/ LGBT+ / From the Serpent's Eyes

From the Serpent's Eyes Comic From the Serpent's Eyes Comic

From the Serpent's Eyes

102 Chapters 362.0K Views
Publisher: Suhen+origin chequer comic
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"I'll be with you until our hairs are as white as snow."

That was what he said when he took my hand.
His smile in the warmth of dawn and the fastness of his grip when dusk descended.
For fifty springs and fifty winters we stayed together.

No matter how far we traveled, how long we've been together, and no matter what awaited us at the end of our paths.

------I only hope that we finish this path together.

  1. Madison_Conner
    Madison_Conner Contributed 1951
  2. Jasmine_Fire
    Jasmine_Fire Contributed 1550
  3. Annie_Frith
    Annie_Frith Contributed 1525

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