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The Ant and The Mountains (Worm SI) The Ant and The Mountains (Worm SI) original

The Ant and The Mountains (Worm SI)

Author: FangYuan1234

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A weird day

(2010- October 29-th)

-Earth Bet-


Winslow High School, a looming structure of faded brick and weathered concrete, stood as a somber monument to neglect in the heart of Brockton Bay. Its once-stately façade was now marred by the scars of time and vandalism, with graffiti tags defacing its walls and shattered windows patched haphazardly with plywood.

The main entrance, flanked by rusting metal doors, creaked ominously as students passed through, their footsteps echoing in the cavernous foyer. Above them, the school's name once proudly emblazoned in gold letters, was now faded and barely legible, a symbol of its decline. Inside, the corridors stretched like winding tunnels, their linoleum floors scuffed and worn from years of use.

Fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting a harsh glare on the peeling paint and cracked plaster that lined the walls. Lockers, dented and dinged, lined the hallways, their metal surfaces covered in layers of graffiti and stickers.

In the grim halls of Winslow High School, the air hung heavy with the weight of despair and resignation. Students shuffled through the corridors with downcast eyes, their footsteps muffled by the pervasive sense of hopelessness that permeated the atmosphere.

Delinquents lurked in the shadows, their presence a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked within the school's walls. Some swaggered through the hallways with an air of menace, their eyes glinting with mischief as they plotted their next act of rebellion. Others slouched against lockers, their expressions hardened by years of hardship and neglect.

Beneath the façade of indifference, the students of Winslow carried the scars of their own personal battles. For many, the school was not a place of learning, but a battleground where survival often took precedence over education. Bullying was rampant, with victims suffering in silence as their pleas for help fell on deaf ears.

The teachers, for the most part, seemed resigned to the chaos that reigned within the school's walls. Some were apathetic, their enthusiasm for teaching long since extinguished by the harsh realities of life at Winslow. Others were simply overwhelmed, their attempts to maintain order thwarted by the sheer magnitude of the challenges they faced.

Amid this bleak landscape, a thriving black market thrived, fueled by the desperation of students seeking solace in substances that offered temporary respite from the harsh realities of their lives...

Or so it would be on a normal day...But no, this day was anything but normal. As the sun cast its feeble rays through the grimy windows of Winslow High School, there was an air of tension that hung thick in the air, palpable even amidst the usual desolation.

In the heart of the school, amidst the usual chaos and despair, something impossible was happening. Crazed laughter echoed through the hallways, a sound so out of place in the dreary environment that it sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it.

Students, accustomed to the usual indifference in their peers' eyes, now watched with a mixture of fear and disbelief as the scene unfolded before them. A scrawny blonde-haired boy, usually invisible in the sea of faces, now stood at the center of attention, his laughter ringing out like a chilling symphony.

As the chaos unfolded before their eyes, the students of Winslow High School watched in stunned disbelief. The boy, known to many as a bottom feeder, had transformed before their very eyes into something else entirely. His face contorted with maniacal glee, his eyes alight with a wild fervor that bordered on madness.

Blood dripped from his knuckles, staining the linoleum floor in crimson pools, a stark contrast to the muted tones of the school's interior.Around him, the fallen bodies of his usual tormentors lay battered and bruised, their groans of pain echoing in the air like a haunting lament. But Greg...or what used to be Greg Veder in the past...seemed oblivious to their suffering, his laughter ringing out like a twisted melody amidst the chaos. 

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