/ Fantasy / Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic Original

Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Fantasy 20 Chapters 16.5K Views
Author: DaoistYixpg2

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Disclaimer : I do not own Pokemon and it's Characters


  1. 0zymandias
    0zymandias Contributed 23
  2. DaoistYixpg2
    DaoistYixpg2 Contributed 10
  3. theundercoverpro
    theundercoverpro Contributed 1

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Great novel, the premise is great As of now(chp 11) A few things to mention There are potential but they are not important as it seems it can be increased by training or evolving The grammar is not bad but there are a few spelling mistakes( it nothing to big) The novel is set in the past and from what I can gather it nether our world or the Pokémon world( it called Gaia it similar to Pokémon world but not the same I feel like) The mc is the 10th son of duke It seems like he is hiding his potential(they think he is average not bad) at the start which I do not like but at least he is not like those protagonist who get stepped on

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Author DaoistYixpg2