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The Continental in Marvel The Continental in Marvel original

The Continental in Marvel

Author: Blackstarbor

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Birth of the Continental(Edited translation)

The last thing Michel remembered was sitting in his room, reading his favorite webnovel on his phone. The next thing he knew, he was in a luxuriously decorated hotel lobby, with a receptionist in front of him calling him 'Mr. Michel'. It was as if he had blinked and found himself in a completely different place.

After an awkward pause, Michel forced himself to react, to take the situation in his hands. "Excuse me, I think you must have mistaken me for someone else. My name is Michel, yes, but I don't recall booking any room."

"Mr. Michel," said the woman with a smile on her face, "you not only have a room reserved. This hotel, the Continental, is yours."

Michel blinked, thinking maybe he had misheard. But the woman, whose name was Laura according to her badge, seemed entirely serious.

"You are Michel, right? The new manager," she said, extending her hand. Michel nodded dumbfoundedly, shaking her hand awkwardly. He then remembered that in his favorite webnovel, the protagonist too had been transported to a new world and had assumed a new identity. Was the same thing happening to him?

"This... Laura, right?" Michel began, trying to keep his calm. "Can you explain what's going on? Why are you saying this hotel is mine?"

"You are the owner and manager of the Continental, Mr. Michel. This is a place of neutrality and sanctuary for those who live in the underworld. I don't know how you got here, but the Continental has chosen you. You are in charge of maintaining balance and neutrality here."

Michel stared into the void, the echo of her words still reverberating in the lobby. It was Laura who broke the silence.

"The Continental hasn't officially opened yet, sir. We are in its pre-opening phase. We are the first ones here."

The way Laura emphasized 'we are' didn't escape Michel. That indicated he had a role in all of this. But, what role? Before he could formulate his next question, Laura spoke again.

"If you allow me, Mr. Michel, I would like to show you around."

Despite his confusion, Michel nodded. He needed more information and this could be an opportunity to get it.

They toured the building slowly, Laura meticulously explaining each space they crossed. They started with the rooms, each decorated with understated and elegant luxury, highlighting good taste over ostentation.

"We have 200 rooms, each of them unique, but they all share the same purpose: to offer a safe sanctuary to our guests," Laura explained.

As they moved from room to room, Michel noticed something peculiar. Despite the opulence of the rooms, all seemed to maintain a certain level of practicality. In each one there were hidden safes, secret doors, and discreet escape routes.

"The Continental is not just a hotel, it's a refuge," Laura explained, seeing the surprise in Michel's eyes. "The safety of our guests is our priority. For those in the underworld, that may mean more than a comfortable bed and first-class room service."

The tour continued. Laura showed Michel the hotel's gym, a conference room, a fine dining restaurant, and even a discreet corner that housed a state-of-the-art medical clinic.

"Violence is prohibited on the premises of the Continental," Laura said, her stern tone contrasting with the serenity of the surroundings. "All conflicts must be left outside our doors. Those who break the rules are punished in the severest way."

As Laura laid out the rules and details of the Continental, Michel felt a more complete picture of the place forming. It was not simply a luxury hotel, it was a meeting point for those living in the shadows, a beacon amidst the darkness.

As they walked, Michel couldn't help but marvel at the magnitude of what the Continental represented. The building itself was impressive, but the true value lay in its purpose and what it meant to its occupants. That's what really mattered.

They walked for several more minutes, before Laura finally stopped in front of a double door. "This is the library, Mr. Michel," she announced, opening the door to reveal an extensive room filled with bookshelves stretching to the ceiling. "Here, our guests can find useful information for their missions or just enjoy a good book."

Michael nodded, impressed not only by the number of books, but also by the quiet and serene atmosphere of the room. He walked up to one of the shelves and picked out a book at random. Upon opening it, he saw that it was full of maps and details about certain districts of the city. He closed the book and placed it back in its spot, then turned to Laura.

"Laura, what exactly do you mean by 'underworld'? Are you talking about criminals?"

Laura slightly shrugged her shoulders. "Criminals, mercenaries, assassins... anyone who operates outside the law, so to speak. That is the Continental's main clientele. But remember, Mr. Michael, here within, they are all simply 'guests'."

With each new revelation, Michael felt more and more overwhelmed. However, he also felt strangely excited. There was an entirely new world before him, a world he'd never imagined and was eager to discover.

