/ Romance / My Eight Husbands Are Here!

My Eight Husbands Are Here! Comic My Eight Husbands Are Here! Comic

My Eight Husbands Are Here!

Completed 76 Chapters 1.1M Views

Publisher: Webnovel Comics

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I accidentally transmigrated into the body of the Lady Protector of the Xuanyuan Dynasty, and I now have three husbands and four concubines! However, these husbands of mine are either hostages or spies who are all pawns of political marriages! This is terrible! I have to divorce all of them! All. Of. Them. Yet, after I have finally gotten rid of those freeloaders at home, another husband turns up? No! No way! I want my freedom! Why would I want to keep so many men?


  1. Beatrice_Favela
    Beatrice_Favela Contributed 10726
  2. CayCay248
    CayCay248 Contributed 9428
  3. DaoistnLOT75
    DaoistnLOT75 Contributed 8646


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