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Chapter 40: Episode 38

**The following chapter contains content that is unsuitable for some viewers, please proceed at your own risk**


"How long are you gonna stay with him like this.." Zhuang pressed the cold juice can to Akio's cheek.

"You're awfully calm for a wanted person" Akio replied with a straight face, his eyes still fixated on his unconscious lover.

"I checked up on Natsu, something is up with him, he's had fever for two days, its down now but he doesn't let me in his room at all, you should really check up on your son too, you're just sitting here quietly the whole day..even the nurses are getting worried for you" Zhuang sat next to Akio and unpacked the plastic bag he brought with him "You also need to eat something, you're not looking well at I made you rice.."

"I'm not hungry" Akio replied "Why did Natsu have fever?"

"He said it was a cold but apparently it was bad enough, he couldn't walk straight at all, nor could he sit properly...well, I don't get colds much so I'm not very expert at handling them" Zhuang shrugged and without giving any consideration to what Akio told, he still handed him the lunch box he made.

"He doesn't get colds often either, I'll go home later and check up on him" Akio reluctantly took a spoonful and eventually started eating.

"Also something happened with the richie rich households, it's all over the news,  the two business elites, Himari family group had a fall out with the Kirihara group..the details are kept hidden but I somehow found out that Himari Aoi and Kirihara Mari had a violent clash..some bones were broken in midst" Zhuang told

"Is Aoi san okay?" Akio asked out of worry.

"I'm not sure, she isn't allowing any visitors and I don't want to sneak in to meet a woman whose head I smashed with a lamp" Zhuang replied.

"Yeah" Akio said, he unconsciously ended up eating the whole lunch box that Zhuang made while his eyes were fixated on Keitarou.

Zhuang placed a hand on his back "Akio..I know things can't go back to as they were when we were kids but just know, I'm here for you no matter what"

"Stop" Akio mumbled "I have never leaned on anyone before and nor will I start doing it now" Akio moved his hand off him "There for me? sounds you know why I'm sitting here right now? because I know well what this kid here is going through right now....I know well and that's why I'm afraid...because I know what is going in his mind and what he can do...what do you even know to be there for me?!" Akio frowned clenching his fists.

"I'm sorry...I really am, if I could go back...." Zhuang mumbled

"Well you can't go back! so stop're only related to Natsu, don't try to approach me" Akio cut him off and whispered "I can do this on my own...back then Natsu was my anchor..and right now I'll be Keitarou kun's anchor"

"I see" Zhuang got up and left, looking back twice, he sighed standing outside the door when someone stood infront of him, he looked up at the stranger holding a bouquet of flowers, he let the middle aged man pass by him and looked back quite confused as he walked away.

"Excuse me.." The middle aged man with jet black hair and familiar yellowish amber eyes entered the room

Akio momentarily looked at him and then looked away. The man came in and sat on an empty seat in front of Keitarou and placed the bouquet next to the lamp near the bedside.

For a few minutes there was utter silence, the man did not say anything and nor did Akio inquire anything of him.

"What happened to him?" The man finally broke the silence and asked in a whisper

Akio didn't reply at first bit then took a deep breath "He's suffering for your sins...Mr. Uzawa" 

The man was shocked for a moment there, then he relaxed back "How did you know?" He asked.

"Keitarou kun's got his looks from you, it'd be weird if I didn't know" Akio replied.

"And you must be the famous Akio san right?" The man spoke with composed demeanor " Aren't you gonna tell me to leave?"

"I have no say in that" Akio replied

"I see, you must understand right? since you are a parent yourself, its hard to stay away from your hurt child" The man replied.

"I'd request not to compare yourself to me, we have nothing in common" Akio replied abruptly.

The man smiled "You're quite an interesting man I must say, you almost remind me of my ex wife, Kei's mother, it's not just his looks... that are on me, he seems to have same tastes in partners I say" the man gave a devilish grin that made Akio frown,  before he got up "I ended up coming here right from the airport, so I must take my leave for now...I'll come again, nice to have met you Akio san" The man gave a foul smirk.

Akio didn't respond him, he watched the man leave from the corner of his eyes. He then got up and placed his forehead against Keitarou's 

"Don't worry.." Akio whispered "I'll protect you..I promise.."




What was I even thinking...and we totally did it, wait...that means...I'M NO LONGER A VIRGIN!!!!!?

and yes this isn't my first tantrum, I do this on daily basis ever since we did it and I've lost count of the number of tantrums, forgive me.

I rolled back and forth on the bed in effort to somehow contemplate for it, and yes, I've done this for last three days too. Come to think of it, I couldn't go meet her after that...well'd be too embarrassing to see her right now, damn you heat! Why did I have to moan like that for her, now I can't even face her...

