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Chapter 30: Dinner Party

-Mephisto's Pov-

Oh? I think I have had more screen time then Yukio now. How wonderful to know~.

(Sloth): "Why are you laughing so weirdly?"

Sloth questions my sudden laughter. If only you knew~. Sorry for breaking the fourth wall again. After all, I am the king of time, it's part of my nature. Now I hope you've all been paying attention to how the story is going, after all, things aren't as they seem to be.

(Mephisto): "No, I just had a little thought. Looks like Rin has finally discovered how to use his spatial powers."

His awakening is more fruitful than I anticipated. With this, the world should be a better place, or will it?

(Sloth): "Did you plan him to escape the pocket dimension by himself?"

Sloth asks me with a questioning tone. Did I or did I not? That's the real question.

(Mephisto): "Nope."

(Sloth): "Huh?"

Oh, how I love pulling other people's legs. Although Sloth doesn't have any, but it's still fun to see his reactions like this.

(Mephisto): "Well, for him to even get to here, he needed to have the spatial attribute or some skill to manipulate space. Did you forget who his father was?"

I give Sloth a serious expression as I said that. Rin's too important to mess around with especially after he came here.

(Sloth): "Haah, I really need to stop forgetting things else it'll become too troublesome. You make a good point, Samael, but when do you plan to tell him about his abilities?"

Sloth says that with a big sigh. Oh? Someone surprisingly cares for Rin. Funny coming from one of the Sins who only care about their single desire.

(Mephisto): "Hmm? When he's worthy of such knowledge. He's much stronger than before but that might not be enough for assiah's sake".

Hehe, Rin carry on exploring more of this world. Maybe make a fateful encounter or a lifelong relationship with a special person. It's the least you deserve...

Plus, I'd get to see a bit of romance while I'm at it.

-Rin' Pov, walking to the dorm-

(Rin): "Quick question: I remember the Demon version of you say that you got confessed by your crush. What happened from then on?"

I say that with the hope of breaking Yanno's current thoughts. After seeing Mephisto, he looks like he's been dealing something inside of him. I guess he's still sorting out all the memories he's feeling, huh. The same thing happened to me but it took a while for me to stop acting like Rin and receive my original self, albeit it's a mixture of the two. Hopefully, he doesn't change too drastically.

(Yanno): "Hmm? Yeah, I have a girlfriend who's a year younger than us. We've been dating for over a year."

(Rin): "Oh? Tell us more about this Mr smooth."

I say that as I lightly elbow yanno's arm. Yanno softly sighs and smiles before he carries on speaking.

(Yanno): "It's nothing much, I've already told you that middle school was a nightmare for me. First-year I was bullied for not being normal. I was an introvert. During Second year I became more of an ambivert in order to get along with those bullies so they won't trouble me too much. It took a while but the bullies switched targets by the end of the year. But the main reason that I changed was because my crush, uhh, confessed to me. Her names Suzuki Tanaka, A year younger than us but she's what made me move on. Though, I wonder what she'll feel when she finds out I'm a Demon?"

Yanno tells me his story with a melancholic face. I remember those days where I was too weak to fight against bullies. My classroom would make fun of me for my sharp eyes and the teachers won't do anything to help me.

Haah, seriously, why do people have the need to bully someone? If they deserved it then cool, but Yanno and I have literally done nothing to get that treatment.

Another reason why I hate people and this world. Oh well, it's just the pessimistic side that's showing up again.

I teased Yanno a bit about him having a girlfriend and asked him how far they've gone in the relationship. Yanno said that they've only kissed but that's only when they're in private.

I wonder what's it like to be in a relationship?

We spent the time casually walking to the dormitory and asking random questions about each other. We couldn't ask these questions despite staying in the locket dimension due to Yanno passing out after every training session.

I wonder if the Pocket Dimension is a better training place than the training room due to the fact that we have to work harder with the lack of any food giving us nutrients. Though that could cause problems for normal people, huh.

(Yukio): "Nii-san! You missed your lesson!"

Yukio interrupted our chat as he walks towards us. He has black lines all over his forehead as he shouts at me for missing my lessons. Haah, that Mephisto really needs to do his damn job properly. I then remember seeing him eat a bag of chips and playing a game on a console.

I need revenge.

(Rin): "Look, I had to do something for Mephisto. You can ask him yourself but let's go inside, else I won't have enough time to cook for everyone."

I say that as I use my tail to give a little nudge as I sense his aura feeling sad. I'm happy that you care but stop getting depressed so easily.

