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Chapter 74: Chapter 18: I don't know what to write here

AN; I just went home from school, and with the last subject being math, my head is full of scrambled numbers, X, Y, and Z,

I don't think I know what I'm writing here, I was just writing it while thinking about numbers.

Also, I need friends



Those words were said.

Everyone was peacefully having their dinner in the dining room, they were chatting quite harmoniously, mostly talking about their day.

With Nonko complaining that her deadline is coming up, Sagiri was listening to the conversation, Yuuna talking about her day at school, Yaya was munching on the fishes cooked by Yuuna, Suzuno was eating silently, Rika blushing quite hard while sitting next to Ashiya, Albert was laughing, pretty much everyone was doing their own thing.

With Emi feeding Alice, and Alex was just watching them.

When suddenly, the door was slid open and Lucifer and Hisui did a dogeza in front of Alex while saying those words.

"We beg you!"

"We beg you!"

Alex blinked, as everyone stopped what they are doing and looked at the two.

"What...are you two talking about?" Emi frowned as she looked at them in confusion.

Lucifer looked up to Alex, "Milord! Boss! Your majesty! You can do it right?! I'm sure you can! We're begging you! Please make it and gift it to us! We promise to never ask you anything again!"

Hisui nodded, her usual laid back and lazy look can no longer be seen, "We beg you! You got to make it for us! We promise to never ask anything again!"

Emi blinked as she looked at Hisui, 'Didn't she said that she hated Alex and the Demons? Her look...why is she now looking at him like he's a god?'

"No, wait," Alex sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "...What are you two talking about? Make what exactly?"

Lucifer looked at him, "We heard from Rika about what you did with Sariel. That ripoff Reality Marble you made, if you can do that then..."

Alex's eyebrow twitched when he heard the "ripoff reality marble" but he couldn't really deny it so he kept quiet.

Though he turned his head to Rika, who blushed in embarrassment and looked away while whistling, acting all innocent.

"That's right!" Hisui nodded, "If you can make the ripoff Reality Marble, then surely, making that, will be easy yes?"

"No, wait, I told you, what are you talking about? What am I supposed to make?"

Lucifer and Hisui looked at each other before looking at Alex with a face full of seriousness.

" "The Dream of Every Gamers, A Full Dive Virtual Reality." "


A few minutes later, after dinner. Lucifer and Hisui was standing outside the workshop of Alex, looking nervous.

"Honestly you two, you act like a child sometimes." Emi glared at them while holding her daughter in her arms, "Just what is so special about this....virtual reality you spoke of? Sounds lame to me."

Lucifer and Hisui turned their gaze at her, looking at her in disdain as if they're looking at a heretic.

"Emi," Hisui narrowed her eyes, "you might be my friend, but never, and I mean NEVER, let me hear you say that again."

Lucifer hurriedly pulled her closer to him, as the girl blushed. Lucifer didn't see it though as he just whispered to her ears, "Calm down, calm down! Remember her status! She's the woman of the guy who is making us a Full Dive VR! We can't afford to offend his woman!"

Hisui quickly suppressed her blushing cheeks and nodded with a grim look, they then moved a bit further away from Emi.

Emi's eye twitched but just shook her head when she suddenly felt someone tugging her sleeves.

She looked at her daughter, who was looking at her with a pleading look, "Mama, I wanna play too."

"....Let's....just wait for papa okay?"


"Is it not done yet?"

Emi, Lucifer and Hisui turned their head and saw Rika walking towards them. Its weekend, and they don't have to go to work and school.

"Rika." Emi smiled and greeted her.

Rika smiled at her and patted Alice's head, "So is it not done yet? I would've thought that, considering how easy he made it look making that reality marble, making a VR will be a bit easier."

Emi raised an eyebrow, "Don't tell me you're also interested in this?"

Rika grinned cheekily, "Well, yeah, I mean, who wouldn't? The VR of this time, though not bad, they're not good either. I'm quite curious about the Full Dive VR that only appeared in SciFi novels."

"Yahoo~!" Nonko suddenly showed herself as she waved her hands, greeting them.

"Nonko, are you interested in this too?" Emi asked, is she the only one who wasn't interested in this thing?

"Nah~ not really? But I'm kind of curious though." She smiled.

