/ Anime & Comics / Kurama in the multiverse:character system

Kurama in the multiverse:character system Original

Kurama in the multiverse:character system

Anime & Comics 12 Chapters 1.1M Views
Author: Kj18

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a normal human was migrated to Naruto's Kurama with a character system.
the characters of this work are not of my creation only the MC and others that can be created in the course of the work. the cover photo is not mine.

for anyone who wants to support me. my patreon: patreon.com/Louisdg


  1. Kj18
    Kj18 Contributed 10
  2. Daoist92VPav
    Daoist92VPav Contributed 9
  3. Jack_harka
    Jack_harka Contributed 9

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  • Translation Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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I read this fanfic before the author rewritten this fic. While there are only 3 chapters (in the time I'm writing) the story and it's idea is there but the context of the mc transmigrated into Kurama and getting the system is left out. Other than that the idea of the story has potential but the Harem and NTR aspect of the previous fanfic turned me off. TLDR This fanfic has potential but has too few chapters to tell if it's worth it

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very good.....................its new way of development an character design.............................waiting for update :)..................................................[img=update]

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Author Kj18