I wonder if I sounded like a hypocrite when I said that?

(Sora): "Hey Rin! Hey Yanno!"

As soon as we headed to the Cafeteria, we immediately got greeted by Sora who came out of the kitchen with a glass of water. She's wearing a plain black top with a pink Nike logo and a pink skirt. I look over to my left and see the rest of the Club Members already here, playing a football game.

(Rin): "Yo, Sorry for being late to my own dinner party."

I raise my hand when I greeted her then I rubbed my head as I apologised for being late. It's already 7 so dinner should be around 8 today, but it's still embarrassing that I couldn't greet the guest of my first dinner party.

(Sora): "It's no problem! Besides, we got Kasamugi to hook us up with some Ps4's and we started a Fifa tournament."

I look at one of the corners of the room to see the Culture Club playing with their normal enthusiasm and see Sae and Kirihime shaking their heads after losing a game. I wonder when the Cram School girls are gonna join? I wasn't expecting them to be later than me.

(Rin): "Sounds like fun. I'll make us something to eat while you guys relax."

Fifa, huh. I wonder if that's harder than black ops? I've never gotten the chance to play any games growing up because my mum never spent an extra penny on me. The only reason I know about anime and stuff is because of the school and public library.

I start reminiscing about my first anime being, well, KissXsis. Don't ask how, but I managed to watch it all without being caught by teachers, student or anyone. At least, I hope I did.

I recall those happy yet lonely days as I taste the Curry I'm making. I have the kitchen closed off from all entrances as I use my flames to speed up the cooking. My control really has improved, huh. The food has a slightly sparkling look as I use my flames, but the flavour tastes like it's doubled.

I surprisingly was able to finish all the cooking the Curry took half it's normal time and the Rice is already done.

(Rin): "Grrrr."

And as if an alarm to tell me that the food is ready, my stomach Rumbles loudly as I look at the first meal I made in 2 weeks. I was tempted on eating on the spot before handing the rest to the others, but instead, I got Akane and Naneko to give me a hand in placing the curry on the rice as well as hand them out to everyone sitting on the table.

(Rin): "Oh? You guys are late."

I say that as I notice a certain trio's group talking to each other. Izumo and Noriko are sitting next to each other with Shiemi sitting opposite to Izumo. Noriko is wearing a pink blouse with multicoloured dots all over it and blue jeans while Izumo's wearing a black and pink striped top with a pink skirt.

Then finally, Shiemi is wearing normal clothes. Like, she's wearing a plain white shirt with a pink skirt and a pair of black and white Canvas shoes. Isn't this a little soon for her to change her appearance? I guess this was my fault, huh. Glad to see that she's started to change though.

(Rin): "The clothes suit you."

I say that as I hand a bowl of curry and rice to Shiemi. Shiemi's face reddens up to my words as she fiddles with her fingers and stutters her words.

(Shiemi): "Y-you think? I-I had Izumo-chan and Nori-chan help me out."

I thought so, but it feels like this is all too soon.

(Rin): "Well, good job you two."

I say that as I give then a thumbs up since she looks better with this than her traditional Japanese clothes.

(Izumo): "You don't have to make it sound like we're your pets, you know? Plus, she was the one who asked for help in the first place."

Izumo immediately responds with a sharp rebuke as she gives a little hmpf. Yikes, tsundere.

(Noriko): "You make it sound like you didn't enjoy the shopping, Izumo-chan."

(Izumo): "Of course I didn't! I didn't get to read the new chapter of Kimi-Monogatari because of her."

(Noriko): "Oh? But you were smiling a lot and you were making Shiemi wear the whole store out."

Looks like someone just got baited out. I say that mentally as I hand the last couple of bowls to Yanno who looks like he was about to die from hunger.

Before we ate, I had everyone introduce themselves, much to the despair of Yanno and my familiars, which officially made the Club Members and Some on the Cram School Students to interact with each other. Now to see how much of the story will change and how effective it will be. Hopefully, it won't be another situation like Yanno but I don't think that'll be a common appearance. Hopefully...

(Everyone): "Thanks for the meal!"

Once we were done introducing ourselves, we sat down and said our thanks before chowing down. Kuro, Midori and Yanno seem especially hungry as they take large bites and quickly devour their food before helping themselves with another serving. Everyone looks at Yanno and wonder why he's eating like he has eaten for days and I'm pretty sure I heard Izumo whisper "bloody hell" when she saw how much food Midori and Kuro ate.

