggle to be no.1

And I will be no.1

Not no.3 or 2, but only 1"

Whis is speechless, he never imagined that Vegeta would say that he wants to surpass that person who rules all 12 universes

This is just beyond what he had imagined so far and not even Beerus has ever dared to say a such thing that they will surpass Zeno's.

"Do you even know what will happen if someone will hear what you just said now?

Your words could cause the removal of our universe, you know, that right?"

"HAHAHAHA, I know that much as I am not an idiot like Kakarot.

I know that you all angels serve him and are also loyal to your duties, I know that very well.

But, you should have already sensed that it won't take me much time before I surpass Lord Beerus and so, do you really think that I would be satisfied with that much?

I am a Prince and I am greedy enough to desire my sole rule over all 12 universes.

I have long surpassed every mortal in this universe and soon it shall be a god that I shall surpass you also, and then… it shall be Zeno's"

*Wide eyes* (Whis)

"Do not worry as I won't remove you all angels, you all would live a happy life, and neither I have any desire to kill Zeno's or some deities

I just want to be above everyone

Just No.1"

. . .

To be continued-

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