/ Anime & Comics / MHA Legacy of the Symbol

MHA Legacy of the Symbol Original

MHA Legacy of the Symbol

Anime & Comics 6 Chapters 28.2K Views
Author: wongantoine

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In the aftermath of losing his powers, All Might, the once-mighty symbol of peace, finds himself aimlessly wandering the city. When he encounters a woman cleaning his vandalized statue, he is moved to tears, realizing the depth of people's respect for him. As he walks away, an inexplicable warmth envelops him, a sensation he initially attributes to the sun's rays. However, this warmth is more profound, something beyond the ordinary. In this moment, All Might undergoes a transformative experience, a revelation that there is a power within him, and within humanity, that surpasses the constraints of Quirks. Unaware of the magnitude of the change, he leaves, his spirit rekindled. Little does he know, this encounter heralds the dawn of a new era. The former #1 hero is about to rise again, not with Quirks, but with a power that transcends them all.

He will have Kryptonian powers. Add that with his belief. Makes*drumroll* SUPERMAN!!^^

Hey everyone! I'm new to this writing thing, recently laid off and looking for an escape from boredom. So, I've decided to turn my plot ideas into stories. Please leave a comment, a review...something ^^ I'll help me alot with motivation. ^^ PLEASEEE >


  1. Maury_Rodriguex
    Maury_Rodriguex Contributed 5
  2. Veechers
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I'm the Author^^ Shameless review lol ><. After All Might felt an inexplicable surge of warmth in his chest, he found himself back at his humble abode, completely unaware of the extraordinary powers that now coursed through his veins. Little did he know that he had been transported back in time, to the very moment he first encountered the determined, green-haired youth, Izuki Midoriya. In this altered reality, he embraced a new identity, a hero name that resonated with his newfound abilities: The Beyonder. As he walked among the ordinary folk, he assumed the guise of a mild-mannered man named Clark, Clark Kent. Yet, beneath the facade of normalcy, he carried the weight of the future's horrors and suffering. The memories of battles fought, lives lost, and the world's despair haunted him. How could he blend into this world of innocence and hope, knowing the darkness that loomed ahead? With each step he took, he grappled with the dichotomy of his existence, torn between the duty to protect and the burden of knowledge. The smiles of children playing in the parks reminded him of what he was fighting for, but also served as a stark reminder of what could be lost. In this newfound reality, All Might, now The Beyonder, walked a delicate tightrope, navigating the complexities of a world that was blissfully unaware of its impending fate. The warmth in his chest, once a comforting presence, now served as a constant reminder of the responsibility he bore. How would he shape the destiny of this world, and could he rewrite the future to spare it from the horrors he had witnessed? Only time would reveal the answers, as he treaded cautiously, guarding the secrets of his past and the knowledge of the world yet to come.

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Author wongantoine