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Chapter 7: 7. Darisyn

I watched as Darisyn unlocked his building and went inside for the morning.

It has been a week since I killed Altwain and sold his stuff to that Jungo person.

I didn't immediately go on a rampage because that's a good way to get killed by villagers with pitchforks. Instead, I will establish an army first - then attack.

Before I can even hope to summon any higher ranked demons I'll have to get stronger, which means I will need a continuous food supply.

Just my luck this is the only back-water town that doesn't have a whorehouse I can feed from, instead it's got five whores.

Two of which are just one whore with two personalities, and one is me.

And considering most of my customers end up sick - I'm avoiding out right killing for now - I'm sure most of them are gonna start avoiding me.

Which leaves me only one option, start a brothel and parasitically feed off of the sexual energy.

The only problem with that is funds, which brings me to why I'm stalking Darisyn.

< Why him? He isn't rich. >

Because a purification wizard probably knows plenty of rich and affluent people I can control.

< But there are plenty of wizards in town, some of which come from rich families. >

Fine, it's because he deserves it.

< Why? He has done nothing to you, and since when does a demon care about what someone deserves? Isn't your kind just about eradicating or enslaving all other races regardless of if they deserve it or not? >

Her words rang true, why did I care which wizard I used? And more to the point, why am I even listening to my host?!

Maybe something is wrong with me?


I can't let this lesser life-form get into my head, I chose this target.

I know his schedule like the back of my hand, he will be all alone for at least half an hour before that upstaging bitch Tiniyra shows up.

< Why are you calling her a bitch? Again, you have never met her before. >

I threw her back into a mental hellscape, that should keep her occupied for at least a couple of hours.

I've got to figure out how she keeps escaping from those.

I turned into smoke and slipped into his business.

It should have had purification runes carved into the walls to prevent a creature such as I from gaining entry, but apparently Darisyn is the arrogant sort.

You live you learn, or die and don't learn.

Depends if he's useful or not to me.

His shop walls are covered in trinkets and talismans, none of which would do me any harm.

This will be almost too easy.

"Are you going to take your true form anytime soon? Or will I have to rip you back into the material plane?"

Darisyn appeared out of thin air smirking.

Damn! He must have used a cloaking spell.

I returned to my demonic form.

"Serve me and I'll let you live."

"But then I would waste this perfect opportunity to send you back to the pits of hell."

"Then die."

My nails turned into claws and I jumped at him.

I hit an invisible wall, and was flung to the side.

Fuck! He can cast chantless magic.

I turned back into smoke, intent on smothering him.

Instead, my gaseous body started to condense until I started to turn solid again.

He forced me to revert back to my true form.


"I don't much care what the pests call themselves when they come before me, I just eradicate them all."

I froze, my scales on my neck tingled in fear.

It wasn't that he implied that he would kill me that frightened me, It was that he said it nonchalantly - like I was just an annoyance that he would kill just because.

I was speechless, I couldn't think of a single spell.

At that moment he chose to strike.

In less than a second he went from across the room to back handing me.

He picked me up by my throat, and threw me into a wall.

At this rate he was going to stop my master's glorious rise.

None of my magic or allure was working on him, his defense was too strong.

All of my memories ... I mean research has told me he is just a third tier Low-rank, but the power he is lazily throwing around is at least second tier Mid-rank.

My mind is racing for the crack in the proverbial armor, but by all accords he is a decent guy.

I couldn't think of any vices I saw that I could exploit.

"It's time to finish this I guess. I'd prefer if you didn't scream too loudly, all the screaming really does give one a bad case of tinnitus."

He raised his hand, light particles gathering for some powerful purification spell or other.

Looks like my run was shorter than most, longer than Sadisl though.

Just as he was about to end me, a name popped into my head.


His spell stopped.

"What did you just say?"

"I can give you Tiniyra."

His hand wavered, unsure whether to start-up the spell again.

Crack... found.

