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Chapter 22: Lucifer Morningstar

From the crime scene, the group headed straight for Beeman's house. Another friend of Constantine's. The guy who kept all the gear and did all the research, whenever needed.

For those who've watched Supernatural, Beeman was like Bobby in this world.

After getting his holy shotgun, Constantine left to find Balthazar to settle the score and Angela tagged along with him, while Kol and Isabel stayed back.


Kol knew that Angela was going to be taken away by Gabriel, but she would be alright because they needed her alive.

In fact, Kol needed for this to happen because he saw this as an opportunity for himself to get some quick and easy power-ups.

As predicted, not long after, Constantine came back. He seemed panicked and confused as he explained the situation, but soon calmed down after Kol used his "spell" to "find" Angela's location.

In truth, Kol didn't use any spell since he remembered her location from the movie. She was taken to the same spot where Isabel died. That same hospital building.

In the movie, Constantine went to Midnight's to use his special magic chair that helped his soul navigate through the time stream to find Angela's location, but that didn't happen this time.

Currently, Kol, Isabel, Beeman, Constantine and Chas were at Beeman's place, in the gear room making preparations to go rescue Angela.

Kol asked no one in particular, "So what's the plan?", while using a knife to carve a rune each on the head of every 9mm bullet.

This particular rune was used to store energy. Kol was using it on these bullets to make them be able to temporarily store his Omega effect's energy, which was sufficient enough to kill half-breeds.

"Well, we go in. You handle most of the half-breeds, while Beeman and I fight our way to Angela and get her out of there.", Constantine replied.

"Yeah but... And how're you gonna do that? Even with magic bullets, what happens when the clip is empty? They won't give you enough time to reload and I won't be able to get them all at the same time without bringing down the building.", Kol asked back.

Constantine had no answer to this question. He too was thinking about it. He had never taken on that many half-breeds ever before. This could very well be considered as a suicide mission if Kol wasn't around.

At this time, Chas suddenly spoke while filling the gunpowder into the special bullets of holy shotgun, "Well, they did not leave her unguarded. Half-breeds are most vulnerable when their outer skin is breached by holy water. Certain objects, most notably either of the two crosses of Isteria have been used even by the unordained to bless and sanctify all commonly occuring waters, even rain.".

Hearing this, everyone turned to look at him in shock, with their mouths gaped open.

He just gave them this easy and obvious solution to what would otherwise be a life and death situation. And he spoke in the most nerdy and scientific way possible, like he was reading it out from a book even as he concentrated on filling bullets.

Completely out of tune with the gloomy and desperate mood.

Due to the silence in the room and realising that he heard no reply, he looked up and saw everyone looking at him.

"There's no use sitting on the bench if you're not ready to play, right?", Chas continued in nervous tone.

Kol broke the silence while laughing out loud, "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! John, I like this kid. Alright! You win Chas. You can come with us, but only to sanctify the water in the water tank on the rooftop.".

Afterwards, they all boarded Chas's car and headed out on the rescue mission, to that hospital building where Angela was kept.

Every superhero needs a sidekick, and Chas was Constantine's. His character here was played by Shia LaBeouf, who also played Sam Witwicky in Transformers movies.

Chas's character is exactly the same as Sam's. They even talk in the same way.



"Hi! My name is John.", Constantine yelled to get the attention of everyone present.

Currently, Kol, Beeman and him were standing before hundreds half-breeds guarding the door leading to Angela.

After seeing them all turn towards him, John pulled forward a chair from behind, and climbed on top of it to make himself more clearly visible.

Then he continued, "You are in violation of the balance. Leave immediately, or we will deport you. All of you.".

But seeing them not responding or even showing the slightest intention of leaving, he lit up his lighter.

And then, "Go to Hell", speaking his final monologue, Constantine brought his lighter to the smoke detector on the ceiling, making the sprinkler rain holy water on half-breeds.

At first they didn't notice it, but then their skin started burning and they slowly realised something was wrong, "holy water?", someone spoke, and then, "AAHHHHH!!", they all screamed all at once.

Holy water was like acid to them.

