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Chapter 145: Plot Twist

Grand Line, Marineford, Marine Headquarters.

"Veee!!! Vee!!! Veee!!!!"

"Silver Den Den Mushi has received a signal!! Request to trigger Buster Call!! Request to trigger Buster Call from Admiral Aokiji!!! "

" Location?! "

" Enies Lobby!!! "

" Vice Admirals in the vicinity, please respond!! Considering the distance, it's probably faster to head there from headquarters!!! "

" What about the time?! "

" We can get there in 30 minutes!!! "

" Prepare 10 warships to depart immediately!! Gather 5 Vice admirals!! Act promptly!!! "

" Yes sir!!!!"



Lucci and Luffy looked at Spandam who was laughing maniacally with shock and horror in their eyes.

"Hahahahahaha!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Spandam laughed loudly. They had just witnessed him activate the Buster Call in a flash and they couldn't do anything about it.

"The CP9 agents have failed their mission and you know what happens when you do! You will be fired then either killed or arrested!!" Spandam grinned at Lucci.

" I however, will not suffer from any consequences as I am only the director!! The only thing they'll write in the reports is that the CP9 agents were too weak and useless!! Don't worry, you all are replaceable! New agents are being trained as we speak and I'll lead them so that we'll bring absolute Justice to the world!!" Spandam yelled while maintaining his insane grin.

" Goodbye Rob Lucci!!! I hated you anyway—


Both Luffy and Lucci shouted as they used Shugan to stab through Spandam's chest. Luffy punctured Spandam's lungs while Lucci pierced through Spandam's heart.

Lucci and Luffy growled angrily as he pulled out his hand from Spandam's body. Spandam's blood splashed everywhere, staining their bodies with it. Lucci yelled angrily as he grabbed Spandam's head and tore it off his body.

He threw it away and proceeded to tear apart Spandam's headless body. Luffy put his foot on Spandam's head and squished it into bits.

They were enraged and disgusted at Spandam. Lucci and Luffy looked at each other.

"Looks like you and the rest of the agents are fugitives now, Lucci." Luffy commented. Lucci remained silent.

"Are you sure this is the way you want to go out, Lucci? Being fired and killed by people who a couple of seconds ago were on your side." Luffy looked at Lucci's eyes.

" You're all free now. Decide on your own, make your own goddamn decisions. You guys have no one to order you around anymore. Do what you want in your life. " Luffy went on.

" What's better, Lucci? Being free and being able to do whatever you want or continue being a World Government lapdog?"



The fight between the Straw Hats and CP9 went on. None of them except for Luffy and Lucci knew that the Buster Call was activated.

Zoro sliced open Kaku's chest open and jumped back to avoid a punch from the giraffe hybrid.

Usopp and Nojiko kept bombarding Jabra with explosive bullets and pellets as the wolf hybrid struggled to catch them due to them being faster than him.

Meanwhile, Sanji was preparing to attack Kalifa, or was he?

"Take this!" Sanji shouted as he rushed towards Kalifa who was shocked at how fast the chef was. Sanji stopped a few steps away from the woman before he turned to kick at the wall.

"Flambage Shot!!"


The wall exploded from the powerful before it started crumbling, creating a smoke cloud. With the brief confusion, Sanji was able to use Soru to get away from Kalifa. Kaya took the chance to start dealing with Kalifa herself.

He hid behind a wall and sighed before he narrowed his eyes as the Den Den Mushi in his pocket started ringing.






"Huh? Who's calling?" Nami wondered ss she took out her Den Den Mushi. Franky, Chopper and Robin gathered around her and looked at it curiously. Kumadori was behind them bloody and unconscious.





Kaku hummed in confusion as he transformed back into his human form and took out his Den Den Mushi.

Zoro, Usopp, Nojiko and Jabra looked at him with confused expressions on their faces. Kaku ignored their stares and answered the call.


"Hello? Giraffe lover here. Who's calling?" Kaku greeted the person on the other side of the call and asked.

" It's Lucci. Listen, I need you and the remaining agents to stop fighting the pirates right now and focus on escaping. The bastard Spandam activated the Buster Call. "



" HE ACTIVATED WHAT?! " Nami shouted in shock, everyone was horrified at what they heard.

"Yes, Nami. Spandam activated the Buster Call. Me and Lucci killed him but it's no use. We have to escape right now or we'll be caught in the bombardment. " Luffy explained from the other side of the call.

