/ Fantasy / New World - A New Beginning

New World - A New Beginning Original

New World - A New Beginning

Fantasy 157 Chapters 2.2M Views
Author: kenkan

4.71 (70 ratings)

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After finally dying in the arena amidst a dystopian world, I was reborn into a new one.
With unfamiliar faces all around me and a new identity as Jay Cadmium, I will become a powerful binder to support my family and protect what I hold dear.


Notice: This story is based on the popular webnovel and webcomic The Beginning after the End. Both stories start the SAME and only diverge later on. I'd highly recommend reading The Beginning after the End if you haven't already:



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    • Translation Quality
    • Stability of Updates
    • Story Development
    • Character Design
    • World Background

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    LV 10 Badge

    Hey guys, Author here. I just wanted to leave a few words regarding this story of mine: First and foremost, the book is inspired by The Beginning After the End by Turtleme. This beginning of this story mirrors TBATE, and if you've read the work, then you'll immediately recognize the plots and situations. Both stories obviously diverge later on, but you can expect the first few dozen chapters to be extremely similar. I'm also trying to improve my writing with this book. I'd say I did a decent job at checking for mistakes, but if you happen to find any, or just happen to read a sentence that doesn't sound right, just let me know. I always try and correct mistakes I missed. Pacing is also something I struggle with, so any tips on how to go about adjusting and setting the speed of events would be much appreciated. Here are also some questions I've gotten: Is this story a harem? - No. Is there R-18 content? - No. Is the story perfect? - Fuck no. Obviously, the last one isn't a question I've gotten, but please don't start reading this story expecting some modern masterpiece. I'm just a simple author who's trying to write their very first novel. That's all I've got for now. I really do hope you enjoy my story if you decide to try it out. If you have any questions, just ask away or ask me on discord. (Link will be in the synopsis of the story) Thanks for everything :)

    View 31 Replies

    Grammerly has nothing on this man, they should be paying him instead to proofread. Bet he has 100/100 on it. Anyways great novel you have, keep going. Loved the daily uploads so far.

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    LV 12 Badge

    Firstly, I liked to say that I am a TBATE fan, and when I first saw this, like many other tbate fans, it had me a bit off guard. I've knew for a long time that some other fans like to write fan-fics, or other "novels" that's heavily similar to or even the same as TBATE. I first debated if I should read this since I thought that the story would just be similar and all that stuff, but thankfully, I gave it a chance. Now I like to move onto the ratings: Writing Quality- I really love the writing quality of this novel, like some other review, grammar has nothing on Kenkan. The writing is a part of why I love this novel so much now, things are being explained very well in his writing. Stability of Updates- Kenkan updates at least once everyday, and if he doesn't he will update us readers/audience of why he couldn't update as much. I really encourage the readers to read his author notes because it gives us a lot of important info. This section of my rating is another part of how I am sticking to this novel so far. Story Development- The story development if very good IMO. The pace is going pretty well, but sometimes it can get a bit faster then normal and I think thats okay. Like I said in my "Stability of Updates" section, Ken does asks questions on how we want the story to be paced and how it is going to go. He is very considerate on our comments and puts our thoughts into whats going to happen in the next chap. Character Design- This connects quite a lot to my "Writing Quality" section, his writing makes emotions flow out of the characters, sadness, happiness, regret, sorrow, excitement, e.t.c. I don't have much to say in this section but I'm satisfied on how the characters are so far. World Background- Kenkan explains the world background pretty well, in some chapters he will explain things about the world and its system while in others, he just fixes his time onto the plot. IMO, he doesn't rush in detailing the world in the story, Ken doesn't put too little or too much information in his paragraphs. Overall, I give this book a 5/5, for my taste I really do love (addicted) this novel So, please for new readers (mostly for readers who also read TBATE) to give this book a chance even if the cover and title looks similar because the author did explain in one of his chapters that he will be changing some things about this book soon (including the cover and title), also check the paragraph comments since he also does answer reader questions in there.

    View 2 Replies

    Well, I honestly think that this story has a lot of potential. It kinda reminds me of beggining after the end with a bit of differences here and there. Anyways, Goodluck author, keep it up!

    View 1 Replies

    When i saw the cover ,I honestly thought this will be a cheaper version of The beginning after the end. But damn was i wrong. Although it is very similar to it at the beginning, it starts to become completely different after the adventurer years arc.

    View 3 Replies

    This story is written by a friend of mine, but I will still be completely honest. If you've read 'Beginning after the End', you will notice things that are similar between both stories. That being said, this is NOT a copy of that story. The overarching story is original, with diplomatic issues and struggles that need to be resolved. If you enjoy isekai stories, then you're sure to enjoy this one. Great job man :)

    Reveal Spoiler
    View 3 Replies

    It's a rip off a the "beginning after the end". .

