/ Romance / My Star and I

My Star and I Comic My Star and I Comic

My Star and I

84 Chapters 379.1K Views

Publisher: My Star/Quan Yi

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Mu Zixing was just a girl of five when she met the boy with the smile so radiant like the rays of spring.
That was how Si Nan appeared in her life where they began growing up together. Playing in the mud was hardly the kind of fun Si Nan enjoyed and that somewhat marred their first encounter, making Mu Zixing think that Si Nan did not like her.
Little did she realize that the boy was smitten by her jovial cheeriness since the moment they met and as they grew older, the feelings grew stronger...


  1. Dennis1200
    Dennis1200 Contributed 1825
  2. fwerbeck98
    fwerbeck98 Contributed 1818
  3. HinataNeji
    HinataNeji Contributed 1810


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