It seemed Chas did his job briliantly and dropped the holy Cross in the water tank upstairs, successfully sanctifying all the water inside.

As the water sprayed and the lights went out, half-breeds screamed in pain, and started running at them, trying to attack them desperately.

Constantine was standing on the chair, so they didn't reach him yet, but Kol and Beeman were on the ground, just a few feets away.

Kol was a warrior at heart. He liked fighting, but he rarely ever needed to. He preferred to not use Magic during combat, especially now when the opponents were so much weaker.

He bent his knees slightly and use super speed to rush at half-breeds, "Boom!", leaving behind cracks on the ground behind him.

And then, "Blheng! Blheng! Blheng!", he punched three big fellas in the middle of their chests, reducing most of their torso into a shower of flesh, blood and bone dust.

However, even as their gory remains were still showering at their comrades behind them, Kol noticed an anomaly.

They were still alive.

Apparently, half-breeds were not much easier to kill than full blooded demons. In the movie, Constantine reduced Balthazar into ash, and only his legs and half of his face remained, yet he still survived and could even talk like nothing happened.

After discovering this, Kol imbued the energy of Omega effect into his fists and continued forward.

No matter how much harder it was to kill them, they would still die after coming into contact with even a tiny amount of this destructive energy.

On the other hand, half-breeds were a little startled and fearful after witnessing Kol's strength, but they were true to their cause and continued on just after a little pause, like moths to flame.

Two half-breeds rushed at Beeman. An old man and a chubby fellow.

Beeman was kind of a nerd and he rarely ever spoke on his own initiative. But he had decades of experience in this world.

He adjusted his glasses and pointed the 9mm at the chubby fellow. The safety was already off, so he fired a shot at his chest.

As he pulled the trigger, the firing pin hammered onto the primer, "Bang!", the gunpowder was ignited and bullet was fired from the gun.

It travelled through the air and hit the chubby fellow right in the middle of his chest.

As the bullet pierced the skin and impacted the chest bone inside, it deformed out of shape, making the rune that was carved into it to also deform and loose its function.

This rune was used to contain the energy of Omega effect, and as soon as it lost its function, "Boom!", with a loud blast and a flash of red energy, that chubby half-breed was reduced to gory organic material, and his soul was destroyed.

He wasn't deported to Hell or any other kind of afterlife, but simply ceased to exist. His soul was converted into pure energy and scattered across the world.

Afterwards, Beeman turned the mussel at the old man half-breed and continued the massacre.



During all the fighting, Kol suddenly noticed a half-breed that he found interesting.

She looked somewhat like 'Michelle Monaghan', and seeing her here, Kol suddenly remembered that Isabel still needed a body.

And what better body for a psychic than a magically enhanced immortal body of a half-breed?


So he quickly stunned the half-breed in question and teleported her outside, then continued fighting, or as he would call it, 'having fun'.

On the other hand, Constantine and Beeman made their way to Angela, but by the time they got there, she was already possessed by Mammon.

Now all that remained was stabbing Angela with the spear of destiny, and Mammon would be able to travel to the physical plane whenever he wanted.

So Constantine and Beeman quickly started the exorcism to try and send Mammon back to Hell.

Unfortunately, the Demons and half-breeds were not alone this time. An Angel named Gabriel was helping them behind the scenes.

Gabriel attacked out of nowhere. She quickly killed Beeman in a sneak attack when he let his guard down, and severely beat Constantine.

However, despite being infinitely stronger than him, Gabriel couldn't afford to kill Constantine, because Devil had promised that he would personally come to collect his soul.

So killing Constantine would mean summoning Lucifer, which would mean ruining their plan to screw over humanity.

She pinned him down and spoke while choking him, "You're handed this precious gift, right? Each one of you are granted redemption from the creator. Murders, rapists and molesters, all of you, you just have to repent, and God takes you in his bosoms.".

Then she smiled, and continued with ridicule apparent in her undertone, "In all the worlds and all the universe, no other creature can make such a boast, save man.",

"It's not fair.", she continued with anger in her tone, "If sweet sweet God loves you so, then I will make you worthy of his love.".