At that moment, the door of Alex's workshop suddenly opened. Everyone tried to take a peek at what's inside but all they can see is darkness, like there's nothing even there.

Alex smiled and took out two VR glasses. "I actually already started on making this awhile ago, I just wasn't really giving it time to finish it, but Its finally done. Though, it still need some work, as you can only play one game with it, the one I installed. If I have a few more hours I could make it even better, but I really don't want to spend much time and resources on making this thing."

He tossed it towards them, "Here you go. Like I said, you can only play one game with that thing, its a sci-fi game, try it out."

Lucifer and Hisui appears to not have heard him as they immediately bolted towards "their" room to play.

Alex shook his head before looking at Nonko and Rika, "You two, don't tell me you want one too?"

Rika scratched the back of her head with an embarrassed smile, while Nonko just nodded her head.

"Yup~ Do you have more Alex-chan~?"

Alex looked at them before he sighed, and tossed another VR glasses towards them.


"Are you ready?" Lucifer asked as he put on his glasses.

Hisui grinned, "I'm ready."

" "Link Start!" "

Those words were completely unnecessary, they don't have to say those, they just did it because they are gamers.

The view changed, and they suddenly appeared in white room with a floating window with words "Enter your name" written on it, under it was a holographic keyboard.

Lucifer thought for a bit and decided to just use his real name, not the one from Earth, but his real name.


Hisui also decided to use her real name.


Next, it was shown their holographic Appearance, real appearance, with a window with words "Modify" written above.

Lucifer took time to observe his character. It look exactly like him, just wearing a black and purple exoskeleton armor, but without a helmet, and only wearing a visor similar to a certain mutant.

Hisui's character was also wearing the same things as Lucifer's. A black and green feminine exoskeleton armor, and a visor.

They were also holding something similar to a light saber.

"Do we have to modify it?" Lucifer turned towards Hisui who was standing beside him.

Hisui observed her character for a bit before shrugging, "No need I think. This is already good."

Lucifer shrugs. He also quite like this character anyway.

After that, they pressed the "Game Start" button.

And their view once again changed.

They found themselves in a middle of a futuristic looking city. With cryborgs, robots, and many mechs walking around.

The sky was also dark, full of dark clouds, but the city was bright, glowing with lights.

Lucifer looked at his hands, which was covered by his armor. He looked around, staring at everything in awe.

He suddenly thought of something and swiped two of his fingers in the air, several options was then seen.

Like Status Page, Inventory, Settings, Party, Messages, Quest, Guild, and Help.

"...Hisui, pinch me."

Hisui looked at him as she shrugs and pinched his cheeks.

"Ow!" Lucifer took some distance and looked at his health bar, it went down from 100 to 99. Below the red health bar is a yellow bar, which says Energy and is at 100, and below energy is Armor which is also at 100.

"That hurt though," Lucifer complained, but he was smiling, "This feels so real I think I'm dreaming! If that even make sense."

Hisui shrugs, "...So what are we going to do now?"

Lucifer thought for a bit before answering, "We should l—?!"

He stumbled down, as someone bumped into him, he frowned. And looked at the guy who bumped into him.

"Watch it shit stain, you're in the way."

The guy who bumbed into him was wearing something like a Scorpion Suit from Death Space.

He can see a name above his head, it says "Deathstalker" with his Health showing 990, energy being 700, and armor at 1000.

'A player? No, impossible, we are the only one who is currently playing this game, as Maou just made this, this guy is probably an AI that acts like a player. I mean, he can make a Maid that acts like human, surely something like this isn't that hard.'

He stood up and stared at Deathstalker.

"Hm?" Deathstalker looked at him and Hisui, "A new player huh? Oh well, let me give you some advice, see that large building over there?"

Lucifer and Hisui turned towards the place where Deathstalker was pointing. It was the tallest building they have ever seen in this game.

"That's the HQ of Galactic Mercenary, if you want to earn some credits and progress into this game then I suggest you register there. Or you could join the Space Police or the Army, up to you."

With that, Deathstalker walked away.

Lucifer watched him walked way before looking at his status page, "...Credits huh, that should be this game's currency."

He looked at his own, and he has 1000€. "...We should go there."

"Hn," Hisui nodded, "But still, this game is really realistic, even the AI players doesn't act like an NPC."

"Well then, let's go."

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