If only they knew what they've been through. I wonder if I can use those silver flames to go back to that pocket dimension? If so, then I can do a lot of stuff with the extra time.

(Naneko): "Is it me, or does your skin look shinier than before? And does Kuro's, Midori's and Yanno's."

(Chelsea): "I was just thinking about that. What did you guys do when you missed the club?

Oh boy, looks like using my flames to wipe away our sweat was a bad thing.

(Rin): "Mephisto had us do an errand and in the end, we ended up like this with everyone being hungry and having shiny skin."

I say that as I have my 5th serving. I'm not a messy eater like the other three who are on their 8th serving whilst the other demons are on their 3rd including Sae, Chelsea and surprisingly Kirihime.

(Kirihime): "Your hair also grew longer?"

While I was having my little thought on what I could do with the extra time, Kirihime brought me back to earth by commenting on my hairs length. She really does have keen eyes, huh.

(Sora): "Strange, I don't remember it being that long when I saw it."

(Rin): "Yeah, I guess it just grew longer. My hair normally grows fast."

I say that with a little laugh as I feel my hair go down to my mouth. Yep, it's gotten longer but I like how it feels. I guess I have another reason to go to that Pocket Dimension.

(Sora): "Are you gonna get a haircut soon? If so, I can help you out."

(Rin): "Hmm, I don't think so."

Let's just grow it out and see how it looks. I might cut my fringe a little shorter though.

(Sora): "Oh? How are you going to style it?"

(Rin): "I'm probably just gonna grew it out and keep my fringe the same. I might even tie it up."

(Naneko): "Ooo, I'll help you out when your hair gets to that length!"

(Rin): "Sure!"

(Sai): "Looks like someone trying to copy my style."

Sai says that as he drinks a cup of water. Honestly, I've been having a weird feeling about him for a while now, not because he is the spitting image of Kaneki with waist-length white hair but because every once in a while I feel like he's keeping an eye on me.

Maybe Mephisto has a spy in the Culture Club?

(Kasamugi): "Oh please, what style? You don't even tie it up or anything. Is Rin gonna copy your eye patch next and collect a ton of eye patches?"

Kasamugi interrupts Sai as he picks up his plate and matches the food down. The guys don't really have table manners, huh. I look at Yanno, Midori and Kuri and they are just as bad or even worse than Kasamugi's.

(Sai): "I don't know what you mean by that. Anyway, pass me some more rice."

(Kasamugi): "Haha, Okay."

kasamugi laughs before giving Sai a bowl of rice. Speaking of eyepatches, I haven't seen that teacher that tried to kill Rin yet. I think his name was Neuhaus, but apparently, we don't get taught about the advance stuff like Meister until we pass the qualifier page Exams, which is the main exam before the Exwire Exam.

At some point the dinner party, the guys decide to make it into an eating contest thanks to Kuro, Midori and Yanno devouring plate after plate. Sai and Kasamugi joined them but soon gave up as the food was too much for them but the other three are still at it and I think they're eating even faster than before.

Though I'm also still eating, I don't forget my table manners as I continue talking with the other club members about trivial stuff.

(Mephisto): "My, I see your culinary skills have improved, Rin."

And sitting at a table by himself, Mephisto, wearing his usual jester outfit, joins the party uninvited while continuing to take mouthfuls of curry. Why am I not surprised at this point?

(Rin): "Thanks for the compliment, but what are you doing here?"

I give him a little glare as I don't want to deal with any of his antics at the moment.

(Mephisto): "Oh, come now, is that how you speak to your dear principal~?"

I squint my eyes when I hear him pull out the senior citizen card. Seriously man? Do your job properly then maybe I'll give a shit.

(Mephisto): 'Alrighty, I wanted to have a little chat with you.'

Mephisto's voice echoes in my head as soon as I questioned him. Great… I have a bad feeling about this.

(Rin): 'I don't appreciate the sudden invasion. What do you want?'

(Mephisto): 'Yes, it's about your next mission. Now I know you're meant to rest up after training Yanno for the 12 days you were in the pocket dimension, but the school that Kuro and Midori are to be enrolled in is in a bit of turmoil at the moment. Both teachers and students have been reported missing but then showing up days later all over the town. I want you to find out what's happening and deal with this nuisance.'

(Rin): 'Haah, fine whatever, just leave once you're finished with that serving. I'll check it out tomorrow, so can you give my Teachers at the Cram School a reason for my absence this time?'

