/ Fantasy / Realm traveller

Realm traveller Original

Realm traveller

Fantasy 2 Chapters 3.8K Views
Author: Sammyjay931

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The charming village of Everwood, located in the heart of the Enchanted Forest, is where legends are whispered through rustling leaves and enchanted dances in the wind.
Alara, a young woman with green eyes and blazing red hair, is a restless adventurer with an insatiable curiosity.
One fateful day, she discovers an ancient book that reveals the existence of a hidden club known as the Realm Travelers.
The pages of the book hold the key to a hidden map that leads to the enigmatic "Gateway to the Realms," a mystical portal supposed to transfer those who dare to enter other worlds filled with evil, wonder, and magic. Alara sets off on a mission with her close companion, Aelric, a talking raven, to uncover the Gate to the Realms, reveal the secrets of the Realm Travelers, and explore the realms that lie beyond the confines of her hamlet.
As they follow the forest's lead, their trip through the Enchanted Forest is replete with enchantments, challenges, and wonders.
The trail they choose shows the forest's elaborate magical carpet, complete with talking creatures, weird reflections, and ghostly phenomena.
Aelric, the wise raven, imparts his old wisdom and assists Alara in uncovering the forest's secrets. Alara and Aelric were lured into a magical realm of shimmering light as they approached the Realmgate, standing calmly in a void.
It's a place where pure imagination comes to life and the air is thick with wonder.
The travel through the Realmgate is only the beginning of Alara's quest to learn the truth about the Traveler Realms and the power of the realms.
Along the way, she accepts challenges, meets new people, and comes face to face with the final discovery of her adventure: the importance of balancing realities and dreams.
"Realm Travelers" is a captivating fantasy narrative about a young woman's limitless curiosity, her unwavering spirit of adventure, and the secrets hidden in mythical realms.
It's a narrative about self-discovery, friendship, and the transforming potential of embarking on a life-changing adventure.

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  • Translation Quality
  • Stability of Updates
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  • World Background

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Nice one Author This novel is highly recommended Seriously am not a fan of this But your book got me hooked at chapter1 Please release more

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Great novel in love with it already.Cant wait for more.Keep the chapters coming.Cant stop reading this awesome book.Its a master piece and deserves greatness

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Author Sammyjay931