/ Romance / She-Ancestor, Dazzling and Dashing

She-Ancestor, Dazzling and Dashing Comic She-Ancestor, Dazzling and Dashing Comic

She-Ancestor, Dazzling and Dashing

115 Chapters 1.2M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comics
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Bai Chuwei waited for five thousand years before entering the original plot, debuting as the ancestor of all humanity. Wealth? The largest assets in the world she has. The eight aristocratic families? All just her servants. As everyone is worshiping their ancestor, Bai Chuwei, the fourth young master of the Duan family in Haicheng, held her in his arms. What the heck! Bai Chuwei was just trying to absorb the spiritual energy from this guy, whom she witnessed growing up. She didn’t expect to lose her heart…

  1. Mahesvar4
    Mahesvar4 Contributed 15318
  2. Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365
    Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365 Contributed 13519
  3. Gianni_Taylor
    Gianni_Taylor Contributed 12043


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