This smells fishy... The last time I went out for a mission I got hit by those Succubus Charms that really affected my head. Haah, I'm aware that this could be bad news but I have to do this for the sake of Kuro and Midori.

Seriously though, why can't Demons just live peacefully for once? I guess I can't talk since the human side also have terrorists and such. Haah, this world is really fucked.

(Mephisto): 'But of course. As the Principal, it is but a simple matter.'

(Rin): 'Oh really? Then why didn't you explain to Yukio about my mission? You could've at least told him that I wasn't going to make it to Cram School or something. I guess you were too busy playing your game, huh.'

(Mephisto): 'Farewell Rin.'

Before I could pressure him into giving me an answer, Mephisto snaps his fingers and disappears, leaving a pile of dishes behind. Great... More work.

We carried on eating after Mephisto left, everyone wondered what Mephisto talked to me about, but Kasamugi was able to calm everyone down saying it was my business to deal with.

After the dinner was over, the others started playing on the PlayStation to carry on with the Fifa tournament. I suggested doing the Cleaning up since I wanted to test out my flames burning the food off the plates, but I got stopped when Chelsea and Akane refused to not help me out.

(Chelsea): "By the way, what happened to your other sword?"

I'm sure the others are curious about why I've gone from one sword to two swords to one sword again. Too bad I can't explain it until my faction is ready. I can't wait to see the reactions of the Grigori once my true plan goes into action.

(Rin): "I learned a better way of using my flames now. I'm able to store items, look."

I explain to her as I raise my right hand up and it gets surrounded by blue flames. I picture Kurikara in my head and imagine grabbing its hilt before pulling it out. I did some test previously while I was in the pocket dimension and I'm able to bring out Kurikara with or without its scabbard. It took a while but I was also able to empty out that wasteland of its scrap since I thought It could be of use somehow.

I wonder what Mephisto's reaction to that will be? He'll probably thank me later or maybe he might get mad. Well, serves him right if he does get mad.

Chelsea looks at me with a face full of shock before shaking her head and blossoming a smile. I wonder why she's never afraid of my flames?

(Chelsea): "You never get boring, do you?"

I felt my cheeks get a little warm from looking at the smile as I laugh it off. Boy, does this world look prettier than my previous world. Though I find it weird that the only ones who are scared of my flames are my enemies. Akane, Chelsea, not even Yoshikuni was afraid of them which makes me wonder why the original Rin never met any of them.

I seriously need to remember that this world isn't completely the same as the original. Oh well, no point in thinking about that when I can just train myself to deal with future events to come. I'm just worried about all the new things that are happening that never appeared in the manga or anime

(Akane): "Have you been looking after your swords? If you use them often, even for practising, and don't clean them then they'll start to corrode."

(Rin): "Uh… They do? I guess that makes sense but I usually have my flames to clean my swords."

I've never really put any thought about my swords maintenance since I've always used my flames to take care of it. I wonder if I've become too reliant on my flames?

(Chelsea): "You don't take care of your swords…?"

I suddenly felt the temperature around Chelsea drops when she opened her mouth. What did I do now?

(Chelsea): "You don't even take care of your swords!"

Chelsea suddenly shouted at me as she throws a fit about how a swordsmen should treat the sword like a limb and take care of it as often as you can.

(Chelsea): "Did Yoshikuni not tell you about sword maintenance?"

(Rin): "Uh... no."

I don't think so but it's probably because my mind started to become numb after her constant rambling. Even now, I'd receive a few messages from her about how busy she gets but I always question how she has time to talk to me in the first place. Oh well, I enjoy the random topics we talk about.

(Chelsea): "That's it, this Saturday, you going with me to Yoshikuni's place and get you to learn how to maintain your swords."

(Rin): "Sounds like a plan."

Perfect, I can use this as a chance to talk to Yoshikuni about my ideas with the crystals and the scraps. I've burned quite a lot of scraps in the 12 days so I want to see if what I've done has any worth or not.

(Akane): "Yeah, the same thing happened to me when I told her that I don't take care of my Kodatchi's"

(Rin): "Glad to hear I'm not the only one to suffer."

I laugh a little as imagine Chelsea pressuring Akane probably while the other boys were around which made her even more shy. Akane's able to make those blood kodachi's so want to see what happens if I fight her with my blue flames kodachi?

(Chelsea): "Want a quick spar after the parties over?"

(Rin): "Sure..."

