/ Fantasy / seducing The Alpha King

seducing The Alpha King Original

seducing The Alpha King

Fantasy 1 Chapters 18.9K Views
Author: Bosy_Elselhdar

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The war between the werewolves and vampires was on the verge of starting, and The new Alpha king was more ruthless than his deceased father. The vampire king decided to make a treaty to stop the war peacefully, and the only solution was to give his elder princess to the alpha king Marcus to be his mate.
But fate played a role because Ava, the younger vampire princess, felt something towards the alpha king Marcus and decided to take on the challenge to be his mate.
But The Alpha king Marcus had one condition to accept Ava, the 18 years old vampire princess, as his mate, “she should seduce him.”
Would a virgin, inexperienced girl be able to succeed and win the Alpha king's heart?

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