Then she continued in monotone, without any emotions, "I have been watching you for a long time. It's only in the face of horror that you truly find your nobelest self. And you can be so much more.".

Then she grabbed his collar and picked him, and spoke, "So I will bring you pain. I will bring you horror, so you may rise above it. So those of you who survive this reign of Hell on earth, will be worthy of God's love.".

At this point, Constantine finally spoke, "Gabriel, you are INSANE!".

In reply, Gabriel just snorted and spoke, "The road to salvation begins tonight.".

Afterwards, Gabriel sucked in a little air and blew it in Constantine's face, like blowing off a candle.

However she was a celestial beings, just that little blow generated a massive wind that blew Constantine twenty meters away.


With the sound of glass breaking and the collision of his body with the door two rooms away, Constantine layed on the ground unconscious.

Then Gabriel closed the door and turned around to complete the ritual to summon Mammon.

However, before she could get any closer to Angela, Kol came in from the side door.

"Don't even think about it. This madness ends here. Leave immediately, or I will kill you.", Kol spoke as he walked in, and stood in front of Gabriel, blocking her way.

Gabriel observed him curiously, looking at him up and down, and spoke, "You claim that you can kill me? You? One of those false Gods who have already lost the war? You puny little being, do I need to remind you who are the real masters of humanity? I AM A SERVANT OF THE CREATOR!!".

Hearing this, Kol laughed out loud, "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! You? You actually think you're still in his good graces? After all this? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! You.. you're completely delusional, bird-woman!".

Then his expression suddenly changed. He continued with anger apparent in his tone, "That's enough talking. Let me quickly put you down so I can get ready for the big fight.".

Kol wasn't here for her, but for Lucifer. From the very beginning, he let this whole farce continue on on its original course because he needed Constantine to summon Lucifer.

However, fighting Gabriel would give him a general idea of how strong people of this world are.

On the other hand, Gabriel was also angered when he called her 'bird-woman', she spread her wings open and got ready to fight.

With a loud blast, "Boom!", Kol left cracks on the ground behind him and advanced towards Gabriel with super speed.

He went for a straight left punch to the nose, but Gabriel ducked, and gave him a spartan kick in the stomach, "Bang!".

It sent him flying ten meters away, but he quickly stabilised his body in the air and hovered half a meter above ground.

Then dodged the right sweep kick coming for his gut by flying to her left, and grabbed her left shoulder with his right hand and pushed her down to disrupt her balance and rhythm.

Then he punched her on the chin with his other hand, "BANG!", this time not holding back.

But before she could go flying away because of the impact, he grabbed her leg, and started spinning on the spot.

As he was spinning faster and faster in the air, wind started to pick up.

Until, "Swoosh!", he suddenly let her go.

However, before her body could fly much further, Kol's eyes started burning in red energy, and, "SITZLE!!", he fired a constant stream of Omega rays from his eyes.

But his heat vision wasn't like Darkseid's or Superman's, but very thick, like Doomsday's.

"BOO!UNNG!!", when the burning energy of Omega effect bombarded on her body, "AAHHHHH!!!", Gabriel screamed loudly in pain, with desperation and fear clearly avident in her voice.

She was feeling the sensation of pain for the first time in her life.



Constantine was sitting in his own blood. In order to summon Lucifer, he had cut off both of his wrists using a shard of glass from the door.

When he reached near the end of his life and his death was almost unavoidable, time suddenly stopped in the whole building, and with that, Lucifer finally came to collect Constantine's soul.

Lucifer spoke with a sinister whisper, "Hello John.", his sound seemingly coming from every direction.

"What took you so long?", John replied in his usual sarcastic monotone.

Lucifer then spoke in sinister humour, "Johhhn! Hello!! He! He! He! He!", as he pulled a chair from the side and sat down in front of Constantine.


After sitting down, "You're the one soul I would come up here to collect myself. UmHmm!", Lucifer spoke while nodding his head.

"So I've heard.", Constantine replied.

Then John took out a lighter and cigaret from his pocket and asked, "Do you mind?".

