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Chapter 114: FMA 2

Having resolved the matters concerning the children and the quest, I teleported myself to a secluded location, out of sight. Driven by an insatiable hunger, I unleashed the full potential of my [Mental Domain], seamlessly merging it with the augmented capabilities bestowed upon me by [Mana's Blessing]. Empowered by [Space-Time Manipulation], I shattered the limitations of distance that once impeded me. Two hundred billion spatial gates materialized around the planet, meticulously spaced across a vast area of 1.8 kilometers, allowing my expanded [Mental Domain] to encompass every inch of the planet's surface. Distance was no longer an obstacle as I effortlessly sifted through the thoughts and memories of billions, traversing their minds in the blink of an eye.

My hunger for alchemical knowledge knew no bounds. I voraciously absorbed every fragment of information this world had to offer, be it mundane understanding or esoteric wisdom passed down through generations to chosen few. The distinction between common and rare held no significance for me; my thirst for knowledge remained unquenchable. I yearned for more, eager to delve deeper into the profound mysteries of alchemy and transmutation, whether they be ancient or contemporary.

In a matter of seconds, I had absorbed all that this world had to offer.

With the enigmatic Truth absent from the equation, there was nothing left here that could even attempt to impede my progress. Yet, amidst the vastness of my rational mind, a single ember of unreasonable emotion screamed at me, urging me not to transmute the entirety of the world into a Philosopher's Stone.

At times, I despised that lingering, unreasonable aspect of my being that still clung to my humanity. Nonetheless, begrudgingly, I heeded its voice. Instead of plunging headlong into a sweeping genocide, I opted for a less severe course of action.

Channeling my focus, I fragmented my mind into countless mental instances, simultaneously disabling the consciousness of 2% of the global population. These individuals, at some point in their lives, had engaged in criminal activities, ranging from corrupt politicians to thugs, murderers, rapists, and those involved in abhorrent human experimentation. Regardless of their specific transgressions, they all met the same fate—an obliteration of their psyche, rendering them unconscious, never to awaken again.

The intricacies of alchemy surprised me. It was a unique discipline that required a medium for the alchemist's mana to interact with the world, while at the same time, there appeared to be no limitations on what that medium could be. If one possessed enough mana, they could conjure an alchemical circle directly from mana and utilize it as a conduit for their alchemy.

Summoning a single thought, I materialized an alchemical circle before me, suspended in the air, free from the constraints of this realm. "Hmm, it's essentially a conventional magical system, albeit with a singular focus on matter and energy conversion," I mused, examining the intricate patterns within the magical-alchemical circle. "Regardless..."

With a fraction of a second's hesitation, I activated all of my mental skills, unleashing a torrent of mental prowess that threatened to split my skull with an excruciating headache. Yet, I persevered, channeling the explosion of mental capacity into billions of simultaneous calculations. With a wave of my hand, I manipulated the intricate pattern of mana within the magical circle before me, causing it to shift and morph.

Blood trickled from my nose, a testament to the strain that had been placed upon my mind. The vertigo intensified, threatening to throw me off balance, but as my mental skills finally shut down, my regeneration skills kicked in, swiftly repairing the damage done to the hemorrhaging blood vessels in my brain.

It was a grim reminder that despite the vast capabilities of my mind, my physical body had its limits. The mental strain of splitting my consciousness with [Parallel Processing] may have been mitigated, but the other skills still did a number on me. I took a moment to collect myself, allowing my body to recover before proceeding further.

Contemplating the limitations imposed by my physical form, a determined thought formed in my mind. "I must find a way to transcend the constraints of flesh," I mused, my gaze focused on the possibilities that lay ahead. "Perhaps, once I attain Divinity over mana, I can embark on a path to shed my corporeal form and ascend to a higher dimensional form, transforming my very being into pure mana." The idea ignited a spark of excitement within me, as I envisioned the potential that awaited me in this uncharted realm of existence.

However, with a determined shake of my head, I refocused my attention on the task at hand. "But before that, I need to deal with this world," I affirmed, redirecting my thoughts toward the intricate magical circle suspended before me.

A wide smile stretched across my face as the sound of my fingers snapping reverberated through the suddenly ominously still air. And in an instant, the magic circle before me ignited into a breathtaking spectacle of radiant energy, its brilliance illuminating the surroundings. As the tendrils of energy extended from the circle, they seamlessly connected with spatial gates that materialized in every direction. The world itself seemed to tremble in response, its laws and principles rendered obsolete in the face of the spell I had crafted. The concept of equivalent exchange held no sway here, for this was a creation that defied such limitations.

Within a mere fraction of a second, the essence of the 84 million mindless individuals, was engulfed by the ethereal crimson fog emanating from the spatial gates. The world around me transformed into a sea of vibrant crimson hues, as their flesh, life force, and souls alike were consumed by the insatiable hunger of the spell, melted away, and turned into pure energy in a horrifying spectacle.

However, that wasn't the end, with a sudden pulse of mana. The process shifted, and the amalgamation of raw energy began to coalesce, gradually taking shape as a mesmerizing palm-sized crimson crystal. Its radiant glow emanated an immeasurable amount of power, standing as a testament to the tremendous energy harnessed within its compact form.