After the library, Laura showed Michael the training areas, equipped for all types of disciplines and fighting styles. They also visited a secret armory, hidden behind a camouflaged door in the wall, filled with all kinds of weapons, from the most traditional to the most modern.

Finally, they reached the top floor of the hotel, where the manager's accommodation was located. "This is your personal space, Mr. Michael," Laura said, opening the door to a luxurious penthouse. "Here you have everything you need to live comfortably."

The suite was spacious and elegant, with a modern design and panoramic views of the city. Despite the luxury, there was a sense of calm and serenity in the air.

"I suppose I'll have to get used to all this," Michel murmured to himself, but loud enough for Laura to hear.

She smiled, nodding her head. "Yes, Mr. Michael. But I'm sure you'll rise to the occasion."

As he stood alone in the suite, gazing at the city under the glow of the setting sun, Michael couldn't help but ponder over how strange and exciting his new reality was. There were still many things he didn't understand, many mysteries to unravel. But, for the first time in a long time, he felt truly alive and excited about what the future could bring.

Solitude crept into the suite as Michael found himself lost in his thoughts. Looking out the window, he saw an urban landscape that, although familiar, he couldn't identify. Even so, the imposing architecture, the skyscrapers touching the sky, and the flickering lights were testimony to a bustling city. "Laura, where exactly are we?" asked Michael, his voice breaking the silence.

"We're in New York, Mr. Michael," she responded, as if it was obvious. Michael was taken aback for a moment. He had thought about it, but to actually be in New York... the idea was overwhelming.

"New York?" he murmured, his eyes turning back to the twinkling city once more. "I'm in New York..." He repeated to himself, savoring the reality of his words.

After a few moments of silence, Laura spoke again. "Well, Mr. Michael, now that you've settled in here, the next step would be to gather the staff for the Continental. As the manager, it would be your responsibility to hire the right workers, as well as oversee the daily operations of the hotel."

Michael turned to look at her, his eyes showing a spark of determination. "Understood. We'll start the staff search tomorrow." Those were the final words Michael spoke before bidding Laura goodbye and retreating to his suite. He had no idea where to start or what to look for exactly in the employees of a hotel that served as a sanctuary for the world's most dangerous criminals, but he was determined to face the challenge.

That night, Michael sat alone in the lounge of his suite, staring at the city of New York from the floor-to-ceiling windows. His thoughts were in turmoil as he tried to process everything that had happened. One day he was in his room, in his normal and boring life, and the next he was the owner of a hotel in New York, one that seemed to be more than just a simple hotel.

Although he was overwhelmed, a part of him couldn't deny the excitement he felt. It was as if he finally had a chance to do something meaningful, something that was beyond his monotonous and predictable life. Still, it was clear that there was a lot at stake and that he couldn't afford to make mistakes.

The following day, Michael and Laura sat in one of the hotel's luxurious meeting rooms to discuss staff hiring. "We need staff in all areas, Mr. Michael," Laura began. "Kitchen, cleaning, security, reception..."

"Well, let's start with security. Given the type of guests we'll have, I believe it's crucial to have a competent security team," Michel proposed, trying to prioritize the most urgent needs.

Laura nodded, "I agree, but finding the right people won't be an easy task. The skills we are looking for are somewhat... out of the ordinary."

Michel furrowed his brows, intrigued by the challenge. "How do you imagine we could find these people?"

"Well, normally for staff recruitment one would resort to job advertisements, job fairs, recruitment agencies... but for the type of security we need, we would have to be a bit more creative," Laura explained.

"Creative how?" Michel asked, his curiosity piqued.

"We could start by looking into private security firms, for example. They often have staff with military or intelligence experience. But we could also try to recruit from the ranks of retired special forces or private security agents with experience in high-risk situations."

"That sounds reasonable," Michel said, thoughtful. "How would we proceed then?"

"First, we would need to draft a very precise job description that reflects the skills and experience we are looking for. Then, we could make a profile of the ideal person for the job and look for them in those places. We should be prepared for an intensive interview to ensure they have the ability to handle complex and potentially dangerous situations."

"Agreed," Michel said, nodding. "So, let's start by drafting that job description. You have experience in this, can you guide me?"

"Of course, Mr. Michel." Laura smiled, and together they began to sketch out the profile of the security staff they would need for The Continental. Although this was just the first task in a long list of things to do, each small step brought them closer to making The Continental a safe and luxurious haven for their future guests.

Blackstarbor Blackstarbor

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