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Chapter 53: Words I Wanted To Hear

Let me confirm my suspicion. I pulled his ear and made him stand, "Why are you talking back to me?!" Yep, I became my mom.

"Hey! Hey! Easy on the ears. Do you know how beautiful each part of my body is? You got to pay if you damage it."

His brain is already damaged, who's going to pay for that? -_-

I let him go after that. It's no use. It's just that my luck is bad.

Since I had a lot of work to do I did not want o be bothered by him. I left the room and just as I closed the door, I turned my head around and said, 'Stay'.

Mr Wilson, who could not just stay put like I asked him to, said, "What am I? A dog to stay when you said stay? No, I am not going to stay. I'll roam around however I want."

I assumed that I did not need to use reverse psychology because he's not a kid and a grown man, but it seems I was wrong.

"Fine, do whatever you want just dont disturb me. Unlike you, Im not jobless, I have a lot of work to go through." I flicked my ponytail and left him alone. What I wished is that he'd leave me alone.

Mr Wilson followed me outside and stared at me as I did my work. At one point it got extremely annoying, so I asked him to shoo.

He pouted like he got bullied. "I, the most awesome person you would ever meet, you're telling me to leave you alone? I should be saying that considering how you kidnapped me and brought me to your room!"

The pencil I held snapped in half. " I did not kidnap you. Who would willingly step on poo? No one. I was kind enough to let you sleep here because its raining, or else you would have been kicked out by me a long time ago."

Mr Wilson became more annoyed after I compared him to poo.

Throwing a tantrum or catching my attention? I don't know which, but he grabbed the papers from my hand and started to read them. I reacted quickly and tried to get those back, but he held them so high that I could not reach it.

He started to read it out loud. What the hell! You can't just read company secrets like that! Oh wait, it's his company... Okay, go ahead, see if I care.

Chris sat beside me and read whatever notes I wrote. He wore glasses, and he looked serious too. It was like he was sober. Just saying, he looked very mature and handsome when he was reading my notes.

He folded those notes into a roll and smacked my head, which was totally unexpected.

I glared at him. "Hey!"

And like that, I earned another smack. What the hell?

"What the hell? Stop!"

"Shut it!" Chris yelled. His sudden change of attitude took aback me. I could not even talk.

"Good, now sit down. Let me explain where you went wrong." He's behaving like some teacher now.

I sat down obediently. No, not because I couldn't disobey him, it was because I genuinely wanted to know where I went wrong.

At the end of the day, Chris is a twenty-eight-year-old CEO with a lot of experience and I am still me with not so much experience, okay, okay, no experience.

"You came here to sign a deal of behalf of your company, right?" He slapped that roll of notes on his hands. He looked like he'd smack me again if I gave the incorrect answer.

Even my mom did not discipline me like this humph!


He flicked my forehead and said, "Be confident and speak with clarity. Don't end your sentence like a question!"

"Okay! Okay!" I slid my chair at least a foot away from him. Is this payback for treating him bad? But I never treated him like this, I am a decent human being.

The Devil: LOL 'decent'.

-_- And here I thought you were gone for good. Go turn into a cloud.

"Now let's get into some details. I'm going to ask you some questions and you answer them." He said seriously.

"Can I choose not to? I don't work well under pressure hehe."

He tightened the roll the smack me again, but I warned him, "If hit me with those papers again, I will hit you back. And I won't be paying compensation if you get hurt."

He sat back down and coughed. My threat actually worked? Now that's a first.

"What if the person you wanted to sign a partnership with agrees the moment you set some conditions, would you proceed with drafting the deed?"

"Umm, yes?" If there are no obstacles, it's good right? We should definitely proceed.

"With confidence!" He shouted.

"Yes, sir!"

"No. You are absolutely wrong. You do not proceed right away. If they suddenly agree to our conditions, they are definitely hiding something that's why they want to get it over with. So no, you do not proceed instantly." He explained haughtily.

Well, he's got a point but.... "What if our conditions were not a problem and they're not hiding anything? Then we can proceed, right?"