As if reading my mind to have a fight, Chelsea suggests a sparring match. We just one problem...

(Rin): "...Just need to finish the mountain of dishes."

Damn these Demons and their endless stomachs. In the end, I summon my flames as I burn all the food off the plate, leaving the plates spotless and have a shine to them.

(Chelsea): "I wonder if I'll get used to your flames? Don't tell that they're the reason the four of you have better skin than before we met up again."

(Rin): "Haha, maybe."

Chelsea once again congratulates me on finding something useful with my flames as I rub my head from the praise.

(Akane): "I wonder if I can do this with my blood?"

(Chelsea): "Please, don't you dare try that."

Chelsea flicks Akane's forehead as soon as she finished speaking. I agree, having your blood to clean the dishes doesn't sound very pleasant for my stomach.

With the dishes done, it's time to see what the others are doing.

(Naneko): "It's been years since I've seen a face around here..."

We open the door and hear the sound of Naneko singing. Did these walls become soundproof or something? I question them before continuing to listen Naneko's singing.

(Rin): "Woo! Encore!"

Once Naneko was done singing, I clapped her on and even shouted for an encore. I've never listened to music before other than anime music so this is amazing!

(Naneko): "Oh wow, hey Rin."

(Rin): "I didn't know you could sing like that. Man, that was beautiful!"

I'm being serious, if I could, I'd like to listen to her sing all day.

(Naneko): "Haha, I do it for fun."

(Akane): "Fun? Didn't you get a job at that music company? I think it was to become a singer or something."

A singer? Yep, this definitely an anime world, but seriously, that's amazing. Naneko looks flustered and looks like she's about to explain but I cut in instead.

(Rin): "Oh? You're both an artist and a singer?!! Can I get your autograph? I'll be your number one biggest fan!"

(Naneko): "Mu..."

I think I pressured Naneko a little too far with my enthusiasm. I couldn't help myself since I've heard something like that. I got Naneko to give me her Autograph and I jokingly said I'll treasure as the beginning of a star which makes Naneko blush even harder.

(Noriko): "Why don't you have a go at the mic, Rin?"

Noriko says that as she hands over a mic to me.

(Rin): "Me? I've never sung before, so don't hate me if it sounds awful."

I try the same song that Naneko sung since I don't know any other music nor do I know the lyrics. I try to copy Naneko but it sounded a little funny. Luckily I had naneko there to help me sing parts I couldn't remember well.

After receiving a round of applause for effort, it was Izumo's turn who sang very softly but was still heard. I closed my eyes as I focused on the lyrics and her voice itself as they echo in my head. I did this for the next person, then the next, then the next person until it finally became my turn. I tried the song Izumo did and received a few surprised looks and congratulations.

After the singing was over, It was almost 10 O'clock. Way past everyone's Curfew, but luckily no one has to worry about it except for Shiemi. Her mother told her to be back once the dinner was over but that was 2 hours ago. I volunteered to walk her home when I saw Yukio about to suggest it himself.

Seriously dude, if you had a crush on Shiemi than I'd let you, but you don't. Focus on the girl that's been trying to get into your thick skull for the last few hours. I mean, for god sake, she almost said she liked you when she was introducing herself.

Whops, I ranted. Right now I'm walking Shiemi home.

(Rin): "How'd you like the dinner party?"

I ask after realising that we haven't talked much throughout the dinner party. I haven't had this much fun before so I lost myself in the fun. Shiemi didn't even sing a song during the Karaoke event, probably due to her shyness

(Shiemi): "I've never been in such a large environment before, but everyone was so nice. I even along with some of the girls and got their numbers."

Shiemi says that with a big smile as the wind blows her short blond hair.

(Shiemi): "Thank you Rin. I never thought I would be able to make friends my age nor did I think I'd be able to leave the garden. Truly thank you."

Shiemi says that one more time as she starts tearing up. Geez...

(Rin): "Look, as long as you had fun, that's all that matters. The only thing I did was make the food so most of the hard work comes from you."

Ok, I sound like a hypocrite. Her enjoying herself was due to her own actions, ok.

I rubbed her as I said that and we continue walking the rest of the bridge in silence. I enjoyed the silence as well as the cold breeze.

(Shiemi): "Thanks once again."

(Rin): "No problem."

We wave at each other as I walk back to the bridge. When I get back to the dormitory, I find that the games changed from Karaoke to shogi and chess. It's Kasamugi vs Kirihime with the others waiting for them to make their moves, probably to start the next round of games. It looks like Kasamugi is on the losing side with his queen, bishops and knights out of commission.

