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Chapter 42: 42


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




The Great Hall was filled to the brim. Excitement and childish curiosity was palpable in the air. Today was the last day before most students left for the holidays. It was also the day of the first ever public screening at Hogwarts.

"Did he say anything to you?" Hermione asked Harry who shook his head in response.

The boy rolled up his sleave, revealing a tattoo of a face showing it's tongue. "I've got this when I've tried grabbing the parchment with results."

Hermione snickered at the face seemingly following her with it's eyes. "And why are you so quiet, Ron?"

Their friend blushed and looked down while mumbling under his breath. "Stupid, mental meow."

Harry chuckled. "He started bad mouthing Mr. Crow." He patted Ron's shoulder. "And now whenever he speaks he randomly does an animal sound."

Hermione and the Griffindor girls nearby started giggling, making the redhead even more red.

"At least you've gotten a benign punishment." Tonks said with a pout. "I had to write lines."

"That seems fair. You can always hide this by changing your appearance. Not counting the speaking part." The bushy haired witch stated.

"What did you have to write Ms. Tonks?" Neville asked.

Seeing her blush Mindy replied. "That she won't seduce the professor by showing her ankle."

"That was quite modest of you Nymnym." Jasmine said. "I thought there was stripping involved."

"Shut up!" The witch broke down. Her head sporting a colorful rainbow. "At least I didn't blush like someone over here after getting her behind swatted with a paddle." She pointed towards Jasmine.

Just as the girls were going to dish out some hot takes and possibly more, a voice broke their argument. "Anymore and I'll be forced to contact your parents Mss. Tonks and Redfield." McGonagall entered the scene.

The girls huffed and sat on the opposite sides of Mindy. "We're sorry." They disgruntly apologized.

The stern witch scrutinized the duo one last time before continuing her rounds around the hall.

"And I thought Mom was ribbit, scary." Ron whispered.

Robert was at the front preparing the projector. Flitwick and Bathsheda were looking with interest at the machine.

"It seems you've made some corrections." The witch said after analyzing the outside phasing in and out runes. "And you've made it smaller."

"A shame enchantment classes were abolished after the war." The half-goblin professor sighed. The stillness in the castle corridors hit hard everyone that lived throughout Hogwart's former time of glory.

"The renasaince has to start from somewhere." Robert said while closing the projector. "We have some good nuggets on our hands."

"That we do." Albus Dumbledore stumbled upon the conversation. He was wearing festive blue robes adorned with silver linings.

"Are those muggle candies?" Robert addressed the rather big box divided into segments in headmaster's hands. Each containing a variety of sweets often found at cinemas.

Dumbledore chuckled. "Well of course, Robert." The wizard popped a red dragée into his mouth. "Otherwise it wouldn't be a full experience."

"I'd rather have some nachos." The teen remarked.

"If I hear crunching during the seance I'll be very disappointed, Mr. Crow." Shivers went through Robert at McGonagall's statement.

"Life is so unfair." The faculty smirked at his woeful sigh.

"Are the preparations done?" Sinistra followed headmaster's example and came prepared with a bowl of caramelized popcorn.

Nodding the young adult motioned for silence in the Great Hall. "As everyone arrived let's start by citing a couple of rules."

Crow went through a list of what was acceptable or not during the watch time. No unnecessary commentary or yelling, which made the twins click their tongues. Bathroom breaks were allowed. And no wand waving during the seance.

"Without any further ado, I bring you an adventure of a lifetime." With a snap of Robert's fingers the lights started to dim. "Let your imagination run wild as we discover the secrets of the Lost Ark."

With a smile he turned on the projector and sat down comfortably between professors Sinistra and Sprout.


"Did you pack everything?" Harry asked with concern.

"I hope so. I've only checked three times today." Ron cringed hearing Hermione's reply.

"You'd though she was going to ancient civilization or something." The redhead jumped away as she tried to swat him with his hand.

"Enough with the references, Ron." She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

After yesterday's movie the Griffindor's decided to recreate a couple of the more memorable scenes. Enlarging a vindictive bludger being the worst of it.

"Anyways." She scrutinized her two friends. "Remember to be on a look out for anything suspicious."

"I'd highly advise the both of you to mind your own business." Blood drained from the trio's faces.

"Why don't you have a bell on you, sir?" The small witch glared at their professor.

Robert shrugged his shoulders. "Let it be a lesson that there's always someone listening in."

"You're lucky there's already someone who likes you." Hermione remarked with a wry smile.