[Quest: [Philosopher's Stone] Completed 1,000 WP (1/2) Received]

With a combination of awe and caution, I watched as upon completing its task the spell sizzled out of existence and the crystal, teetering dangerously close to the ground, threatened to shatter upon impact. However, my quick thinking allowed me to freeze time, seizing the crystal with precision using my telekinetic abilities.

Chuckling to myself at the idea of creating something so precious and then allowing it to shatter, I acknowledged the immense danger posed by the unrefined crystal. In its current state, it had the potential to cause catastrophic destruction, even on a solar system scale.

Examining the crystal in my hand, its pulsating energy serving as a reminder of its immense power, I acknowledged the need for refinement. Despite my efforts to enhance the stone's formula by incorporating the collective knowledge of alchemists from both this world and the realm of Harry Potter, it became evident that this creation was still far from flawless. "With a little polishing," I remarked with a smile, "this crystal will become the ideal magical foci for a staff."

After depositing the crystal into my inventory, I turned my attention to my notifications. However, to my bewilderment, the anticipated yield of at least 80 million experience points was shattered, replaced by a meager total of 854,596. I was perplexed by this unexpected outcome, however, the system swiftly intervened, splitting up the kill notifications into distinct tiers, offering a clearer understanding of the distribution of experience points gained.

[Human [T0] x83,882,356 slain 0 XP Received]

[Human [T1] x843,866 slain 843,866 XP Received]

[Human [T2] x1,073 slain 10,730 XP Received]

Muttering in frustration, I begrudgingly accepted the fact that my grand ambitions of attaining higher levels through the annihilation of entire planets had been thwarted. "It seems that such an exploit is not a viable option," I conceded with a resigned tone. Letting out a sigh, I acknowledged that the system had likely implemented these limitations precisely to prevent such exploits. It became apparent that entities three tiers lower than me only yielded a mere 1% experience per kill, while those two tiers below offered 10% of their full value. "Ah, that also explains why we received so much experience for higher-tier kills," I mused to myself.

[Profession: [Artificer] Received 50,000 XP]

Although the overall experience gained may have been slightly diminished, the resulting increase in my class levels remained significant. The purchase of the new Profession system had already proven its value, rewarding my Artificer class with an additional 50,000 experience points for successfully crafting a legendary alchemical item. As a result, my Artificer class advanced by 6 levels, while my Spellthief class ascended by 5 levels. However, due to the escalating experience requirements, my Physicist class progressed by only 4 levels.

The most astonishing revelation came when I realized that my Alchemy skill, enhanced by the acquisition of otherworldly knowledge and the creation of the stone, had skyrocketed to level 267. It had surged a staggering 135 levels, undergoing an evolution and unlocking a remarkable new ability.

[Alchemy III LVL: 200/300]

- Grants the ability to perform alchemical transmutations, including advanced transformations such as matter to energy and vice versa.

- Provides an intuitive understanding of the energetic properties of substances and their interactions, allowing for the creation of unique energy sources and devices.

- Ensures a successful craft if the process is completely understood and components and materials are adequate.

- Increases speed of brewing and transmutation by 2%/LVL.

With a smile adorning my face and a growing sense of excitement, I directed my focus toward the remaining blinking notifications on my screen. However, I was taken aback when I noticed a peculiar absence—a missing quest completion that should have been present.

[Quest: [Homunculus Hunt] Completed 2,000 WP (1/2) Received]

[Quest: [The Promised Day] Completed 3,000 WP (1/2) Received]

"Really?" I muttered, my curiosity piqued, as I delved deeper into the details, determined to understand the reason behind this unexpected occurrence.

[Forbidden Alchemy | Description: Save Nina Tucker. | Reward: 750 WP]

"How is this quest not completed?" I exclaimed, expressing my surprise. However, before I could engage in a futile argument with the system, a sudden realization dawned upon me as I contemplated the circumstances. The young girl, merely one year old, would be incapable of fending for herself in the aftermath of her father's demise.

With a resigned sigh, I reluctantly accepted the situation.

Directing my thoughts and reactivating the spatial gates encircling the globe, I swiftly pinpointed the whereabouts of Nina and her faithful canine companion. Within mere seconds, the fabric of space contorted around them, transporting them to a tranquil farm situated on the opposite side of the planet. The farm belonged to a compassionate middle-aged couple who had yearned for a child to call their own, but circumstances had prevented them from conceiving. With careful finesse, I made subtle adjustments to their minds, ensuring that Nina would find herself embraced by a new, affectionate family.

"Are you satisfied now?" I asked sarcastically, not anticipating any response. However, to my astonishment, the system acknowledged the quest's completion with a notification and bestowed upon me an unexpected bonus.

[Quest: [Forbidden Alchemy] Completed 750 WP (1/2) Received + 150 WP Bonus Received]

"Really?" I asked, my voice filled with surprise as the bonus WP flooded in unexpectedly. I blinked, trying to process the sudden reward. "Well, thanks, I guess," I muttered, shrugging my shoulders.