"Oh.. oh go right ahead, I...", Lucifer replied, but before he could finish his sentence, "BOOMM!!", the wall on his right suddenly blew up, as an object suddenly broke through it and came flying at him.

However, just before it could collide, the object stopped in mid air.

This object was actually, Gabriel.

She was unconscious and in a critical condition. Her life and death was undetermined as she floated in the air in front of Lucifer.

Just moments ago, her and Kol were fighting in the air outside this building, but when Kol noticed a temporal anomaly inside the building, he knew that Lucifer had arrived, so he picked up his tempo and beat Gabriel senseless, before kicking her unconscious body at Lucifer.

"Hello Lucifer. Been waiting for you.", Kol spoke as he flew in through the hole in the wall made by Gabriel's body.

Lucifer was currently pissed. Not only had this guy dared to interrupt him at this moment, that he had been looking forward to for a while, but insulted him by throwing the unconscious body of his sister at him.

But Lucifer was not the kind of guy who would expressed his anger in short lived outbursts, but the kind who made it last and paid back many times over.

With a mocking smile on his face, he released his telekinesis and let Gabriel's body fall to the ground, then turned to Constantine, and spoke while pointing at Gabriel, "This! This is my sister. An Angel. What kind of abomination is your friend, to be able to beat her to this state?", while completely ignoring Kol.

Constantine was also interested in Kol's background and he wanted Lucifer to confirm his identity, so he replied without missing a beat, "He calls himself Kol. Apparently he's a God from another universe.".

"God? Huh! I see... I see! I see! I see! So he's one of those creepers.", he spoke as if realising something.

It may sound like mumblings of a mad man, but in fact, Lucifer just used his omniscience to confirm Kol's identity.

Then he turned his head at Kol and continued, "Didn't think false Gods like you in your universe are so strong. It's really amazing! You had no impact on this timeline until a few hours ago, but now there's plenty. I can see that you're looking to stay a while. But I cannot allow that.".

Then he stood up and continued, "Usually I would avoid this and ask you to leave for sparing your life, but I doubt father would mind me squashing a little fly who has invaded our home. So I think I'll just keep you as a souvenir for this trip.".

Then Lucifer held Kol in place with telekinesis and walked towards him.

Until now, Kol hadn't answered. He hadn't made a move or taken any action, because as soon as he entered this room, his instincts screamed at him, asking him to flee this place at once.

Lucifer wasn't just an Archangel, he was the first creation of God in this universe and he was a perfect celestial being who God created in his own image. He was Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. An invincible being.

But as soon as Lucifer tied up Kol with his telekinesis, it was like he broke out of his state of fear.

All that fear and despair suddenly turned into anger and defiance, like back when he was just a boy and used to train with Mikael.

He pulled himself together, gathered everything he had, and pushed back harder than he could.

"Blast", Kol's psychic blast created an impact bubble on his position.

With such desperately fired telekinetic attack, he broke out of Lucifer's telekinetic confinement.

And, leaving behind a sonic boom, "BO!BOOM!", he charged at Lucifer with everything he had, and gave him a straight right punch, "SWOOSH!!", however his punch was pushed to the side by some invisible force, as it passed by Lucifer's right cheek.

Kol had already covered his whole body with telekinetic force field, so Lucifer couldn't affect him with his telekinesis for a short time. Time that should had been enough for him to land a hit.

And in fact, Lucifer didn't use telekinesis this time, but Vector Manipulation to divert Kol's attack.

As the punch passed by his cheek, Lucifer also tried to punch Kol in the gut.

But Kol used the momentum of his own punch to bend down on Lucifer's right, put his left hand on the ground, and kicked Lucifer in the face with his right leg.

But Lucifer blocked his kick and and grabbed his leg with both hands, ready to give him a finishing blow.

However, before Lucifer's punch could connect, Kol used his Bio-Electric field, to lift both himself and Lucifer from the ground.

This successfully disrupted Lucifer's balance.

And then, "BOOMM!!", he used his other leg to kick Lucifer on the side of his torso, sending him flying twenty meters away.

It seemed, even if Lucifer was many times stronger than him and possessed nigh-limitless abilities, the two were more or less similar in basic physical qualities.


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