Jeez...ah my whole body still hurts, it feels funny while walking...that monster had so much stamina, we did it so many times, in the end I was the one who passed out, she could've gone a few more rounds and wtf who spanks their partner while doing it? my rear is doubly sore, still can't sit..that crazy woman got strange fetishes. I'm glad that father is an idiot,  if it were dad he would've caught me right away. Well, not that I can hide this for long, she literally marked me...

Let's see...

I rolled off bed and stood infront of my body mirror whilst taking my shirt off and turning to look at my neck..damn its still dark, it doesn't sting as much anymore but I still remember the immense pleasure when she that's what it feels like to be marked?

On top of it she gave me hickeys on such visible places, they just won't go away that easily, I wanna kill her!

But I wonder, her back...I dug my nails really hard inside her shirt too, I really did claw her back hard, she must be in stinging pain too, I should probably buy her ointment when I go see her again...

Wait..I can't go again, I can't look her in the eye, even though we didn't go fully naked but our bodies still connected, just thinking about it makes my head all fuzzy..she even licked me there, what idiot puts their face in someone's behind? ugh so embarrassing!

Still...I want to see her again...still...

I laid flat on the bed, looking at the ceiling, remembering the moment she held my hand as I reached it to the ceiling. father home? sheesh, I quickly wore my shirt and got up to open the door for him when my eyes widened seeing her right infront of me

and then, I closed the door, yep, that was dangerous for my heart.

"Oye! how could you close the door on my face!? open up! you never came back after you left that day! tell me if I did something wrong! don't run away!" She yelled banging at the door.

What am I doing?

Ah come down stupid heart!! why do I feel like it'll break through my chest ?

"I'm gonna break the door if you don't open it!" She threatened

Stop..don't make me anymore flustered than I am right now..I can't face you like this....

OH, wtf she really is breaking the door,  "Oye stop kicking!" I opened the door to hit her head but instead she hugged me really tight.

"I'm sorry..I'M SORRY if I hurt you! PLEASE...! please don't run away!" she sounded so desperate, I haven't heard her being this desperate before....

"Calm down! it's not what you are thinking" I tried to argue but she just wouldn't let me loose.

"You haven't contacted me for three days now, I came as soon as I got discharged..ofcourse you ran away, I was scary wasn't I? I wasn't even listening to you and I treated you very roughly, even though you said it was your first time...I lost control!...and your as-!" She went on frantically until I covered her mouth with both my hands. Idiot...

Don't say it outloud!...

"I ran away...but it's not because of what you think...." I mumbled lowering my face in embarrassment, I can literally cry right embarrassing. She did stop for a moment there to listen to me "I'm just...we did it...our bodies....'s...embarrassing...I can't you right now...because..because.." Oh yep..that's my limit, and so my fuse blew afterall and she had to give me CPR. Not that it was needed, i just think she wanted to give one.

Well she made me a horrible soup too afterwards but let's not go there, at least she tried,and I collapsed in her arms back then at the door, not that I had fever anymore but atleast my body felt feverish in her presence  so she carried me in and tried cooking and all, though now I know, she's a horrible chef.. I bet people who ate her cooking never lived to tell the story.

"So what you're telling me, is that you can't face me because we made love and you're embarrassed about it?" She rephrased and I almost spat out the water I was drinking to get the sore taste in my mouth erode away.

"Don't rephrase my feelings so casually!" I scolded her, she almost smiled "What? you gonna make fun of me right? well sorry that I am a sensitive guy" I spoke sarcastically.

"No, it's just I'm glad that you don't hate me now.." She replied "I thought you were disgusted of me right now...', why does she think like that, I mean it was a little harsh and I still can't get a hang of her spanking fetish but other then that it wasn't bad, I enjoyed it..not that I can say that to her..I have a feeling I'd be on a plate for dinner if I said that, so I better not.

"Jeez, you worry too much..It wasn't bad, I don't hate you, I do hate your soup though" I replied, she didn't seem much satisfied, she's probably scared that she's traumatized me or something.

"What about your body? You don't seem to have fever, I didn't tear you did I?" She asked.

"No I was..self lub...prepared enough did hurt but it didn't" I reassured her with a blush, this conversation is embarrassing..

"but you were walking funny a while ago...and you are sitting in a weird way..!" She said

"That's cause my rear is swollen cause of your crazy spanking fetish and my back hurts because you went on so many times!" I ended up blurting out, low-key annoyed by the embarrassing conversation..and I regretted right after "No! what I mean is..!"

"I get it! Thank You for telling me, I'll take responsibility" She said and got up

Eh no wait.. what does she mean by that? "Oye stop, where are you going?"  

She left? eh..EHHH...!

Oh..she's back...

"What's that?" I inquired regarding what she was holding in her hand

"Oil, I warmed it up a little" She replied "Take off you clothes"

"EHH! No !" I sat up with a sudden spring, what is she saying at all

"Don't worry, I'm good at this" She replied getting hands on my shirt

"That's not the problem!" I tried to escape, she's trying to make me naked!

