/ Urban / Our earth our future just save it.....and eduction is for everyone

Our earth our future just save it.....and eduction is for everyone Original

Our earth our future just save it.....and eduction is for everyone

Urban 1 Chapters 884 Views
Author: Khan_Khan_4576

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Our earth our future just save it.
And spread the education and facilitate every one with education so me belong from the area which has been affected bye Islamic militants and our education institutions are damage and the education for both Male female are strictly prohibited and if some one try to get education they were been killed or kidnapped from the militants I get education bachelor level so no far I get this bachelor in very hard and tuff situations now it's my mission that's education we will get our aims and make our future better for this purpose I make an organization which aims are to provide the facilities and give basic education. Of the modern level and provides books and uniform and also stationary giving them free education that's like me no more will affect and basic education will be neccessary for them for this I need the help helped me who can provide me the books unform and all which they need if someone help me in books someone in uniform that's the effected children will get education and will make the surrounding community educated ......and the second purpose is that's we start a compian that's tells every one that's if our earth is not safe so our future will be damaged and our good future will be from the safety and protection of earth we will tell every one and go door step to every one and tell them that how earth will protect our future so that's now adays the earth is finish bye

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