"Imagine her supple flesh on yours, yielding to whatever you desire."

It never hurts to grease the wheels of lust.

"How would you make her mine? A love spell?"

Hook. Line. Sinker.

"Why would you waste your time on a love spell which always gets broken by true love's kiss or whatever. When there is a way better spell."

"There is no better spell. Enslavement spells only work on less evolved creatures, such as beastfolk or monsters. Tiniyra is an elf, enslavement spells would never work on a species with such high magic resistance."

Looks like someone's given this a lot of thought, naughty boy.

"Maybe for you lower life-forms, but for the mighty demon race? She'll be licking my cunt for breakfast."


"Enslavement spells are dark magic, therefore dark beings are the only ones who can bring out their true power. For millennia your kind has enslaved weaker beings than yourselves with spells only working at maybe a tenth of their power."

"What good does that do me? I'm not a dark one."

"You could be."


"If you swear to become my slave, I can make you part demon."

He hesitated, I guess I've got to push some extra buttons.

"Don't you want to touch her supple flesh, rub her ....."

"Her rock hard abs."

Wait, what? Hard abs.

"I what to smell her short hair, I want to kiss her flat chest, and I want to hold her well-toned body."

"We are talking about a girl....right?"

"No.....we're talking about a woman."


"Repeat after me then. I hereby relinquish my soul and free will."

He knelt down in front of me.

"I hereby relinquish my soul and free will."

"To be forever bound to =-=-=-=-=-= *."

*Unless freely given a demon's true name can't be heard.

"To be forever bound to =-=-=-=-=-=."

"In return let her power be mine."

"In return let her power be mine."

"Okay, well-then drink up."

I slit my wrist with my claw.

He latched on without hesitation.

After about a half a minute I pulled my wrist away.

The changes started to happen as soon as his lips left my skin.

Horns sprouted from the sides of his head, wrapping around it and forming a crown of hardened bone, bone armor covered his skin,

his greying hair turned black again,

muscles piled on muscles, and finally the crest symbolizing his eternal servitude burned itself into the flesh below the armor above his heart.


"Yeah, I should probably have mentioned how painful this was going to be."

"Oh Mother! Darisyn what happened?!"

I turn around and there was Tiniyra, early and pissing me off.

Shit! She doesn't look feminine at all!

I can't believe it was his lust for her and not me that was his only crack, I guess she has a great personality.

"I don't know how that... thing managed to lay a curse on you, but I will defeat her and free you."

She started to power up, I could feel the power in the air.

"Come at me bitch."

I felt a clawed hand grasp my arm.

I looked down and saw Darisyn holding me.

"Mistress you promised me her flesh."

Darisyn's voice now sounded gravelly.

"What are you waiting for then? Go get her."

He stood up and gave her a bone chilling glare.

"Darisyn fight the spell! I don't want to hurt you."

In the blink of an eye her throat was in his hand, and she was pinned against the wall.

"How do I make her mine?! How do I do the spell?!"

Seriously! I'm right here!

He should have become infatuated with me as soon as he gave his soul to me. I'm a fucking succubus for the love of all that is dark.

"You are a demon now, so act like one.

Only baser beings need to chant a spell to do magic, our will alone is enough."

He closed his eyes and focused, a crest appeared on her chest.

Clearly seen because it was glowing red-hot.

"Ahhh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhh!"

Man, she is a screamer.

I quickly cast a silence spell.

Enslavement spells are like horse breaking; do it right you get a useful slave for life, do it wrong and get bucked.

It appears Darisyn's experience from when he was just a human has transferred over to his demon form.

Most first-timers doing an enslavement spell just try to overcome the victim's will, that almost never works.

Darisyn however is using a burning seal to cause unworldly pain, after all there is nothing like pain to make you concede your free will.

After a few more seconds of this delectable torture Darisyn let her drop to the floor.

"It is done. I feel her soul bound to mine."

He dropped to his knees before me.

"You have my eternal gratitude mistress, she is finally mine forever."

