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Chapter 18: Sleepover [1]

Zero led her to his car. He opened the door and helped her with the seatbelt. He then encircled the car and sat on the driver's seat, while fastening his seatbelt he saw her cheek unusually red.

"Sh*t!", he cursed loud then unbuckled the seatbelt. He turned to face her. She was startled hearing him curse but much more when he cupped her face. "What happened? What's this?", he asked with a cold voice, his gray eyes turned a shade darker than normal.

"Oh.. it's nothing, I might have rubbed it too much?", she said, flashing a fake smile. He gently rubbed it.

"That's not how I see it.", he breathed. "Look, I won't force you to tell me anything but I wanted you to know that you can lean on me. So, tell me everything whenever you're ready. I'll wait.", he said, then kissed her forehead. "Let me take you home.", he added, settled back on his seat and drove.

The ride was silent. Zero never asked again while she leaned on the door and closed her eyes. Within less than 30 minutes, they reached JKL Suites. He unfastened his seatbelt then glanced at Ash, she was asleep. He immediately picked her bag and got out of the car, gave the keys to John then opened the door from Ash's side. Before carrying her, he checked her bag for the key to her penthouse then Vince came just in time.

"Is Miss Ash okay?", Vince asked, peeking at sleeping Ash.

"Vince, right? Yes, she's okay. She just fell asleep on the way here. I was looking for her keys so I can take her inside.", he explained while holding her bag.

"I'll call Nari, her assistant, to open the door for you. You can take her inside, she'll be waiting there.", Vince said as he called Nari. Zero gently carried Ash in princess style and slowly entered the building.

Nari is already standing outside the elevator when Zero reaches Ash's penthouse. She was stunned seeing the gorgeous man carrying her boss but opened the door still. 'Who's this overly handsome man?', Nari asked herself.

"This way please.", Nari said and led him to Ash's bedroom. Zero followed behind as they ascended the stairs. They entered her room and gently put her down to bed, pulled the duvet after removing her shoes.

"Excuse me, I'm Zero. Can you get an ice pack for me?", he asked, looking back at Nari.

"Just call me Nari, please wait a moment.", replied Nari then left the room to get the needed ice pack. Zero sat on the edge of the bed as he looked at Ash. He affectionately caressed her left cheek and tucked some of the hair that was covering her face. Nari came in with an ice pack on hand, she passed it over to him.

"Thank you.", he said and softly pressed it on Ash cheek.

"Ahm.. can I ask what happened to her?", Nari curiously asked.

"I wanna know too. I just picked her up from her parents' gate.", he answered as he continued to press the ice pack.

"What?! Her parents' house?!", Nari blurted in panic. "Oh my… why would she go there..", she mumbled while walking back and forth in the room. Nari got busy from the past days so she never had the chance to check on Ash.

"It's her dad's birthday.", Zero said.

"Oh.. yeah that too, but she never went back to that house ever since that happened..", Nari said in a low voice.

"..ever since that happened? What do you mean?", he asked, frowning.

"Ahm… I'm sorry, but it's not my story to tell. All I know is she never stepped foot in that house for more than a decade.", Nari narrated. "I'll talk to her tomorrow. I'll leave for now, if you need anything just call these numbers.", Nari added, putting the cards on top of the table.

"Hmm. Thanks.", replied Zero. Nari left the penthouse. Zero checks on Ash again who's lying on her side. Her cheek is not that red anymore. He stared at her face for a long time while brushing her hair. When he was satisfied, he leaned and gave her a kiss on the forehead and was about to leave but Ash caught his arm. He looked back.

"...d-don't l-lea-ve m-me… A-A-ndi…", Ash mumbled, a tear fell from her closed eyes. 'Andi? Who's that?', he asked inside after hearing what Ash murmured. Ash's grip from his arm went even tighter as she sobbed. They only met a few times but he never imagined her crying. He clenched his hands when he felt a sting in his chest. He hugged her tight as he gently caressed her head and shoulder.

"Shhh.. I'm here, babe. I'm not going anywhere.", he whispered, kissing her temple. He pulled her closer to him, pressing her head on his chest. Ash unconsciously hugged him tighter like looking for comfort as she continued to sob. They stayed like that for an hour until Ash stopped crying and fell asleep. When he felt that Ash's breathing was steady, he glanced at the clock and it's already past 11PM.

"What's making you so sad like that, Ash? What happened?", he murmured, looking at the sleeping woman in his arms. Never in his life had he cared for any woman before Ash came into his life. Since the night they shared, she never left his mind and within those past months, he did everything to look for her, he almost went crazy. Who would have thought that they'll meet again and now they're together as a couple. A smile formed from his lips as he looked up at the ceiling. 'It would be nice if you feel the same as me.', he said to himself while smiling. 'I do like you.. I think, I really do. Does that also mean I love you?', he continued, shifting his gaze from the ceiling to Ash's face. His heartbeat beats rapidly in an instant, like his heart is struggling so much from his chest and wanting to break free. 'What's this?', he asked himself, putting his hand on top of his beating heart. He breathed heavily but slowly at the same time. He let out a chuckle, brushed his already messy hair as he leaned back with eyes closed.

For a very long time, she's dreaming of a happy memory.

Andrea and Ashley were holding each other's hand while laughing. It's their 7th birthday.

"My princesses, look here. 1, 2, say cheese.", said Alford, their father, as he took their picture. Both smiled back at the camera while holding each other's hand.

"Cheese!", said Ashley and Andrea.