    View 5 Replies

    The world is quite a broad term, the story is clear and there is no major flaws. Info dumps aren’t that noticeable and the way the characters talk is understandable and really natural. There’s a clear objective an the way it’s building up the story leads to good expectations. Overall the story is a magnificent piece, understandable, lighthearted and grim at the right times.

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    LV 2 Badge

    If you are looking for a tbate clone this is the book for you. But to be completely honest you’d be better rereading tbate. It doesn’t have a majorly different plot, so you basically already know everything that is gonna happen. Also it doesn’t do anything better than tbate only worse. The pacing is very off. It will introduce pieces of the plot that happened in tbate but it won’t go into nearly as much detail or spend as much time on it. Like the academy. Nothing substantial happens at the academy. It is like Hi ADADEMY time!! Ohhh they had classes 1 year later bad thing happens and academy ends. However, even though I have been dragging this book through the mud it isn’t a bad book. I mean I read it, but it just set my standards too high by comparing it to tbate. Like it has the plot elements and characters similar to tbate, but it doesn’t have the essence of what makes tbate tbate. Tl;dr: It shouldn’t of tried so hard to be like tbate, but still miss the mark.

    View 1 Replies

    Let's address the elephant in the room. The beginning is VERY similar to The Beginning After The End. That being said this book is very good, and it's characters are definitely different to TBATE. As far as this book goes... it's amazing. I won't go into to many details to avoid spoilers, but, unlike some books where one or two extras are sacrificed every now and then in the name of "character growth", there are deaths in this book that made me want to cry. For once an author made a character experience real loss and didn't just revive the dead person!

    Reveal Spoiler
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    First and foremost, thank you for this amazing story! It's not joke when I say that I literally binged the entire thing in two days. Yes I have no life. This will be my full review with critism because that's important if you want to improve. Spoilers ahead. Overall I thought that the story was great. The ideas and themes you introduced were cool and I like the idea of the final battle and the final nemesis. The story was about Jay / Two trying to have a new beginning. I thought I knew what that meant, let's get reincarnated and enjoy a new a life. However, it became clear to me that Two is someone that is deeply haunted and scarred by their past. It causes them to be unable to truly appreciate the people and world around them because they're still caught in the shadow of who and what they are. This was a big part of the story and was especially focused on with Katherine's death and she tells to live. Then at the end we see Two fighting himself and ultimately moving on from the past that haunts him and becoming Jay. This is a wonderful idea and story beat. However, I feel like this idea wasn't fully supported by the story in that I mean that the story got so swept up in the war that I kind of lost focus on that as I read and perhaps you, Kenkan, as you wrote. What I feel is the biggest flaw of this story is what feels like a lack of planning. Personally when I want to write a story I think it is ideal to sit down and write out every little aspect of what you want to do. Who are the characters, what are they like, what do they want, etc. This extends to everything. The world, the systems, races, history, all of it and more. Then how do they interact and especially, that do you want to do with the story and how you want it to tie into itself as well as what you want the focus to be. I could be wrong but I feel like you did not plan enough of this story. Even from your comments it seems like you just sat down and wrote what you wanted for the next chapter. I totally understand this. I know what its like to get super excited about something that you just want to start right then and there and then you kind of get stuck because you want to be consistent and meet peoples expectations etc. However, I think that more planning would have helped your writing immensely. Personally as a reader I felt that a lot of this story was very rushed. This has a lot of reasons such as time skips, character relations, plot advancements, etc. I think that there were too many time skips all over the place and it didn't help that we were rarely told a time skip happened. This led me, as a reader, to be often confused. This is especially so when I would be looking forward to interactions between characters and just seeing more of the world, only to find out that we skipped all of it, jumped ahead, and just say it happened. This also decreases my attachment to the characters because we don't get enough time and interaction with them, This also means that deaths aren't really that sad. Although Katherines death was pretty good I thought she was done well, but even her I would have liked more interaction. Battles. They felt weird because the way you wrote these high paced action filled battles it felt like minutes went by, especially considering the speed and power of the characters. However you would write that it's been going on for hours or that the war has been going on for months and the way you write it and what you write almost feel at odds against each other. I think that your fighting scenes are good it's just that they don't have the length you want them to in my eyes. Furthermore, your world feels too small. You never really talk about distance and this factors in with the time skips. For example, you say that it took about 3 weeks for the human army to arrive and support the dragons, however this happens in a few chapters. Also Jay travels around the continent in mere hours and armies seem to depart and arrive at their destination very quickly. The war just felt small and large at the same time, There were a lot of people but it only felt like there were only a few battles and only a few spots those battles happened, I understand that this is because of the dragons having a small territory to defend but I still think that your world felt too small. Yes there were places very far from the war such as the fei capital, and this helps show distance, but that's really the only example you ever showed so it doesn't really help or feel impactful. The monster race was a cool idea however I really don't see why you added it. They did almost nothing for the story and they did not impact it in any meaningful way. It just feels like a cool idea you threw in, but it has no impact. I also don't think that the Jay becoming an antagonist of the whole world was pulled of very well. It honestly just felt like asthia told the kings that he was really strong so he's the main baddie now and we should forget the war, and they just went along with it. Yes he blew up a whole town/city but I don't think its enough at all. In my opinion, he should have killed and destroyed a lot more in order to be recognized as a threat to stop the whole war and unite despite the years of this current war and hatred, as well as the centuries of war and hatred that you said is there, So Jay filling an Itachi role didn't really feel fleshed out enough. Then the physical battle between him and the other s ranks was not that great. I know that you mainly wanted to focus on his internal struggle and that final battle, and I know that he is super strong, but I don't think that there was enough shown against all the s ranks. In terms of your influence of The begging after the end, I think it dictated the course of your story too much. Influence is fine and a similar begging is also fine, however your whole story almost feels a shorter and rushed copy. Your characters are almost the exact same, from their power, to their appearance, to their actions. I mean Hugo, a fire user noble that follows the exact same path as the elf guy in TBATE. A huge party wipe against a tree monster that pretty much ends Jays adventuring, Almost every main character is like the main characters of TBATE. I'm fine with inspiration but I think you took too much and this honestly feels like a fanfic rip off some of the time. In order to improve, I really use think it comes down to a lot of planning and development before sitting down and writing. Just writing a chapter, publishing it and then doing that every time just leads to a linear story with not much depth most of the time. Also don't overuse influences. Your writing style is already pretty good so I think that you don't need to improve much there. Ok. I know I just wrote a lot about how I didn't like what you wrote but I genuinely did enjoy my time reading your story. There was a lot I did like too but I decided to focus on criticism for this. Thank you Kenkan for this cool story and I look forward to what you do next. Please don't misunderstand any of what I wrote for hate, I just wanted to say what I didn't like and what I thought could be better. Thank you for your time if you actually read this textbook of a review. - Kizaru Etrus