Again, how can that be what he wants?

"I'm glad you got what you've desired. Now, I need you to tell me something."


"I need money - lots of it, tell me of a person who will be a great target for me."

"I have the perfect person in mind."

"Good, now give me a massage. All of this fighting makes me tense."


I calmly watched as that witch and lizard trained in the forest with that airhead they added to their party.

I've watched them for almost a month now, and they repeat the same fucking cycle every fucking day.

They come at the crack of dawn and the airhead beats on the lizard while the witch heals it, afterwards they exercise and practice with wooden weapons.

I left them to their tedious work, and thought back to the day in the alley with that damn weeble.

I still remember the cold stone on my back as it laughed at me.

It said it knew all about my predicament,

but it didn't care.

It said its master decided I could be useful, and if I wasn't it would tell 'him' I'm here.

Then, it gave me the antidote and told me it would be in touch.

A few days later it found me in the woods with my men and told me where I could find the lizard.

I could only watch and report however, because that witch actually did something smart and registered them with the guild using the airhead's name.

After a few more hours the pitiful party decided to call it quits for the day.

Gods damn it!

Another day wasted, when will that fucking weeble's boss allow me to claim what will be mine.

I went back to the temporary base camp my men had set up.

A dark elf with only half her right ear came running up to me.


"Bryx what is it?"

"I followed that weeble like you told me to. And man was it hard! I lost track of it ten times! I mean I look away for one second and it's gone, luckily I'm a great tracker.

I even had to go into a men's shitter to avoid it spotting me, and let me tell you whoever went in there before me needs to be taken out to a field and buried alive. I swear the lack of common courtesy in this town astounds me, there was literal shit on the ceiling. How do you even get that on the cei..."



"Report, just give me your report."

"Yes, of course sorry. I followed it until it went into a big house.

After ' convincing ' the locals to talk I learned it's a building owned by a Dalian merchant by the name of Siel Steelman."

"And you believe this Siel to be that weeble's boss?"

"Yes, after further inquiry I learned he owns one of the largest merchant companies in Saeria. He definitely is rich enough for the type of influence you believe he has."

"It's not about believing, it's about knowing. And I know that weeble knew things he shouldn't, things that if left the way they are, will spell disaster for all of us."

"So, are we going to kill them?"

"No, we do not know what contingencies they have in place. Watch and report until we have something we can use against them."

"That would be the wisest course of



I spun around, and right there below the lowest branches of a tree at the edges of the camp was that fucking weeble.

"I must say my master was right about you, you're smarter than you look. When my master told me to check up on you I thought it but a waste of my time, but you do not disappoint, here you are plotting against him."

I bared my fangs and unsheathed my claws. If it was gonna try to kill me or my men, I'd make it rue the day its father fucked its mother up the right hole.

"So what, is this the part where a bunch of mercenaries surrounds and tries to kill us?"

"What? Dear Mother no, I wouldn't dream of doing that. In fact, my master told me that if you weren't plotting against him, I should just kill you myself."


"My master has no patience for idiots in his employ, and only an idiot would trust just a man's word that he wouldn't betray you the second you're useless."

He turned and started walking away, but then stopped and looked back.


"Well what?"

"You sent that sootie* to tail me to find out about my master right? I thought you'd like to put a face to the name."

He started walking again.

Very offensive term for dark elves *

I started forward, but Bryx pulled me back.

"You can't seriously be thinking of going boss, it's obviously a trap."

"When the forest is on fire do you know what the quickest way to die is?

To do nothing, I'm going. If I don't return, set the town on fire. Starting with the house you followed the weeble to."

I walked after the weeble.

Let's see what kind of man you are Siel Steelman.

Dracolupus Dracolupus

Lesser demons can forcefully posses someone, but it would be a fight and the demon might be killed.

So, most just opt to trick or bribe a host.

They can also see sin.

The more powerful they are, the more specific the sin the can see.

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