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Reborn in the Warring States Period Reborn in the Warring States Period original

Reborn in the Warring States Period

Author: Pengincognito

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Uchiha Natsume (1)

"Shino-sama, you're almost there, keep pushing!"

"Hnng! Ahh!"

In a candle-lit room, a woman laid on her back, gripping the thick cloth. At her legs was a woman in her 30s prepared to receive the new life. Since it was Uchiha Shino's fourth child, the process was easier, and her strong body protected her from any dangers. Once the pressure subsided from her nether region, only leaving a throbbing pain, the lack of crying concerned her.

However, the wet nurse turned the baby over and after a quick smack— "Waaah!"

A man entered the room at that moment, "Come, let me see my child!"

The lady brought the crying baby over after cleaning with a cloth, and the man held it with skill. "Sahiro-sama, it's a girl."

However, before he could continue observing the newborn, someone stepped into the room. "Sahiro-san, the situation isn't good."

Uchiha Sahiro nodded and handed the newborn back to the lady. "It's good that she's a girl. Natsu like summer, and me like eye. That shall be her name." Then, he disappeared in a blur along with the other man that entered the room. The lady walked over to the tired Shino and handed Natsume to her.

"Hello Natsume-chan, you'll accompany your mother from now on, won't you?" She gave a heartfelt smile to her little daughter before falling asleep with her in her arms. Although Shino was strong, childbirth still took a lot of energy, combined with the stress of being in the middle of conflict. The little Natsume, who wasn't aware of anything, simply snuggled into the warm arms of her mother and fell asleep as well.

Three years later.

"Natsume, you've brought me dinner again, such an obedient child." Sahiro smiled at her as she carried a bowl of rice to him. Behind her was the woman that delivered her as a baby. She carried a large tray that contained the rest of the dishes. "Hinako, thank you for accompanying Natsume."

"It is my duty, Sahiro-sama." He smiled at the little Natsume and patted her head. Her soft hair and puffy cheeks gave him a moment of peace in this war-torn world. "Natsume how is your mother doing?"

At this, Natsume pouted, and her eyes and nose turned sour. "Mommy cried again. I hugged her really tight, but she still cried. Papa, is mommy still hurt?"

Sahiro sighed at the little girl's direct way of speaking. "Your mother is very sad that your eldest brother is no longer here anymore."

Although many treated her like a kid, she was very developed mentally. Natsume already understood the concept of death, as it happened every day. Not just adults, but even children weren't spared from this fate. She had never met her eldest brother, so it didn't feel any different than when she heard of another clansman dying. Therefore, her mother's reaction was difficult for her to understand.

After delivering the food, Natsume and Hinako left. She originally planned to go back to see her mother, but when she heard sounds of the kids playing, she couldn't hold back her excitement. She ran in the direction of the commotion and saw several four- to five-year-old kids. They were kicking around a sturdy leather ball. When she saw her older brother amongst them, she waved.

"Onii-chan!" The kids turned to see the little Natsume standing by the bushes waving at them. One of them smirked and teased her brother, but Natsume was too far to hear what he said. Her brother ran over to her before they said anything else.

"Natsume, what are you doing here? Where's Hinako-san?" Haru looked around, wondering how his sister got away from her guardian. Not seeing her anywhere, he took Natsume by the hand and started leading her back to the complex. However, Natsume resisted.

"Onii-chan, I want to play too!" She was so bored learning tea ceremony, cooking, and calligraphy.

"We're not playing!" Haru defended himself and had a stern expression. "We are training!"

"Then I want to train too!" Natsume was very stubborn, and it gave Haru a helpless expression.

"You are too young! You don't even know how to mould chakra!"

"Then teach me! I am very smart!"

"The clan demands you make a decision. As Uchiha Natusume's guardian, we have given you enough courtesy." A man wearing the complete Uchiha uniform stood in front of Sahiro with a heavy expression. His pupils spun, revealing the distinct dojustsu of the Uchiha clan— the sharingan!

"It is unprecedented! Natsume is the first-born daughter; our family has already contributed three sons!" Sahiro's eyes turned red as well. His aura was not any weaker in comparison.

"The clan is your family. Our spies discovered news that the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind are planning to wage a full-scale war in a few years. That means a battle with the Senju, as the Land of Fire doesn't hide their favoritism of the Senju clan. Natsume has shown intellect and spiritual strength beyond any of her generation. The clan requires her to join the battlefield when the time comes."

Hearing this, Sahiro's face turned grave. He knew exactly what it meant for two countries to go into a full-scale war. It wouldn't be just their clans, but many others. However, the Senju were the only ones that could compete against the Uchiha. Due to their naturally strong bodies, the Senju children were often strong enough to compete against adults of other clans. As for the Uchiha, their sharingan made them stand equal to the Senju. However, the sharingan requires one to go through an awakening, and the battlefield is the best catalyst.

"Very well. However, my condition is that Hinako train her." The man nodded and disappeared in a blur. Sahiro sipped his tea before taking out a scroll and began writing. His face was still scrunched in irritation.

"Natsume-chan, please stop! I… I surrender!" One of the boys lay on the ground with dirt all over his clothes and scuff marks on his arms and legs. Natsume stood with one foot on the leather ball and looked around the field. Everyone was either cowering or on the ground. When she made eye contact with someone, they turned away fearfully. She pouted at the scene.

'Just when I started having fun too!' She sighed. After one of the boys showed her how to mould chakra, she immediately figured it out and began to overflow with chakra. Since she didn't know what to do with it, she just exerted it roughly by kicking the leather ball. One of the boys tried to block it, only to become the first unconscious victim.

Her instincts guided the chakra naturally to her legs which enhanced her fitness. However, she was still feeling full of power and decided to kick the ball as hard as she could toward a nearby tree. The leather ball launched out like a cannon, making an audible boom. However, instead of slamming into the tree like she hoped, a weak-looking hand reached out from the shadows and stopped it with ease.

Pengincognito Pengincognito

Hello readers! My name is Pengincognito. Actually, its a play on words of penguin and incognito, BUT its also a nod to the Peng in chinese mythology. Im a nerd for eastern mythology and I love anime. Actually naruto is the only anime i've seen, does that even count?

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