With the remaining quests losing their allure, I found no interest in becoming entangled in the conflicts of Ishval or dealing with Scar and the state alchemists. Pursuing Truth and putting my life at risk was not a path I desired to tread. Nor did I have any inclination to subsume this world. Thus, resolute in my decision, I issued a command to the system, "Eject."

In response, a notification screen materialized before me, presenting a list of names of individuals and all the items I had encountered. Disregarding the distractions, I focused solely on selecting the newly created philosopher's stone.

{Total Extraction Price: 2,500 WP} [Accept?]

To my surprise, the WP cost for the stone was quite steep, considering I had paid almost 8,500 WP for a literal ton of snakeskin and other materials with lingering divine energies. It gave me pause, but I knew I couldn't simply leave such a precious item behind. So, with a resigned sigh, I reluctantly accepted the cost.

{Items extracted 2,500 WP deduced from your account.}

{No other foreign items detected}

{Ejection commencing.}









In a blinding flash of light, the world around me shifted and transformed. The very fabric of reality seemed to twist and contort as I was engulfed by a torrent of dimensional, spatial, and temporal mana. Moments later, I found myself standing at an intersection of countless bookshelves, just before a magnificent marble pedestal, upon which Index, the golden book floated in mid-air.

{Welcome back!} he greeted me with an overwhelming display of enthusiasm, conjuring a banner and illusory fireworks to celebrate my return.

I couldn't help but chuckle at its exaggerated welcome and responded, "Hi Index, thanks for that." However, my expression quickly turned serious as I remembered the Nina quest. I squinted at the book and posed my question, "By any chance, do you have direct access to the system? Can you, for example, prevent quest completions or provide bonus WP?"

Index rotated itself left and right, as if shaking his head, and replied, {Not really. My main task is to, help the users, and scan the history and future of new worlds. I can only suggest to the system the tiers of the worlds, reasons for their doomed status, and propose quests along with their WP rewards. However, it's ultimately up to the system to decide whether or not to follow through with my suggestions and implement them.}

I nodded in understanding but continued my inquiry, "So, only the system can grant WP bonuses for quest completions?"

{Yep, and it's not uncommon,} Index responded, bubbling up and down with excitement. Then, after a moment of silence, he exclaimed, {Oh, I see! You received a 150 WP bonus for THAT quest.} He nodded understandingly before floating closer and whispering, {Don't tell anyone, but the system has a soft spot for abused or troubled children. If you had completed the Potter quest in a different manner in the Harry Potter world, you would have received a bonus WP.} He shrugged casually, adding, {Not that his death meant anything in the grand scheme of things.}

"Thanks for the info. I'll definitely keep that in mind. Now, I need to go," I said with a smile. "The last world provided some valuable insights. I discovered a method to convert energy into mana. I'll retreat to the crafting room and commence work on my project."

{Well, I won't hold you back then. May your crafting session be fruitful, and please give my regards to Olivia,} Index responded.

"Will do. Have a wonderful day, Index, and until we meet again," I bid farewell and made my way upstairs, my footsteps leading me directly to the training room where I sensed Olivia's presence awaiting me.

Stepping into the training room, I was taken aback by the sudden surge in gravity, the heaviness pressing down on me. Yet, my attention was quickly captured by the awe-inspiring scene unfolding before me. Olivia, in a display of remarkable skill, battled against a multitude of magical constructs. She moved with grace and agility, effortlessly evading their strikes, undeterred by the strain imposed by the intensified gravity. Each of her strikes hit its mark, cleaving constructs in half or deftly deflecting magical and physical projectiles. I stood there, transfixed, a silent observer of this mesmerizing ballet of death.

"If this were a battlefield, she would be the embodiment of death itself," I murmured to myself, tilting my head as an arrow she parried narrowly missed me, embedding itself in the wall just millimeters away. "She would most certainly benefit from the Death or perhaps War Domains," I affirmed with a nod, acknowledging the fittingness of such a power for her.

"Pause simulation," commanded Olivia to the training system, finally acknowledging my presence. A smile spread across her face as she bounded over to me, her body glistening with sweat. In a sweat-covered state, she wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a passionate kiss on my lips.

"Welcome back," she greeted me, her smile captivating as she released her embrace. "Did you find what you were searching for?" she inquired, tilting her head slightly.

"Yes, I've finally obtained what I was seeking. I can now upgrade Mai and begin constructing the Dyson sphere," I explained. "Although, I will require your assistance in the creation of the sun," I added.

Her head tilted in momentary confusion, but soon realization dawned upon her. "Ah, you need a power boost or two," she deduced.

"Yes," I responded with a wry smile, fully aware that my current power alone was insufficient for such a grand undertaking.

"Sure," Olivia replied, her smile radiating with happiness at the opportunity to be of assistance. "I'll continue my training here. Just give me a call whenever you need me, and I'll be by your side."

With a sense of gratitude and determination, I pivoted and made my way out of the training room, my mind fully engrossed in the intricate plans and calculations that awaited me. Down the corridor, the crafting room beckoned, a sanctum where a groundbreaking innovation would come to life, and with each step, anticipation surged through my veins, propelling me closer to the realization of my ambitious endeavor.

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