    Reveal Spoiler
    View 1 Replies

    This is by far one of my favorite Original novels Ive read so far. I love how the story progresses. Overall it deserves 5 stars.[img=update] Ps: This is what I first rgought the integrate form looked like.

    View 2 Replies

    Keep this going... The fight scene was great and I love the depth of this world. Loving it all! Keeps me on the edge!! Wish it had 30 more chapters :)

    View 0 Replies

    I honestly dont know why people say its just a ripoff of TBATE when it diverges midway and TBATE is also a ripoff of mushoku tensei (which is one of the best isekais and reincarnation stories along with rezero and both were the one the popularized the genre on the first place)

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    Terminei de ler O início parece literalmente TBATE Mas depois fica muito melhor e original e acontecendo coisas que eu não esperava, foi uma boa leitura Vale a pena ler

    View 1 Replies

    Honestly, although better than most of the garbage junk on this site it’s just a TBATE clone. It has the potential to actually be more and interesting but the author forces so many plots just to keep the same storyline as in TBATE. I mean here we have a reborn 18 year old that has never known familial love but runs off first thing to go train with dragons for years leaving his parents to think him dead. He comes back only to leave them after what 2 weeks to become an adventurer at like 7. Yeah okay makes sense for parents to finally get their son back and allow him a 7 year old to go off on adventures. Another thing is the “bind” honestly a terrible name that’s just awkward when magic could’ve worked because as said he came from Eath where magic and mana or essence or elemental anything could’ve worked but no we have bind and binders. Just doesn’t work other than wanting to be different from the otherwise same story TBATE. Early on we get informed that the average age of someone awakening is around 12 and our main character awoke at 3 you’d think this would give him an advantage but no not really everyone and their mother seems to be a 8 year old fully awakened genius that is close to being on par with our 18 year old combat veteran. Another thing I have to point out is the switching between pov’s because it doesn’t add anything to the story other than tooting the MC’s horn and saying how different he is from the other boys and how great he is. There is little to no development for the side characters other than being there to support the mc. But like I said it’s better than most novels on the site and the only reason I’m being harsh is because the author has potential it just makes me mad to see a possibly good novel turn bad because it’s trying to follow another story.

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    Was looking for a good novel to read when I saw this. I actually clicked on it because the cover reminded me a tbate so that was kinda cool. Anyway it's an enjoyable novel and i recommend it to others!

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    I like this novel more than the "beginning after the end " for the sole fact that the mc is not totally powerless when crisis strikes the overall quality is good but it would be even better if there was more romance involved

    View 0 Replies

    Im a huge fan of TBATE and when i first saw this i was super skeptical about It. However this story is so similar yet also so different from TBATE. Same ideas just a different execution and i love it good job author.

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    Amazing. I have nothing else to comment but this. the grammer the story and everything else is out of this world. I really love everything about this

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    Author kenkan