"What are you so shy about, I've already seen most of it, at least the important ones" She said exposing my chest "Oh..they're swollen.."

I pushed her off "ofcourse they are, you bit them through the clothes many times!" I went right into my scolding mode

"Alright, I'll massage them too, don't worry" She replied

"You're not listening!" I yelled at her.

"Why are you embarrassed about being naked..."She seemed a bit gloomy while asking that

Ah, damn it, I just am shy..she's probably taking it as rejection...

"Wait here.." I got up and went through my closet, ah I still can't stand that properly yet, she waited quite curiously "Here.." I held out a piece of cloth "Tie it around your eyes..then you can do it.."

She seemed surprised but took the cloth with a smile, I locked the room from inside and got on bed too as she took off her jacket and tied the black cloth around her eyes, it went well with black tank top she was wearing over blue jeans...

Well it is embarrassing too.. but atleast she won't be looking at my face..

I took off my shirt and slowly slipped out of my pants "If you take a peek..I'll kill you" I told her before taking off my underpants as well

"I won't" She smiled and reached her hands, somehow reaching my waist since I was standing to strip and caressed my belly.

Sheesh..don't do that..

I got back on the bed with a heated face and laid down, I helped her dip her hands in oil before she started to smudge it all over my body

Don't get aroused! its just a massage! 

She smudged the oil all over my body with her hands and applied some more before she started to pay attention to specific areas, massaging my shoulders and chest, her thumbs gently circling my areola and teasing the nubs. She leaned in and slid the tip of her nose from my belly button to my chest back and forth while gently massaging my rib cage and slowly turning me over sliding her lips down the spine while massaging the back of my neck and shoulders, caressing the dip in my arched this really a massage...? But I can't argue, it feels good..whatever it is..

I peeked at her face from the corner...her cheeks are red, she's feeling me even more since she can't's kind of sexy, her face..

Her hands moved towards my lower cheeks, gently massaging them in her both hands..the warm oil feels good...Eh wait..

"Oye! where are you kissing!" I tried to push her face out of my rear, seriously this pervert! Can't get my eyes off her for a second!

"This place too... should massage.. it hurts right?" She nudged her fingers against the entrance

"No! leave that place out..!" I said, she moved up my back, kissing my cheek.

"It's okay..." She whispered licking behind my ear "Your tongue...give me.." She parted her lips, anticipating a kiss. 

It's just a kiss right? I can do it, you just with your what?! you're asking for impossible woman! I don't know how to use tongue in a kiss!! and stop with you fingers down there, you totally want to slip them in!

"I don't to.." I replied.

She reached in from my back, kissing my lips and slipped her tongue inside my stop....I'll lose my head again...!!! Her fingers..did she...slip one in...? My mouth, feels so good..

"Just like that...give me your tongue.." She whispered after a demonstration.

Her fingers started moving...yep they're kiss was a total distraction so that she can act on her evil plans!

I ended up sticking out my tongue in heat of the moment and she started frenching and sucking on it

"You're gonna do it...?" I whispered as our hot mouths parted.

"No..I'm just giving you a massage..." She smiled and sat back up while I was rubbing in my front against the sheets due to her fingers

"Hey! you're doing it on purpose!!"

I's not fair..the front too...why won't you?! ofcourse I can't say that out loud, I'd rather die!

She kissed at my inner thighs and massaged it up with her free hands..

Do it..! Why won't you?! Why are you teasing me!...I want to...I want!! AH...!

She smirked, realizing that I got off.

I will kill her! 

She pretended not to have noticed and went to massage the back of knees and calves kissing at my calves and feet. Stop....The feet massage..feels so ticklish..! wahhh stop..

"Is it ticklish? you're squirming.." She whispered

"Of Course it is!" I replied quite flustered at this point

She still smirked and carried on to massage at her own will



"Why won't you touch there..?"

"Where exactly..?"

"Don't play dumb!"

She didn't answer, yet chuckled and humped me over finally groping me

"Did I tease you too much?" She started rubbing me up

It's that feeling again...I'm going blank again...

She kissed the claim mark at the back of my neck while teasingly rubbing it up 

"back..too..." I whispered huffing

"What?" She asked

"Back there..too.." My mind is..

what am I saying....?

"Oh.." She hummed quite pleased "I can't give you that today since you have not fully healed yet.."

"Please..." I almost begged without realizing it, who have I become? Wanting to be messed up by her like this...

"Nope...Not doing that till you're fully healed..but, if its just fingers..." She said and slid one of her hands that was on my chest, down my naval and under my jewels, slipping her middle finger whilst rubbing the front with her other hand and caressing my shoulders and got me all crazy and I had to cover my mouth with both hands so that I don't embarrass myself with my voice any further...

This is bad...

Really bad...

"Im..... I'!"

I feel like..I'm getting addicted....really addicted...


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