/ Action / Gamers Are Fierce

Gamers Are Fierce Comic Gamers Are Fierce Comic

Gamers Are Fierce

70 Chapters 107.0K Views

Publisher: Webnovel Comics

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From the drastic temperature drop during the Ordovician period leading to the extinction of invertebrates, to the cataclysmic meteor impact during the Cretaceous period that wiped out the dinosaurs, every major extinction event in Earth's history can be traced back to the consequences of the failed "Killing Game." In the seventh iteration of this game, which determines the survival of the human race, the chosen "gamers" must struggle for their lives, giving their all to complete the final mission...
Gamer Leon White lets out a weary yawn. "Hey, is it just me, or is this a bit challenging? I mean... I'm just a fifteen-year-old boy who excels in academics and is skilled in bomb defusal, assassination techniques, and firearm assembly."


  1. Daoist6bAj7L
    Daoist6bAj7L Contributed 7595
  2. fwerbeck98
    fwerbeck98 Contributed 3347
  3. Carina_Lund
    Carina_Lund Contributed 1524


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