He looked like he restrained himself from flicking my forehead.

"Darling, you're being too optimistic, there is always a setback and inconveniences. There is no such thing as 'no problems'. Everyone wants benefits."

I hate to admit, but he reaaaaally has a point. Mr Wilson-1 Lia-0.

"Okay then, what if the opposite party keeps refusing your conditions, do you immediately refuse or do you wait?"

"We don't wait! Time is money!" I spoke with the 'confidence' he suggested.

"Sometimes I wonder if you are fit for the corporate world." Chris shook his head. Hey! Come on, there many business partners out there you can't just get spend half of your time on one person.

I pouted and crossed my arms. Sure, Mr Wilson is the youngest CEO, but I was born in a business family and literally studied about it, so you cannot say I'm wrong every damn time!

"I hate to disagree, but I think I am right. Just like the saying goes, there are many fish in the sea, so eventually we will find someone who will agree." I might have changed the meaning slightly, but it's still applicable.

"Instead of being stubborn and thinking that you're always right, you should look at the other's point of view."

"Hah! Look Who's Talking!" *smack* Okay, that's enough, I'm going to kick him. How dare he smack me again?

"If they keep rejecting, there is always a possibility that there are problems with the conditions you put forth. If you add the same conditions with another person, they will reject it again. So, you have to reform the deed before taking the next step." He explained.

Umm, no. I do not agree at all. Call me headstrong or whatever.

"Mr Wilson, you cannot say for sure that every person will reject it. I for one, am not the type to compromise. When I set forth conditions, I know what to ask and what it unreasonable. To you, I'm just an assistant but there are many sides of me which you do not know."

Sigh, I am tired of being just a secretary! This is not what I want. I am so much more than that! No shade to secretaries though, it just is not me. What I want is to sit in my own office and be someone everyone looks up to. I want to lead people, not follow. If I cannot do it, I will take some help. My dream is to rule the corporate world. Why does no one understand? Not my family, but Mr Wilson too.

Chris moved closer to me, I flinched because I thought he was going to smack me again.

Instead, he just pinched my cheeks while laughing. "Aww, you're cute."

What? I stared at him with a question mark drawn on my face.

"You're still a beginner, but you want to be given the throne. It's not so easy, there are a lot of plots and schemes in the corporate world but, if that's what you want to do... I'll be right here to guide you through it." He gave me a peck on the cheek.


I've been dreaming to hear words like that. I wished I had someone by my side who believes in me and guides me. It's just sweet that he was not other guys who feel that their ego gets bruised after seeing a successful woman, instead he's the type to cheer for me and helps me when I need it instead of assuming that I can't do it myself.

I don't care that he was talking while he was drunk, it's enough that he had these thoughts. It's enough that he believes that I can do it. *smiles to herself like a young girl in love*

Chris, who locked the door after giving words of encouragement, stood against the door. He had his hand on his mouth like he could not believe what he just did.

'That was the most daring thing, and perhaps the stupidest thing I have ever done! I just hope she does not hate me.' He facepalmed himself.

Rewind to an hour ago, location: the wine cellar of the house

"So you want to pretend to be drunk?"

"Yes." Chris nodded helplessly. It was as if his dignity was slowly chipping away.

"And you want me to go along with your act?"

"YES, Katherine. Now can me move along?" Chris complained.

Katherine burst out laughing and asked, "But why?" Chris simply glared at her. He could admit that he needed to pretend to be drunk so that Luna would be close to him and take care of him like she did earlier.

"Okay, okay. But you owe me a girl. If you find someone who's like Luna, try to hook us up or I'm revealing your secrets." Katherine smiled creepily.

Chris shivered before shrugging it off.

CinRoll CinRoll

I wanted to show the different aspects of Chris. A hopeless lover, a mentor, a good boss, a loyal friend, etc.

His only drawback is his narcissism. LOL

But we all love Chris, anyway. And he's perfect for Lia.

Vote, comment and review it, pretty please UwU

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