"What about the rest? And did you say that you and Lucci killed him?" Nami asked, feeling surprised.

"Yeah, we did. We've decided to work together for the moment. Seems like leopard dude can finally make decisions on his own now. He's currently calling the remaining agents and telling them to evacuate the island."



"What about the rest of the agents? Are we just leaving them here? " Kaya asked.

" Grab those who are alive and let's meet up at the dock. There are ships there, so we can board one of them and escape with it." Luffy ordered.

" What if we encounter the Vice Admirals and the ships? " Sanji asked as Kaya who was with him went to up to fight Kalifa.

" Then we fight our way out."



Luffy sighed as he ended the call with his crew with Lucci ending the call with Kaku at the same time.

Lucci who had already transformed back into his human form suddenly lost consciousness and fell towards the ground. Luffy caught him before he could faceplant the ground.

"Steady now. Let's go." Luffy muttered as he carried Lucci in piggyback style.

Zoro, Usopp and Nojiko stared at Kaku and Jabra warily as the two agents were back in their human forms again.

"Hey, stop staring at me like that. I know you love giraffes too. Don't worry, you can see it again if we ever cross paths again." Kaku waved at the Straw Hats before he and Jabra used Soru to disappear.

Usopp looked at Zoro. "Alright then, let's head to the dock. It seems Luffy is already there. Zoro, hold onto my wrist. " Usopp ordered the vice captain of the Straw Hat Pirates.

" And why should I? " Zoro raised a brow at the crew's sniper.

"So that you don't get lost. Now grab my wrist, tightly by the way and let's get outta here!" Usopp shouted. Zoro rolled his eyes and reluctantly grabbed his wrist, making sure to hold it tightly.

"Ugh, fine. Lead the way, Sniper King."



" Now this is awkward. " Kaku muttered as he and Jabra were facing off against the Straw Hats again.

They were all gathered at the dock at the same time. Luffy was carrying an unconscious Lucci in piggyback style while Franky was dragging an unconscious Fukurou and Kumadori by the their legs.

"Why the hell are you here?!" Usopp demanded answers.

"We were ordered by Lucci to come here! Why the hell are you here?! And why the hell are you carrying them?!" Kaku shouted back.

"We were ordered by Luffy to come here! And he ordered us to carry them!!" Usopp shouted back.


Hundreds of explosions could be heard in the background as everyone widened their eyes. The Buster Call has started.

" Shit! Get on right now!! " Luffy shouted at Kaku, Kalifa and Jabra who stared at him as their response.

The Straw Hats got on the biggest battleship at the dock which was conveniently docked right beside them.

Everyone quickly climbed onto the battleship, only Jabra and Kaku were left. Luffy looked at them and stretched out his rubbery arm down.

"C'mon!!! You wanna live and be free or what?!!" Luffy shouted at them seriously. Kaku widened his eyes a little.

He quickly grabbed Luffy's hand. Luffy grinned and pulled Kaku up to the battleship. Once Kaku was on, he stretched down his hand again. Jabra did not hesitate and grabbed it. Kalifa too.

Luffy pulled the agents up easily. He looked at Franky who was already steering the warship away from the dock while Nami doing her navigation duties.

Usopp and Nojiko being the weapon experts in the crew, were loading cannonballs into the cannons into all of the cannons on the battleship.

Battleships have four masts, two with two sails and two with one. Like Standard ships, they have a circular superstructure from which one of the main masts emerges from, but theirs has another level.

Another rectangular superstructure is affixed to the stern, which is topped by a tan tower. They have three distinctive triple-barreled guns on their front and sides, which are powerful enough to completely destroy smaller vessels and even obliterate an entire island, though only in groups.

In addition to these guns, battleships possess two sets of six large cannons on both sides of their hulls.

Kaku was looking at Luffy who was giving out orders to his crew mates. He looked at the unconscious CP9 agents who were getting treated by Kaya and Chopper.

He then looked up at Luffy who stood in front of him. Luffy smiled down at him. "You should probably get that bandaged up or else you'll lose too much blood and die." Luffy advised. Kaku looked down and blinked.

"Ah, okay."

Robin was watching all of it with a look of disbelief in her eyes. Luffy was talking with the enemy like they were his friends for decades.

Robin then smiled warmly at him and looked at him dreamily. She wasn't mad about his decision at all. After all, this is the person who charmed her into joining his crew.

She admired him even more now.

To be continued...

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