"Andi, happy birthday!", said Ash to Andrea. 'Andi', it's Andrea's nickname.

"Happy birthday too, Ash!", replied Andrea as they hugged each other. "Promise me that no matter what happens, we will stay together and love each other.", Andrea added.

"You know that I love you, Andi. I love you like daddy and Rock.", Ash replied. "You are my sister more than my twin.", she added, smiling.

"What about mommy?", asked Andrea.

"Mommy doesn't like me. She only loves you…", Ash sadly said.

"Of course not! She loves you too.", rebutted Andrea.

"I already have you, daddy and Rock… my heart is already full. I am happy.", replied Ash, hugging Andrea tighter.

These are memories from their 7th birthday, their happy days - her happiest day.

The next moment she opened her eyes, the event shifted drastically. There, she saw Andrea covered in her own blood with her dead eyes looking back at her.

"A-andrea! w-why?! Y-you told me t-that we'll stay toge-ther… w-why?! ...d-don't l-lea-ve m-me… A-A-ndi…", she shouted as a warm hands held her tight. It's soft, comforting, and warm, she felt love and secure under these hands.

"Mmm..", mumbled Ash as she moved her hands on top of his chest. She opened her eyes and sprang out of bed at once. She is breathing heavily, horror plastered on her beautiful face, her hands were brushing her messy hair then her face. Zero was surprised by her sudden reaction. He stood and held her hands.

"Babe, what's wrong?", he asked her calmly. Ash looked up to him, nothingness in her eyes for seconds until it registered to her that all those were just dreams from her past and now hunting her in her present.

"Z-Zero?", she asked in a shaky voice, a pool of tears forming in her eyes.

"It's me.. Did you have a nightmare?", he asked as he brushed her cheek. She just nodded and leaned her forehead to his chest. "Shh.. you are fine.", he whispered, stroking her head gently. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes. "Do you wanna talk about it?", he asked, breaking the silence. She looked up to him, stared into his eyes. The pool of tears forming earlier automatically fell from her eyes, wetting her cheeks. Her eyes widened in shock and she tried to wipe it but the more she did, the more her tears kept falling. Zero panicked seeing her in tears, but his hand pulled her in a tight embrace at once without him knowing. She sobbed even more in his embrace.

"Hu hu hu..", she cried while tightly clinging to him.

"Shh.. you're doing okay. Just let it out.", he consoled her, gently rubbing her back. She cried louder and he just kept on rubbing her back. They stayed like that for some time until Ash stopped crying. She sniffled and rubbed her nose on his shirt.

"I'm sorry, your shirt is damp now.", she said in a low raspy voice.

He chuckled. "Then take responsibility. You have to buy me a new one.", he said, kidding. She let out a laugh.

"Okay.", she replied, breaking free from him, smiling.

"There you go, that's more like it. I want to see you smiling more and as much as possible not a single tear from these pretty eyes. Only happy tears.", he said, wiping her eyes and cheeks. Her face turned red and she nodded. "Good girl.", he said, smiling back at her. "Go take a shower and change. I'll leave as soon as you fall asleep.", he added.

"C-can you stay with me, just for tonight?", she asked timidly, holding his hands. He's astonished by her question, it was unexpected but he liked it.

"I guess I can. I'd love to.", he replied, smiling. Her eyes brightened by his response.

"Oh let me check if there's anything that you can wear.", she said as she sauntered to her walk-in closet.

"Actually, I always have spare clothes in my car. I can just get it.", he said.

"That'll be better 'coz I have nothing for you to wear here, to be honest.", she replied with an awkward laugh.

"I'll be surprised if you have one.", he said, narrowing his eyes. "I can also be in my birthday suit… if you want.", he said, teasing her.

"Go! Get your clothes. Door code is 091190.", she blurted and walked straight to the bathroom. He laughed. 'Thank you for trusting me, babe.', he said inside. He's happy about her giving the door code.

After a few minutes, she was out of the bathroom wearing a satin white long sleeved buttoned shirt and shorts printed with tiny red hearts. She is not wearing a bra inside and her damp hair is wrapped under a towel.

"I got you something.", said Zero, with a tray of chamomile tea and French macarons. She was startled. 'Oh yeah. He will be sleeping here. OMG!', she screamed inside.

"Thanks. Did you already take a shower?", she asked, seeing his slightly wet hair.

"I did, downstairs.", he replied, putting the tray on the table as he sat on the couch. "Can I turn this on?", he asked, pointing to the TV in front of the couch.

"Go ahead. I'll join you later. Let me just dry my hair.", she replied, sitting in front of the vanity mirror and started drying her hair. Zero turned his head to look at her, stood and walked towards her. He grabbed the hair dryer from her hand and let himself do it. Though she was taken aback, she just let him be.

"I like your hair.", he said, looking at her in the mirror.

"I like it too.", she replied. He chuckled and continued what he's doing. "You know, this is the first time.", she continued, smiling.

"First time, what?", he asked.

"This, you, drying my hair.", she answered.

"Hmm. This won't be the last.", he replied, flashing a smile.

"Okay, my hair is dry now.", she said after some time and brushed her hair. Zero put the hair dryer in place but remained standing at the back of her chair, staring at her in the mirror. "Do you wanna hear a story?", she asked, staring back at him in the mirror.

"I'd love to.", he replied, nodding.

"Go sit on the couch. I'll join you.", she instructed. Zero walked back on the couch and sat as Ash went to get the photos from one of her shelves.

_shadow887_ _shadow887_

Enjoy reading! :)

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