/ Teen / Please be my family

Please be my family Original

Please be my family

Teen 5 Chapters 1.2K Views

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Adam Kendrick is a competent CEO of KD company who struggles with the pressure of being a single father and often feels he is hopelessly out of depth when it comes to all things childcare-related until he meets a single mother Imelda Robert who is trying to secure a project at KD company to cover the surgery expenses for her daughter, Sandra brain surgery. Adam proposes to Imelda to provide a complete family for the children and they both embark on marriage with an uncertain future. Hidden agendas and emotional conflicts arise behind the true identity of the children.
Adam's first love sees Imelda as a foe as she believes Imelda took Adam away from her.
Will Adam's first love give up on him?
What are the obstacles they face and will they overcome them?
What’s the real identity of their children?

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