/ General / The Waste Maiden and The Blind Prince

The Waste Maiden and The Blind Prince Original

The Waste Maiden and The Blind Prince

General 5 Chapters 25.9K Views
Author: JulianaSilvius

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Xun YunFeng, a talented female nurse at the Crescent Moon Hospital. She gives good advice and as well as good treatment options for the patients. She was given the nickname "Angel of Life". She worked beside her dear friend, the son of the director of the Hospital, Li Hong.

In her free time she works at a zoo that takes care of endangered animals. The animals all love her. She got another nickname as the "Animal Whisperer ".

Her life was going great until her co worker/ bff, Yi Lin. Drugged her and threw her in the apartment they both share burnt her alive. All for the sake of capturing Li Hong's heart.

She woke up in the body of Chen Yuefeng, the daughter of the famous General that disappeared from battle 10 years ago. Everyone had high expectations for her but it turns out she was a waste. Her engagement to the Crown Prince has been void. This led her to have no power in the family. Her second cousin became the star of the Chen Family.

Join her in her journey to become the most powerful female cultivator. From taming beast to making treasured pills. Oh did I mention that she has a system breaker.

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Great story so far! A bit disappointed in the Grandfather but hope the updates are regular and the story plot progresses well. A great start and looking forward to the rest. :)

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Please update very fast I want to read and find out what really is this novel about and see if it the same with one I just read because it sounds like it the same thing as well as that one just different characters

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