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Reverse isekai Reverse isekai original

Reverse isekai

Author: BS_Games

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1. Death

I was down the street with my brother, Andrew, and my sister, Arya, to get lunch when suddenly there was some sort of explosion in the mall. A few seconds later there were more explosions and then the sound of gunfire. Out of nowhere 3 people landed in front of us and attacked us with a kunai, a sickle and a short sword. We managed to dodge out of the way and Arya screamed, blasting the person with the sickle with a stream of water. I punched the guy with the kunai and my fist caught on fire. The fire spread from my hand and burnt my clothes to a crisp to reveal a black kimono and blood red sheath on my left hip. Andrew jumped back, making hand signs and zapped the last ninja with electricity.

"What was that and how did we do that?" Arya asked.

"I don't know. They were some sort of ninjas, like out of an anime or manga and we used some anime or manga-like powers. You have some sort of water magic I think and Andrew used Lightning Jutsu. I'm wearing a Soul Reapers kimono with a zanpuktoh, a Soul Reaping sword, but I used a fire power. A couple of years ago I saw a strange fruit in the bush. I only just remember eating it, like when I ate it the memory was wiped or something. It must have been the Flame-Flame fruit, giving me the power of fire," I explained. "I guess that makes us heroes or something. We'd better go and check out that commotion."

We ran down the street, attracting a lot of weird looks from people as they ran away from the commotion. We reached the end of the street where the commotion was taking place and saw 3 large building sized monsters with white bone like masks attacking a building with 2 policemen shooting at them, but the bullets weren't affecting them.

"What the hell are those?" Arya asked.

"Hollows. They're an evil spirit creature from Bleach. They're pretty much the opposite of my Soul Reaper powers, so I should be able to take them out," I explained.

"Well, let's see if Arya and my powers can affect them too," Andrew suggested as several police cars pulled up next to us.

"Stand back!" a policeman called to us as he stepped out and headed towards the Hollows.

"I think you guys might be the ones who need to stand back. I don't know how or why but I think the three of us might be the only ones who can deal with this situation," I explained as Andrew rushed toward the Hollows. As Andrew ran electricity arced from his hand into the nearest Hollows arm and the Hollow reared back in pain.

"Looks like that worked a bit," Andrew said as he stopped a distance away from the Hollow and started to make more hand signs. I dashed past him and a blast of water hit the Hollow in the face, knocking it over. I jumped onto the Hollow and stabbed it through the mask with my blood red blade, causing it to disintegrate, only to be slapped by the second Hollows thick tail, sending me flying through a wall across the mall.

I'm not sure what happens normally when a person goes flying at the speed I was flying at and through a brick wall but I wasn't as injured as I expected. Apart from a bit of a sore back and a cut above my left eye I felt alright. I wiped the blood from my brow and peered through the hole in the building my body had made to check on Arya and Andrew. The third Hollow had joined the battle and slapped Arya back with a swipe of it's tail and the second Hollow slashed at Andrew with sharp claws. I jumped over to the Hollows as Andrew tried to dodge, only to have his hoodie scratched open, revealing a white kimono. I sliced off Arya's Hollows tail from behind as Andrew reached over his shoulder to pull a scythe from off his back, ripping the rest of his clothes so he stood in a white Soul Reaper's uniform. Andrew jumped up and sliced up through the Hollows mask as I jumped to slice through the other one, but it fell back and started to disintegrate before I could attack. I looked at Arya and she was holding a spirit energy bow with an arrow loaded, and I knew she had just killed the last Hollow.

"Looks like we're not done here yet," I said as I saw some people in dark cloaks just inside the building shooting some sort of magic at the people trapped in the building.

"What are these abilities Dan?" Arya asked as Andrew jumped towards the mage on the left.

"You have some spirit powers like me but are still human. That makes you a Quincy and can shoot spirit arrows, and guessing from Andrew's kimono being pretty much the opposite of mine, maybe his powers are more hollow based," I explained as I leapt at the mage in the middle as they turned to face Andrew. Andrew split the mage in half, I slashed mine diagonally and Arya shot the last mage in the back.