Seeing the cheeky expression on her face Robert gave a smirk of his own and patted Harry's head. "It seems we have something in common." The witch blushed up to the roots of her hair and quickly escaped into the train. Leaving the boys bewildered.

"And what was her problem?" Asked the oblivious ginger.

"Mr. Crow says its a puberty thing." Harry waved after their friend.

"Now boys." Robert squeezed their shoulders. "Don't get into any trouble when I'm away, understood."

The duo nodded their heads like obedient little chicks. "Great, then say your goodbyes to the rest of your friends and get straight back to the castle."

As the last group of children entered, the train signaled it's time for departure. After having a short talk with the prefects Robert started his rounds. He passed by many sleep deprived faces. The movie left a huge impression on the students. Even now they talked about the tombs and golden idol. Wishing that they also could embark on an exciting quest of their own.

In one of the compartments Robert's club members were lively retelling what happened during the semester and yesterday.

"As if Malfoy." Daphne sneered. "You'd be the first one to get poisoned in that tomb."

The blond gritted his teeth. "At least I'd get there." He pointed his finger at the girl. "You'd be the first casuality of the group. Getting yourself skewered with a side dish of oranges at the bazaar."

As the two fought between themselves the rest wondered about the next semester.

"Hopefully we won't mess this up." Neville nervously fiddled with his fingers.

Susan Bones calmly looked up from her novel. "We're just first years. Nobody's going to look at us."

"But that isn't the reason why we shouldn't do our best." Hermione finally got back her composure and was talking with Hannah about other movies she's seen.

"So you better not bring us shame, Longbottom." Draco scoffed while Daphne smirked in victory.

"But I've beaten you more than not." The shy Griffindor muttered under his nose.

"I can't wait for our new robes." Tracey said with her eyes flickering in excitement.

"Hmph, women." Shivers went through Draco's spine.

Turning slowly his head he saw wands pointed at him, their owners sporting mischievous grins.

Neville evacuated the compartment, closing the door right before the Slytherin's panicked eyes. The curtains covered the windows and a terrible shriek resonated throughout the enclosed room. Panting, Neville brought his back to the wall, a smile plastered on his face.

"Aren't you happy like a trooper today?" Robert watched the commotion brewing from a far. Waiting if he'll need to stop the fighting.

"Mr. Crow." The boy said bashfully. "I'd like to thank you for what you've done for us."

"There's no need, Neville." The young man patted the kid's head. "It's but my responsibility towards all of you."

Longbottom lowered his head. "A shame not every teacher cares like you." A certain dungeon dweller came to Crow's mind.

Robert sighed. "Maybe things will change in the future." He smiled. "Maybe you'll be the ones that make this the new norm."

"Just be careful, sir." Neville looked at his teacher with concern. "Granny told me the Ministry isn't going to leave you alone."

The door opened with a silhouette falling to the ground. Red and gold flower embroidery stitchings, with a playful badger playing with a ball animated on the back. Girlish blond curls on the head.

"Is there something you want to inform me of, Mr. Malfoy?" Robert was trying his best to hold back his laughter.

With a groan the boy gathered himself up, revealing star shaped drawings and a small viper on his cheeks. Hatred, misery and other emotions fluctuated in his eyes.

"I wouldn't report this to my father, Draco." His teacher's comment made him blush.

With a flick of his wand, Robert canceled the pranks. "Next time mind your surroundings." He stuck his head into the room and saw all the girls whistling. "You're definitely spending too much time with the twins."

In the castle two redhead's sneezed at once.

"I think we're being wronged somehow, Gred." The handsome one said.

The second twin was trying to open a door on the fourth floor with a lockpick. "And you know what that means, Forge?" The lock opened with a click.

The two looked at each other with scheming grins. "Payback is coming, to town." They laught maliciously as they closed the door behind them.


"Damn that meddling old fool." Fudge pounded the table with his fists.

The Minister once again failed banning Crow's means of magic. Dumbledore with his position as Warlock, blocked the notion with the holidays being the excuse.

"Have you found anything in those blasted books." The aids were sweating profusely while sifting through the tomes of law.

Knocking on the door made the man regain some of his composure." Please come in."

Umbridge walked in, making the man lose his humor. "What is it now, Dolores?"

The pink cardigan wearing witch had a peeved expression on her face. "These letters just came in Cornelius dear."

She set two piles on his table. One smaller then the other. "I've segregated them by importance."

Fudge grabbed from the lesser pile. With a scowl he threw the letter into the fireplace. "Even Lucius told me to back off."

