/ Urban / The Extraordinary Life of Rob Murray...

The Extraordinary Life of Rob Murray... Original

The Extraordinary Life of Rob Murray...

Urban 20 Chapters 24.3K Views
Author: waterLily

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The folks that supposedly know all about writing, publishing and printing books said, you have to tell them a little about yourself. Actually I have in the opening chapter at least. But again this is NOT supposed to be an autobiography about me, but rather the very unique experiences of my life. Naturally, some of me will creep into the pages because of how one thing led to another and then another etc. I have left a lot of the real me personal stuff out of the book on purpose for that reason.
So after retiring from the military (US Air Force) after 24 pretty good years of service, I did all sorts of things but to be honest nothing was a perfect match for me. I cooked at aanEdgartown (Martha‘s Vineyard ) restaurant for a summer, drove a taxi mainly for tourists a couple oif years, worked in retail, cooked at an assisted living place, sold carpets, wood flooring, ceramic and all that for a few years. All of that was pleasureable most days, but just not me. So in 1996, remembering my service in Iceland and the litteral paradise it was in the 70‘s and 80‘s when I served there I decided to make the move. Having an Icelandic wife, that made the immigration application and approval fairly easy. Since one necessary requirement was a full time job to get a work permit. So I took a job at of all places McDonald‘s for nearly a year. A great training ground, But Iceland, like everywhere was changing, but with all the rukles and regulations about as close to slavery as busy as it was for anyone. I did announcing, finally getting on at a radio station with a show in fact three of my own over three years.
But in the closing days of the century, the station changed hands a few times , managers even more frequently and someone discovered that if you taped stuff, ran computer programs and automated most of the time, you didn‘t have to pay salaries just the electric bill. So that ended the last day of 1999 when a new contract was offerred at about half pay. I declined. Then I went into tourism for 20 years, planning personal tours for people. That was great. It‘s an incredile beautiful country,expensive to live work and visit here but VERY worth the effort, even today.
2008 wasn‘t the only crash. My overall health declined rather suddenly, with iskemic optical neropathy, partially in both eyes, type two diabeties, high blood pressure and general unsteadiness, perhaps because of everything else. So enough about the author. If you want to know more, you‘ll have to ask. So enjoy the book, I wrote it to be enjoyed.

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Author waterLily