"If Andrew's abilities are hollow based then does that mean he's evil?" Arya asked.

"Well, abilities aren't evil, and saying hollows are all evil was the quick explanation. I'll get into a full explanation later. Now we might want to focus on the fight," I said as we charged at 3 fishmen and 3 demons.

Arya shot at a flying demon but it dodged her arrow. I blocked a squid-faced fishman's sword and Flame Kicked a demon as it tried to pass me. I jumped back and threw a fireball at the fishman, then cut it down. I turned to check on Arya and saw her shoot a goldfish faced fishman in the face and blast the flying demon with her water magic stream. I turned to watch Andrew and he was charging at a pirate. A pirate with a cutlass came charging at me but I dodged him and cut him down. A bullet whizzed at me and I turned my chest to fire to let it pass harmlessly through me.

I saw 3 marines with flintlock rifles and some knights and samurais blocking the exit to the building. The knights and samurais took positions in front of the marines to defend them. Andrew shot lightning at one of the knights as I advanced and Arya attacked from afar. I slashed one of the knights across the armour but I couldn't cut through so had to jump back. The knight slashed back at me, but I ducked under and Fire Punched them in the chest as hard as I could, knocking them back into the marine. I jumped past the marine, slashing them as I went, then stabbed the knight in the weakened chest armour.

Arya and Andrew took out their opponents shortly after I had finished but I didn't need to interfere as I could see they weren't in danger.

"Nice work guys. Now it looks like we'd better help everyone out of here. This building looks unstable," I said. I jumped several metres to a shelf which was collapsing onto a couple hobbling out, swept them up and leapt outside in just one jump. I jumped back into the building without a word to the section of the left wall which was coming down on a few people. I Flame Punched through the part of the wall, shattering it into pebble sized chunks to greatly lower the harm to the people. One of the men had a piece of rebar through his leg so I carried him out while the other 3 people who were assisting him started to make their way out. Arya followed me a couple of seconds later and dropped an old lady beside me.

"Wow. I can jump really far and carry way more now," Arya said.

"Oh yeah. The spirit powers increase our physical abilities a bit. There should be a few other things we should be able to do but I guess we'll have to test them later," I replied and jumped back in again.

I saw a man digging through a large pile of rubble so I jumped onto it.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"There's someone under there," the man answered.

"I'm sorry mate but I think they're dead. You'd better get out of here, I'll recover the body. You need a hand out of here?" I asked.

"I'm fine," the man said and slowly stumbled down the rubble. I looked around and saw Arya and Andrew at work, but the building was almost clear now, so I decided to start digging through the rubble for the corpse.

I swept the top layer of rubble in a matter of seconds, then started throwing chunks of rubble towards the collapsed wall to the left. After the smaller chunks were cleared I sensed a tiny life force deep in the rubble, maybe a small animal. I started lifting the larger chunks, several hundred kilos at a time with relative ease. After a couple of chunks that I would guess were closer to a ton, I uncovered the body of a young woman. She seemed to be in her early twenties, with dark red hair, with a chunk of concrete crushing her chest. 'She's going to die any second now,' I thought as I carefully lifted the chunk and threw it away and was shocked at the amount of blood.

"Hello handsome," she croaked.

"Wow, are things that bad?" the woman asked.

"Well…yeah, things do look pretty bad. I um…my powers are new. I'd say about 10 minutes old but I feel pretty confident with them, and they tell me you won't survive. I can't really move you to the paramedics but I'm pretty sure they can't save you," I said sadly as I knelt down and held her.

"Well…then do a dying girl…a favour," the woman coughed.

"I'll do my best. What is it?" I asked.

"Please…tell me your name…before I die," the woman requested.

"Daniel," I answered.

"Nice…to meet you…Daniel. I'm Candice. I hope to see you…in the next life," the woman said, and I felt her die in my arms.

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