/ Urban / Something Is Wrong With MR. FANG

Something Is Wrong With MR. FANG Original

Something Is Wrong With MR. FANG

Urban 9 Chapters 6.9K Views
Author: JessicaE777

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A Chemical bond between a man with five personality and Five different people in one soul and a girl who was born with misfortune and sees ghosts

Xena Li
"Run, leave me, Run save yourself
"Jiang Xue said as she pushed her sister hands away from her as Jiang Xiao Ning cupped her hands and blew air on the wounds as they managed to leap..
Last Eight hours.
"Come on sister dont be slow!"Xiao Ning said as she dragged them out of the little rented apartment towards the bus station

"Careful,you are gonna fall on something now, Ning!"Xue chuckled as they entered the bus and sat down
Today was Jiang Xiao Ning birthday and she was turning nineteen and for the first time in history, Xue had a leave from her par time job
They are both orphans because their parents died from a harsh car accident and since then Xue had been taking care of their needs and finally they could have family time

"I am just happy you know. After our parents death, you had no time to even finish your education and always engaged in par time jobs to make my life the same and now you are on a leave from the stressful jobs and coincidentally it was on my birthday and I can't wait for us to be together like we used to "Xiao Ning smiled brightly as she held her sister's hands and looked out of the window and kept smiling
Their parent died when both of them were below the age of ten years and it had really been hard for her older sister to take care of both the father and mother job and even quit her schooling just to raise money for my sake

"Okay then I hope you cherish this moment! "She pinched her cheeks as they got down from the commercial bus and headed directly to the next bus stop to get to the Disneyland for her birthday
A Black van stopped in front of them as a big bulky man came down and followed by three people surrounded the two sisters and they grabbed their neck and injected pills and they both fell asleep while the men carried both of them to the van and drove to their hideout
An Hour later.
Held with chains and in bars, Xiao Ning struggled out and met Xue with bleeding knees and tried to reach towards her but couldnt

"I am gonna get you out of here, Ning!"She assured herself as she kept hitting the bars even with her bloody hands and knees

"Stop please!"Xiao Ning begged as she finally opened the cell and Xue rushed over to help with Ning's own

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Author JessicaE777