/ Action / The Eternal Kingdom

The Eternal Kingdom Comic The Eternal Kingdom Comic

The Eternal Kingdom

Completed 90 Chapters 1.0M Views

Publisher: Webnovel Comics

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On a seemingly uneventful day, the sky suddenly cracked, and countless monsters fell from the sky. With his innate Yin-Yang eyes, Yi Tianxing, the hero, survived the "seven-day apocalypse" with his sister and his teammates on Earth difficultly. Then thousands of planets appeared out of nowhere, and they began to merge with the Earth, forming a giant planet. Then the Earth started a new chapter called the Eternal Kingdom.


  1. Martin_Cox
    Martin_Cox Contributed 5967
  2. Adrian_Hardin
    Adrian_Hardin Contributed 5007
  3. Daoist6bAj7L
    Daoist6bAj7L Contributed 4944


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