/ Fantasy / LightBorne (Moving)

LightBorne (Moving) Original

LightBorne (Moving)

Fantasy 1 Chapters 1.6K Views
Author: Mantaflow

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In the year 2350, the world shifted when a disaster known as "The Great Divide." Consumed the world. Humanity struggled to keep itself together, but somehow prevailed. However, the world was not the same.

In 2500, the world had changed entirely. New species had emerged from a mysterious portal, offering new cultures and technologies that humanity had never seen before. Rifts of darkness containing monsters open regularly, and they are closed by lightbearers, people capable of manipulating the light, and wielding powerful abilities.

A new lightbearer is about to awaken, and he will change not only his, but other worlds as well.

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Good start to a story honestly! I'll keep you updated on these reviews!

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Author Mantaflow