/ Sci-fi / Survivors Benefits

Survivors Benefits Original

Survivors Benefits

Sci-fi 8 Chapters 1.4K Views
Author: Night_witch

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In the bleak and desolate world of the 25th century, "Survivors' Benefits" tells the gripping tale of Lucas Thorne, a young man born into the aftermath of what was once called World War 3. The world now lies in ruins, a wasteland scarred by the relentless use of nuclear weapons. The skies are a permanent twilight, and the land is choked with radiation, leaving only the most tenacious and adaptable to carry on.Lucas is not just any survivor; he's the son of the shelter chief in one of the last remaining bastions of humanity. The shelter was meant to be a haven, a refuge from the nuclear devastation. But in this unforgiving world, even the bonds of family can be tested to the limit. Betrayed by the very people he should have been able to trust, Lucas is cast out, left to fend for himself in a world where danger lurks around every crumbling corner.As he steps into the unforgiving wasteland, Lucas quickly learns that survival isn't just about finding food, shelter, and clean water. It's about navigating a treacherous landscape teeming with mutated creatures, cutthroat scavengers, and the haunting echoes of the past.With "Survivors' Benefits," join Lucas Thorne on an epic journey of survival, betrayal, and redemption. As he battles the relentless challenges of a world that has fallen apart, he'll discover hidden truths, unlikely allies, and a determination to uncover the secrets of his shattered world and his own past.

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The world-building in "Survivor's Benefits" is truly exceptional. The author has carefully crafted a landscape that's rich in detail, with mutated creatures such as Acidspines, Radvermin, and Gloomfangs that haunt the survivors at every turn. The power hierarchy of these creatures, from the formidable Doomhowlers to the weakest Gloomfangs, adds depth to the story.

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Hello, I am hoping to create a platform for authors and would love for you to join. There is a 70% compensation for authors from all revenue and a contest at my webpage(My username), along with a discord at the bottom of the webpage. I hope to see you there!

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Author Night_witch