Hatred showed on the man's face. He looked towards his useless assistants. "Get out!"

The two men left in haste leaving the books behind. Fudge sneered at the poor sight. He took out a bottle of aged whisky and downed one glass before pouring a second one.

"And what're you still doing here?" Dolores Umbridge stood calmly before his desk.

"I want to propose a way to get rid of that obnoxious mudblood." She said in her sweet numbing voice.

Cornelius stared at the witch before him in contemplation. After a couple of minutes he replied. "I'll deny everything, you understand?"

"There won't be any witnesses." She narrowed her eyes. "I'll see to it, personally. "


"Have a great Christmas. " Robert was watching as the students reunited with their parents.

Hermione ran into her father's arms, giggling as she was spun around him. Madame Longbottom nodded towards her ward and apparated away without a sound. Daphne watched with a surprisingly warm expression as her small sister jumped around her in circles. A regal witch with a house elf walked towards them with a smile and took them towards the floo platforms.

Draco's mother, Narcissa was using some charms to clear her son from specks of dust. The boy stood with a serious face but his eyes showed how much she meant to him.

Susan walked away with Hannah and her father. Her aunt arranged this possibly because of work in the Ministry.

Robert felt his composure whisked away bit by bit, seeing the happiness overflowing at the station. But before he could tear up thinking about his family, he heard someone calling his name.

"Earth to old foggy." Tonks waved to him.

He sighed as the obnoxious witch came up to him, with what he imagined to be her mother, Andromeda Tonks. "That's Mr. Crow until my job is over, Ms. Nymphadora."

All types of red flashed in her hair. "It seems I"ve yet to properly educate you."

With a flick of his wand her lips closed. "I'm sorry I couldn't solve her impudence, Mrs. Tonks." He bowed to the elder woman.

The black-haired witch gazed upon this exchange with amusement. "So you're Mr. Crow." He kissed her raised hand. "I've heard much of you from," she looked at her blushing daughter, "many sources." She let out a small chuckle.

Nymphadora tsked. "Let's leave already."

Not wanting to bring more embarrassment to her, Robert tried to leave. "It was a pleasure to meet you." He bowed once again and turned to Tonks. "I'll see you after the holidays."

Before Robert could escape he was stopped by her mother. "I'd like to extend an invitation to you after the Yule." She said with a shrewd smile. "How about on the 29th?"

The young man gulped seeing her not negotiable demeanor. Tonks on the other hand didn't know whether to laugh or to die after hearing her mother's offer.

"I'll try not to disappoint." And he ran off.

"What were you doing?" The young witch groaned at her mother's doings.

"Meeting my future son-in-law." Mrs. Tonks said without missing a beat. "Or at least someone that can finally take you down a peg." She smirked at her daughter's constipated look before taking both of them home.


"It'll not vanish by itself Mr. Potter." Pomfrey huffed.

Taking a deep breath the boy downed the vial's content. Rotten fish with a side dish of a troll's underwear wouldn't give the potion justice when describing it.

"Does it really need to be this disgusting." He gave back the flask while goosebumps went through this body.

"Otherwise my ward would be filled with even more troublemakers." She replied sternly. "Now remember to come tomorrow for the last dose of this year."

"Yes, Madam Pomfrey." With lowered shoulders he got out of the infirmary and headed towards the Great Hall for dinner.

The corridors were adorned in Christmas decorations. Ornaments, holly and garlands gave the cold castle a certain kind of warmth. Harry watched as the paintings finally felt at ease and let themselves go. Young men skipped from one frame to another, seeking company for the holidays. The ladies gathered in groups and giggled seeing the rowdiness of the males. The elderly watched on with fondness and reminisced the good old days to toasts.

"It seems the spirit of Christmas can even affect the paintings." The lonely boy whispered.

Robert entered the Great Hall in a tired fashion and sat down. His head yearned for the cold surface of the table.

"And what's got you cranky all of the sudden?" Sinistra asked.

"Why can't they leave me alone?" He sobbed as he couldn't get a break from his elders.

McGonagall took out a letter. "It seems you're leaving us for a day, Mr. Crow." She waved the parchment with Mrs. Tonks name on it.

Slack jawed he stuttered. "How did she send it so fast?"

"I've already sent a positive response to the Tonks." The vice Headmistress remarked.

"And where's my say in the matter?" He asked with puppy eyes.

"You should just give up, Robert." Flitwick smiled.

The youth looked at their cunning smiles. "And you call yourselves as adults."

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