I ignore their game as I look over to the table where both Kuro and Midori are sleeping with their heads on the desk. I lightly picked up Midori and I had Chelsea to pick up Kuro whilst the others were engrossed in the new game that started.

Looks like Kasamugi lost.

We tucked them into my bed before I make my way to one of the other rooms to get myself a mattress to sleep on the floor. I'm still being 'Supervised' by Yukio but at this point, I feel like he's just trying to be annoying.

I then got the other beds ready and started arranging where everyone will sleep for the night after talking to them about it. Once the party was nearing its end, Chelsea and I went outside for a spar along with Akane who dragged along a sleepy Naneko

(Rin): "Is she gonna be fine?"

I point at Naneko as she clings onto Akane like a kid.

(Akane): "This normally happens whenever she gets tired around me. Don't mind us and start your spar."

Akane says that with another sigh as she tells us to fight. Since when was she the type to study her opponents in a spar?

(Chelsea): "I can tell you've made a lot of improvements since this afternoon. Care to tell me the reason?"

(Rin): "Maybe if you win against me."

I say that as I catch a Bokken thrown at me. As tradition, we start sparring without any formal greetings or anything.

(Chelsea): "Looks like your reflexes and predictions skills have increased."

(Rin): "Thanks! I've learned from some of the best"

You think my reflexes and prediction skills wouldn't increase after going through those 2 weeks of Akane attacking me non-stop? Plus the training with Chelsea, Yoru and even some of mine, I'm surprised that I haven't collapsed from over-exhaustion.

(Akane): "Of course he will, he was able to defeat me when I was at full power."

Akane says that as she puts her hands on her hips and gives us a smug look. You know the scene would look more dramatic if you didn't have a certain Neko wrapping her legs around you and sleeping on you as if your her Akane-sized body pillow.

(Chelsea): "And you need to stop relying on strength instead of technique, you two Naneko."

Chelsea says that as she dodges another one of my attacks and counter-attacks after using a feint.

(Naneko): "Hehe, fighting isn't really my thing, but oh well."

Naneko sleepily responds as she snuggles up against Akane. Poor Akane. I think that as both Chelsea and I have our swords locked

(Rin): "You look tired."

I say that to both of them as I bend back and do a flip to dodge a blow to the stomach.

(Akane): "Yeah, it's already past her bedtime. I feel like my energy is being drained the more I stay like this."

it's only 10:49, how early of a sleeper are you? Nevermind, I forgot she's a cat.

I have thoughts like these as Chelsea and I have our fair share of attacking and defending against each other. We called it quits once we started hearing naneko light breathing.

Haah, these girls are quite a handful. We said our goodbyes once I took the girls to their rooms before heading back to mine.

(Rin): "Still mad about me missing my lesson?"

I ask as soon as I entered the bedroom. Yukio has a thoughtful expression, probably thinking about me or maybe Amethyst

(Yukio): "Haah, it's not that. I can put two and two together to have an understanding of what happened."

(Rin): "That's cool. How'd you like the party?"

I ask with the hopes of making him feel somewhat better. This guy is the most unstable out of everyone...

(Yukio): "It was good. Reminds me of the ones we have in the monastery. I'm surprised that you're able to entertain the guests."

The monastery, huh. I might want to visit them soon to deal with certain events.

(Rin): "Well, I'm surprised that you kept on talking to that one girl. Do you have feelings for her?"

It's true, most of the time in the party, Yukio spent it talking to Amethyst. Shiemi would talk to him here and there but the main talk was to Amethyst. Welp, hopefully, I can at least make him conscious of any romantic feelings for Amethyst.

(Yukio): "Oh, come on. We're just friends"

(Rin): "Whatever, let's get some sleep."

I rolled my eyes at his response. Seriously man? I checked up on Kuro and Midori before moving their fringes from their eyelids and go to sleep. Goodnight you two.

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Super slice of life!", "Dinner with the Devil", "Karaoke Time")

S_jay S_jay

Chapter 30 of MLIBE is out! Sorry for the slow plot pacing but it should pick up soon. As always constructive criticism and advice are much appreciated. Seriously, how does Einlion write so many chapters like a machine without having authors block?

Ps check out "long past dawn" on webnovel and "flare_blitz42" on Instagram. The three of us have been thinking of making a crossover novel with our OC's and us. Let me know how you feel about reading it. Cya in the next chappy!

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