/ Eastern / The Favored Vanity

The Favored Vanity Original

The Favored Vanity

Eastern 167 Chapters 80.4K Views
Author: Pollyfish

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What does reincarnating mean? Turning into a new leaf and starting from scratch? Or living the same life for the sake of revenge?

This doesn't apply to a Supreme Entity, the Abyss Overlord; the universe's nemesis. As soon as He awakens from His eternal slumber, His strength shall immensely rise higher than the Heavens and deeper than the Abyss.

Having ancient, loyal generals and almighty subordinates, a nickname like True Sage covers His taboo identity.

His eyes closed; lights live on. His eyes open; darkness shall fall! Once his soul is fully restored, Gods And Immortals shall descend to banish Him for eternity!

The supreme entity Mao Nianzu, after He reincarnated, shall harvest blessed children of Heavens to become a new existence, a being who is both blessed by Heavens and blessed by Abyss, to escape from fate and rewrite the rule of the universe!


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  1. MVC88
    MVC88 Contributed 141
  2. Pollyfish
    Pollyfish Contributed 28
  3. theyasuke_
    theyasuke_ Contributed 21


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    it's a very good and interesting read, good work author, but was this dropped because there hasn't been any updates in awhile.. . .... .. .. .

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    Author Pollyfish