/ Romance / My Husband Changes Every Day

My Husband Changes Every Day Comic My Husband Changes Every Day Comic

My Husband Changes Every Day

Completed 130 Chapters 2.6M Views

Publisher: Webnovel Comics

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[A big shot in food circles/a man with a multiple personality disorder]
To solve the family crisis, Li Weiyin had no choice but to marry Xu Yimo, the young master of the Xu family, whose IQ equals that of an eight-year-old child. On the first day after they got married, her cute husband was clingy to her and said, "Weiyin, I'll be a very good boy. You must love me very much." On the second day, however, her husband became aloof and didn't care about her, saying, "Relax. I'm not interested in that blockhead's wife." On the third day, her husband became a gentleman wary of her and asked, "Who are you? Why are you in my room?" On the fourth day, her husband acted frivolously and made eyes at her, saying, "Tell me, which of the three of them married you?" Li Weiyin finally realized that her husband was more a man with a multiple personality disorder than a blockhead.


  1. Raya_Roses101
    Raya_Roses101 Contributed 27939
  2. Kayla_Ivory_3786
    Kayla_Ivory_3786 Contributed 16913
  3. Neokospice
    Neokospice Contributed 9606


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