I always have my diary with me; today, I dreamt of waking up on the bed of a handsome young man; he was tall, having a broad chest and a killer smile.
My phone beep, meaning I need to leave now; I can't believe I will be this jobless at the age of 23.
On my way home, I got stuck in traffic, and a heavy, down pour started; I saw the man from my dream stepping out of the car, unknown to him, someone held a knife to kill him.
I screamed no, but I ended up taking his fall; that's all I remembered before passing out.
"Your Highness, we need to leave with another route; it seems this place is not safe for you, even in your disguise, you got recognised."
"I can't leave this innocent lady to death; let's take her along." I insisted.
"What of your father and especially your mother and Fiancee?"
"I will hide her identity, for now, I owe this lady my life, after 100days when everything is clear, you bring her back here to her town, which I believe she is from."
What kind of love are we suspecting might develop with two strangers?
Hyuk is already engaged to Eun?
Let's ride with this all
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