/ Games / Real-Rpg. System of the Eminence. Metamorph!

Real-Rpg. System of the Eminence. Metamorph! Original

Real-Rpg. System of the Eminence. Metamorph!

Games 12 Chapters 23.1K Views
Author: Kin77777

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In a world that is very similar to ours, by the will of a powerful but very evil entity, the System of Exaltation descended. It brought with it the death and destruction of the old order of things. And now zombie crowds are walking through the streets of your hometown, burning all the living, to whom they were only able to reach. It's a fucking zombie apocalypse! It is in such an environment that our hero has to survive, who was able even before the System came to his world to grab several useful chips from another super-entity, and they will help him survive... And start building a new order of things around you. But only the strongest will be capable of this! And to become one of these people - he will do his best!


  1. TrickZZter
    TrickZZter Contributed 1
  2. Adam_Morrison_9763
    Adam_Morrison_9763 Contributed 1
  3. Daoistb4UkpN
    Daoistb4UkpN Contributed 1

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Author Kin77777