/ Fantasy / It's not my first Reincarnation

It's not my first Reincarnation Original

It's not my first Reincarnation

Fantasy 120 Chapters 35.7K Views
Author: MagicalWorld

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Magus and Wn-Lu sent out to kill the demon roaming around the street, but suddenly Wn-Lu stabbed Magus. Wn-Lu even admitted that he follows Demon Lord and anyone who comes in Demon Lord’s way he will kill them. In the middle of the street in front of many people he died, and no one even moved an inch to save him.

After dying he got reincarnated in his past self, he got a chance to change his life and save humanity by avoiding the mistakes he made in his past life. But little does he know that the people he was serving was his real enemy.

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Hello, I'm an Author lost in a magical world:) As it is my first novel, so it will get better as the chapters go on. Knowing that this is my first novel, I don't see anything wrong in giving it five starts. Few things about this novel, *MC doesn't know that he used to more powerful than he could imagine. *FMC, who is always with the MC will help him to become stronger. *FMC also know about the powerful that once MC used to possessed. Lastly, if you have any questions about the novel, feel free to leave them in comments.

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Author MagicalWorld